  • How to accelerate metabolism - accelerate metabolism

    Who can ask a question about how to speed up the metabolism? Most likely, people who want to get rid of extra pounds. Indeed, the weight problem can often be caused by slow metabolism. In this case, one should not rely on strict diets - they can lead to the fact that the metabolism is completely disturbed! What could be worse: any, even the most dietary product, immediately put aside in fat! But the acceleration of metabolism in any case will not hurt even slender people. Moreover, in order to do this, it is not necessary to exert inhuman efforts! Proof of this is the information given below.

    How to speed up the metabolism: what to do

    1. Adjust the diet. Meals per day should be at least five. However, of course, you need a little for all these meals. In a word, often, but fractional. It's not for nothing that such a diet is the basis of most diets. Breakfast must necessarily be dense and daily - it "accelerates" the metabolism.
    2. Doing sports. Sport is very effective for speeding up metabolism. Any kind of physical activity will help to decide the question of how to speed up the metabolism. It is best, of course, to give preference to active sports - cycling, running. But even if you just take the rule of always climbing the stairs on foot, the metabolism will accelerate. By the way, evening sports can even make the body burn excess during sleep!
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    3. Build muscle mass. Muscles need more calories than fat. This suggests that the more a person's muscle mass, the more he burns energy for the day. And it does not matter at all whether the person is busy with physical labor or just lying on the couch!
    4. Take a massage. Indeed, honey or vacuum massage is aimed at accelerating the metabolism in skin cells. But such procedure as massage promotes and acceleration of a metabolism in an organism as a whole!
    5. Regularly visit the sauna. The benefits of such procedures do not seem to need to be explained to anyone. The palpitation accelerates, the slag along with the sweat out of the body - all this contributes to the acceleration of metabolism.
    6. Do aromatherapy. One of the positive effects of aromatherapy is the acceleration of metabolism. The main thing - to choose the right essential oils.
    7. It's good to get enough sleep. Sleep should be long and deep. Only in this way brain cells will be able to be effectively updated. And such an update, coupled with the production of growth hormone contribute to the acceleration of metabolism.
    8. To be in the sun more often. It's no secret that sunlight speeds up metabolism! The thing is that it helps the synthesis of a wonderful vitamin D, which raises the mood and helps to normalize and even speed up the metabolism!
    9. Breathe deeply. Deep breathing, which fills every cell of the body with oxygen, is very helpful in accelerating the metabolism.
    10. Maintain an active sex life. Making love was conceived by nature not only for the continuation of the genus: the supply of tissues with blood is enhanced, thereby contributing to the acceleration of metabolism.

    How to speed up the metabolism: what you need to eat and drink

    Which foods speed up the metabolism? Are there such? Certainly! Here are some of them:

    1. Apple cider vinegar. The whole secret of this product is in the mineral substances contained in it. First of all, we are talking about potassium, which is simply necessary for the body for many of the most important processes. Apple cider vinegar contributes not only to metabolism, but also to catabolism - fat burning! Drinking liters of pungent apple cider vinegar, of course, is not worth it! But here's a tablespoon of this product, dissolved in a glass of water, in the morning will have just the way! Only people who have certain problems with the stomach should give up such a drink. Fish and cod liver oil. It's all about omega-3 fatty acids - they regulate( lower) the human leptin level. It is this substance that is responsible for the body's decisions to accumulate or burn fat! The lower the level of leptin - the faster the metabolism. Protein food. What can be attributed to this category of products? Meat, cottage cheese, eggs, soy. The organism, digesting protein, spends a lot of energy. And this in turn naturally speeds up the metabolism!
    2. Coffee, as well as green tea. These drinks really contribute to the acceleration of metabolism! Many people are skeptical about caffeine, but it speeds up the heartbeat, thereby accelerating the burning of calories. And green tea promotes the release of fatty tissue substances such as fatty acids.
    3. Black and red pepper. It also plays a role in accelerating the metabolism. It contains capsaicin, which gives pepper a sharpness and accelerates the metabolism. And in general, any spicy food can accelerate metabolism by 25%!
    4. Grapefruit. It is not for nothing that this fruit is so loved by adherents of diets! Most likely, when answering the question about which products accelerate the metabolism of , many people will first name grapefruit! It really stimulates digestion and speeds up metabolism. In general, any fruit will not damage metabolism. At least, due to the large number of vitamins contained in them.
    5. Lemon. Water with lemon juice during training will not only refresh, but will also speed up the metabolism.
    6. Ginger. Good news for all sushi lovers - ginger helps to increase metabolic rate! As, to a word, and seaweed, from which the sheets of noria for rolls are made!
    7. Water. This point should be done first. Abundant drinking of the most common clean water is the best way to accelerate metabolism.

    Of course, do not forget about the intake of vitamins. It is for the acceleration of metabolism that vitamin B6, as well as folic acid and micronutrients such as chromium, calcium and iodine are especially important.

    Carrying out these, in fact, completely uncomplicated recommendations, you can very soon find that the metabolism really accelerated! Evidence of this will be a great feeling, as well as a noticeable weight loss!