Scandinavian( Norwegian) diet
Scandinavian diet based on northern vegetables, berries and meat products
The Scandinavian diet was developed in accordance with all the rules of healthy eatingand is designed to use products that are especially rich in vitamins, trace elements and all other useful substances. This food system is based on northern vegetables and berries and is more suitable for meat lovers than fish.
The essence and characteristics of the Scandinavian food system ^
The Scandinavian diet( also called Nordic, Norwegian or northern) was created as an alternative to the Mediterranean style of food. Of course, the inhabitants of the northern regions are not so easy in the severe climate to eat natural fruits of the Mediterranean - this is not only inaccessible, but also very expensive.
It is also unknown what is sold under the label "olive oil" in numerous supermarkets and how useful this concentrate is. Therefore, a very healthy and 100% approved dietetics Mediterranean diet was very successfully adapted to the northern conditions and over time received a lot of enthusiastic responses from lovers of a healthy lifestyle, as well as those who want to lose weight without strict dietary restrictions.
What is useful for a Norwegian diet? The products that formed the basis for it are, first of all, rich:
- with fiber( fiber) stimulating the process of digestion in the body;
- fatty acids, vital for the full functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems of man;
- with antioxidants, which strengthen the immune system and prolong the life of the organism;
- proteins are necessary for the development of muscle mass and the preservation of human health in general.
At the same time the Scandinavian food system does not require any thirsty to lose weight by some kind of titanic effort in its observance. On the contrary, as well as the Mediterranean, it allows everyone to enjoy not only useful but also delicious food that can normalize the appearance of a person and prevent many diseases.
The basic principles of nutrition in the northern diet are as follows:
- limit yourself to eating animal fats - meat should be eaten lean and if possible replace it with fish and seafood. The best fish is the one that is caught in the northern seas, it is rich in omega-3 fats, useful for the heart;
- lean more on fresh fruits and vegetables - any colors, green, red, yellow. All of them in the complex will give the necessary nutrients to the body. Give preference to seasonal products grown in native lands - they are better assimilated genetically and are more useful;
- use in the dishes vegetable oil - rapeseed, linseed, sunflower;
- prepare homemade food without the addition of artificial food additives. In the diet of this food system include stewed, boiled, baked dishes, salads from vegetables, anything, except frying. Salt is applied to a minimum;
- but from products it is better to choose gifts of wild nature - for example, elk or venison meat, as well as wild berries - cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries;
- possible to eat organic products;
- bread is allowed from cereals rich in fiber - black, rye.
The whole diet is based on the rule of the golden mean - in eating it is necessary to observe reasonableness and moderation, not to overeat and not to starve. Optimum most suitable for 5 meals a day in portions of 200 - 250 g. Before going to bed you can drink a glass of warm milk, yogurt or kefir.
Recommended products:
- fish - herring, tuna, salmon, salmon, trout, any seafood;
- lean meat - turkey, chicken, and also game - for example, venison, elk, quail, partridge;
- berries - cloudberry, blueberries, cranberries, blueberries, currants;
- vegetables in northern Europe - Brussels sprouts, spinach, cauliflower, beetroot, leafy greens, legumes, carrots, pumpkin;
- cereals - oats, barley, rye;
- mushrooms;
- nuts;
- rapeseed oil.
Strict prohibition is imposed on the following types of products: pasta, semi-finished products, canned goods, sweets, flour, alcohol.
Scandinavian diet: menu for 7 days ^
Scandinavian diet does not imply any specific menu. The diet can be made by yourself, based on the basic principles of this food system.
The options for breakfast dishes can be:
- oatmeal cooked with low-fat milk, with the addition of berries;
- cottage cheese with berries;
- yogurt and muesli;
- baked in the oven omelette with spinach.
For lunch:
- lean cutlet with a slice of rye bread;
- sandwich made of whole grain bread and low-fat ham / liver pate / Adyghe cheese;
- a handful of almonds.
Lunches are very diverse:
- for the first one can cook soup and soups, cooked on lean meat - borsch, cabbage soup, rassolnik;
- for the second fried baked fish, steaks from lean meat and cabbage, boiled potatoes with mushrooms or vegetables, squash caviar, risotto with mushrooms;pea puree, braised beans, pearl barley with goulash;
- for salads use cooked beets with nuts and garlic, cabbage with apples and carrots, black radish, sea kale.
At noon
- you can use from apricot apples, curd with berries, yogurt or mousse.
- is prepared from stewed vegetables, fish or lean meat.
We offer you several recipes for the Scandinavian food system:
Chicken with Jerusalem artichoke
- Chicken breast is bred with a mixture of tarragon, salt and almonds.
- Jerusalem artichoke is sliced, put into shape with various natural seasonings, and the chicken is placed on top.
- The dish is baked in the oven for 25 minutes.
Risotto with mushrooms
- Brown rice is poured into a saucepan and poured with water.
- Season with a little salt and bring to a boil.
- Peeled mushrooms are cut and fried with parsley and garlic.
- Then add rice, fry for 5 minutes and pour boiling water.
- Stew another 10 minutes.
Scrambled eggs on rye toast and spinach.
- . Spinach is stewed, seasoned with spices, put to toast.
- Eggs mixed with low-fat milk, salt, pepper, fried in rapeseed oil.
- Tomatoes are added to the prepared dish.
Weight loss results and feedback from specialists ^
The Scandinavian diet is not among the fast-acting methods of losing weight. It is rather a nutrition system aimed at changing the way of life, which will not only improve your forms, but also improve the body as a whole.
According to the scientists, the properly composed Norwegian diet is perfectly balanced and contributes to the reduction of cholesterol and the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the northern menu prevents the development of diabetes and certain cancers.
Scandinavian diet for rheumatoid arthritis is widely used. Thanks to it, patients get the opportunity to reduce the dosage of necessary hormonal drugs and significantly reduce the feeling of stiffness in the joints, as well as the pain in them.
This system of power supply does not promise fast loss of excess weight. Kilograms will go away slowly, but surely and without negative consequences for the body. On average, for a month on this technique you can throw up to 4 kg. Use the Scandinavian diet can and even needs as much time as you want. Many lovers of a healthy lifestyle "sit" on it for years and note a significant improvement in overall well-being.
There are no special contraindications to the diet, except that it does not suit the opponents of meat and the owners of fish allergies. Nutritionists note the higher efficiency of this program of losing weight in the winter. In summer, it is recommended to switch to the Mediterranean diet.
It is also recommended to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release to help you lose weight fast and effectively: