
How to combine pregnancy and work - we combine work and pregnancy

  • How to combine pregnancy and work - we combine work and pregnancy

    As soon as a woman learns that she is expecting a child, many questions come with joy: how to combine pregnancy and work or study, how to organize the regime of the day, whether there should be restrictions in intimate life, can you continue to play sports, what will you have to buyfrom things and, finally, what maternity home to choose for the most important thing - the appearance of a baby? !It is simply impossible to answer all questions in one article at once, so we will stop for the time being only on the first one.

    Can a woman in a position to work fully

    A full-fledged work of a pregnant

    As a rule, if pregnancy proceeds without complications and the woman's work is not connected with certain physical loads, she can work just like before pregnancy. Some women work almost before delivery. The reasons that motivate them may be different: the desire to earn extra money, the inability to find a candidate for a vacated seat, but most often this is due to the reluctance to at least miss something in a career where every day is expensive, and the break is threatened by the fact that everythingwill have to start anew.

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    The correct organization of the work

    The organization of the work of the pregnant

    During this period of her life, a woman should not forget that she is in a position and entirely devoted to work. It is necessary to try to get tired less and not too emotionally to react to working moments, realizing that no matter how important the discussed issue may seem, it is not more important than one's own health and the health of the baby. Do not take on an extra piece of work, even if earlier you easily replaced someone from colleagues or were always ready to "overfulfil plan."

    During the working day, if possible, you need to do five-minute rest. And if the work is sedentary - a small charge: to keep the back tired, periodically get up and do exercises that relieve tension in the waist.

    Day regimen and working time

    Day regimen of the pregnant woman working

    Sometimes the question arises: how to combine pregnancy and work so that a woman can observe the normal regime of the day - eat on time, be outdoors more? A typical eight-hour day does not always have this. Here, the woman will have to take care of herself: if there is no place for lunch at the workplace, there is no dining room, then you will have to take at least a light snack: mineral water or juice, fruit, yogurt, sandwich, nuts, raisins -to reinforce. During the working day, you should often ventilate the room. If you do not have time to walk after the work day, you can walk - it will be a great way to warm up a little and throw off the fatigue of the working day.

    What to wear to work during this period

    What to wear pregnant

    Clothes of a pregnant woman should be primarily convenient, very desirable, so that it was made of natural fabrics. However, the important thing here is not only the fabric, but the style itself. Today, pregnant women do not "hide" as they used to, 20-30 years ago, in shapeless dresses - they boldly wear short T-shirts, trousers with a low waist, believing that a female figure is always good and belly does not spoil it at all. This is actually so. But work - it's still not the place where it's worth emphasizing the piquancy of your position, especially if the company employees must comply with the dress code. A business trouser or skirt suit with a wide jacket or jacket will allow a woman to feel quite confident. In summer, sarafans and skirts with blouses or shirts with short sleeves will look good.

    When the work should be abandoned

    When to abandon the work of

    Despite the fact that we just painted all the "delights" of work for a pregnant woman and had to convince you that she can perfectly cope with their duties, after allone can not help saying that when a woman, if her husband's financial capabilities allow, it's worth leaving work. If you can not quit, then at least try to not go to work most of the pregnancy( take sick leave sheets, regular leave, leave at your own expense).This should be done in the following cases:

    1. If the work is very hard and can easily provoke an abortion.
    2. The team has an unhealthy atmosphere: physically the work is simple, but the constant glow in the relations between employees or the discontent of customers can adversely affect the nervous system of the pregnant woman.

    The importance of the right mindset

    The correct attitude of

    But in most cases, it will be easy for a woman to work if she is properly tuned: pregnancy is not a disease, but an excellent condition when expectation of the baby should give strength. The first months it can work in the usual mode, if only there are no health problems. In the second half of pregnancy, of course, you need to be more attentive to yourself, while trying not to gain weight, more to move - some work just helps to keep fit.

    Because of the work, you should not abandon plans to have children, because of pregnancy, you should not lose good work!