  • What you need to eat in the morning - a healthy breakfast

    The bulk of the inhabitants of the Earth in the morning rush does not have time to eat or eat an ordinary sandwich. No less often it happens that the breakfast includes yesterday's remains of an evening meal or fried eggs and sausage. Neither in the first nor in the second variant is there any benefit in breakfast. However, everyone knows that a good breakfast depends on good health and normal working capacity throughout the day.

    Composition of a healthy breakfast

    Orange juice

    So, what should you eat in the morning? Doctors agree that a nutritious breakfast should consist of:

    • orange juice, which contains a lot of vitamins and minerals;
    • rye or whole grain bread, which includes the necessary for the human body amount of mineral salts, B vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates and minerals;
    • fruit, the use of which is undeniable. But, remember that in the winter and early spring time on the shelves of supermarkets it is hardly possible to find something useful. To save the situation can dry fruits: dried apricots, prunes, figs, raisins or pears;
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    • cheese, which can be safely attributed to the category of amazing products. So much protein and calcium are not contained in any other dairy product;
    • honey is an energy storehouse. Only 1 spoonful will give strength and protect against stress all day long;
    • of dairy and fermented milk products( cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.);
    • of egg dishes( boiled or fried eggs);
    • of various cereals.
    Useful breakfast

    The morning drink can be tea with honey, but no coffee. Tea with honey and lemon is a drink of health and reliable prevention of any viral disease. Do not forget about cocoa. Hot milk combined with natural bitter cocoa powder is able to encourage the body, in addition, in such a drink many useful substances.

    There is an opinion that if you eat porridge in the morning, then during the day you can not eat anything, since it has a lot of calories. To be afraid of the appearance of extra pounds in this case should not be, better remember that porridge is a huge source of energy and nutrients that your body will be provided for the whole day.

    Please note! It is much more useful to cook porridge on your own in the morning, rather than resort to the use of instant porridges.

    Than it is not necessary to have breakfast

    And now we will talk about those products, the use of which is not recommended in the morning and even represents some danger.

    Meat - heavy breakfast food

    Breakfast should not include:

    • fatty, spicy and salty dishes( such food does not benefit the digestive organs);
    • coffee and flour products, as they negatively affect the level of sugar in the blood;
    • meat dishes( they require a large amount of energy for their assimilation);
    • corn flakes and muesli;
    • alcohol;
    • coffee can lead to gastric irritation and development of peptic ulcer.

    Chips, fast food, as well as porridge and instant soup are very harmful, because they contain a lot of flavors and preservatives. Many people already know this.

    The benefits of corn flakes are in doubt

    But not everyone knows that you should not get involved with breakfast cereals and muesli for breakfast. Of course, it is very convenient to pour a handful of milk with a handful of cornflakes or muesli and think that you are making a contribution to your health and growing thin. In fact, such quick breakfasts contain a large amount of refined fats, sugar and synthetic additives. If you can not deny yourself this pleasure can not, choose a product without sugar with the least amount of additives.

    Please note! Frequent consumption of cornflakes and muesli can lead to weight gain, since such breakfast is very caloric.

    The use of bananas provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases, since in this case magnesium and potassium are in the body in an unbalanced form.

    Instant coffee is better to replace cocoa
    Please note! Instant coffee is not recommended for use. The benefits of an instant coffee drink are being questioned, scientists say, it can not even be called "coffee".Natural coffee, on the contrary, is rich in flavonoids, minerals, antioxidants and other useful substances.

    Every parent from childhood tries to explain to his child a simple truth: grow big and strong can only with good nutrition. However, adults themselves for some reason allow themselves to forget that proper and rational nutrition is a guarantee of health.


    Watch this video to see which breakfast is good for your health: