
What to do if you are depressed: symptoms and types of depressive conditions, how to relieve depression

  • What to do if you are depressed: symptoms and types of depressive conditions, how to relieve depression

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    When a person is in a terrible "mood", that is, we say: he has a "depression".Yes, today it has become fashionable to be depressed. But you need to know that depression and apathy have significant differences.

    In the medical concept, depression is a complex disease that has specific clinical manifestations. From this article you can find out what to do with a depressive condition, what are its types and symptoms.

    How does the depressive state manifest?

    To detect depression is easy enough, paying attention to the characteristic signs, behavior and mood.

    The following symptoms of a depressive state are distinguished:

    1. Decreased energy - fast fatigue and reduced activity.
    2. Those classes, interests and things that were previously pleasant, are no longer of interest.
    3. Mood sad, depressed and depressed.

    If all of the above signs last more than two weeks and manifest each day, then here it is already possible to talk about a disease that needs treatment.

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    Also specialists distinguish additional signs of depression, which often accompany the main ones:

    • Retardation or vice versa fussiness.
    • Decreased concentration of attention.
    • No appetite, weight is reduced.
    • Self-esteem is too low.
    • Sexual desire is broken.
    • The future seems bleak.
    • Insomnia.
    • Thoughts of death.
    • Self-incrimination.

    What are the types of depression?

    The following types of depressive states are distinguished:

    1. Mood person.
    2. Mania.

    The mood man

    Depressive state is bad, but when a person is alert and active, it's good. However, not always too good mood is the norm. Not everyone knows, but in this way a serious illness can manifest.

    A person with this kind of depression can also sometimes complain of a depressive condition, but this does not bother him. He considers his mood too good a most wonderful time. After all, it is during this period that he has an emotional upsurge, and he believes that he can do everything, turn any mountains.

    This kind of depression is quite rare, but it is also considered a form of the disease.


    With the persecution mania this case is not to be confused.

    Not so long ago this type of depression was called manic-depressive psychosis, but current specialists call this disease bipolar affective disorder.

    This kind of depression to fight independently at home is almost impossible. In the process of treatment of depression, the mood can go to a completely different phase - manic, which is why specialists prescribe drugs that are aimed at stabilizing the mood.

    It should be noted that the treatment of this condition is delayed for years, and it is necessary to constantly monitor a qualified specialist.

    Dealing with the Depressed State

    Not many people know how to relieve a depressed state, but everyone should know this to help not only themselves, but also a close person at the right time.

    A person with depression needs to be given maximum attention, talking to him, discussing sore problems and giving every support. Any ways you need to be distracted from gloomy thoughts: go to the theater, watch an interesting film, hold a family dinner.

    During a depressed state, getting involved with alcohol is not worth it. After all, he does not solve the problem, but causes only temporary relief. But when alcohol ceases to function, everything returns to normal, even in a more severe form.

    Often, if depression has an easy form, it is enough to just relax and talk with friends and family to fight it. But if you can not get out of this state yourself, then it's better to ask for help from specialists.

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