  • Products that remove liquid from the body

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    Read in the article:
    • Products that remove liquid from the body: what are their effects?
    • What products remove excess liquid from the body: the
    • list Products for removing body fluids: reviews

    Products that help to remove excess fluid and body: a list and the salt properties

    The accumulation of fluid in the body does not cause problems until the symptoms characteristic for this occur, and in such cases it is necessary to consume foods that help to remove excess water.

    Products that remove liquid from the body: what is their action ^

    At first glance, fluid retention is quite normal, not causing any particular inconveniences, but in most cases it affects the appearance and well-being: edema, pain, sharp increaseor weight reduction, bloating.

    The most common fluid is delayed for several reasons:

    • Abuse of salt or sugar;
    • Availability of diseases: arthritis, liver cirrhosis, etc.;
    • Decreased level of progesterone.

    To eliminate the symptoms, it is necessary not only to know which products take the liquid out of the body, but also actively use them in their diet. Unlike drugs, they do not allow dehydration, so you can use them safely.

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    Which products remove excess liquid from the body: the list ^

    Which products help to quickly remove excess water

    Products that remove fluid from the body: vegetables

    To remove water from the body, you need to prepare dishes from such ingredients:

    • Beets: eliminates infections, strengthensintestinal peristalsis, has diuretic properties;
    • Potatoes: normalizes water balance, improves kidney function;
    • Cabbage: accelerates the burning of fat cells, eliminates excess fluid;
    • Tomatoes: help to regulate the heart, and also to get rid of dermatological diseases;
    • Onion: destroys bacteria, improves immunity, prevents the appearance of parasites;
    • Eggplants: reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, clean vessels, bile ducts and intestines, activate metabolism;
    • Cucumbers: remove salts and water, normalize metabolism, relieve constipation, have a preventive effect in intestinal diseases.

    Products that remove excess fluid from the body: fruits and berries

    Fruit lovers who do not know how to remove liquid from the body can actively use in their diet the following products:

    • Cranberry: destroys urinary tract infections, has a diuretic effect;
    • Watermelon: a natural "doctor" for the kidneys: removes impurities, improves their functioning, normalizes the level of hemoglobin;
    • Melons: fights against diseases of the cardiovascular system, prevents atherosclerosis;
    • Bananas: increase the level of serotonin, increase mental activity;
    • Kiwi: cleans vessels, prevents the appearance of worms, helps to get rid of respiratory diseases.

    Foods that help to remove fluid from the body: drinks

    For the fastest elimination of the liquid from the body, it is also necessary to drink beverages containing caffeine: tea and coffee. They have diuretic functions, however, when they are abused, they are harmful to health: you can drink no more than 250 ml of coffee and 300 ml of tea per day.

    Products that remove fluid from the body during pregnancy

    A change in the hormonal background during child bearing also often causes a fluid retention and, in order to withdraw it, it is necessary to use the following products:

    • Watermelon;
    • Apricots;
    • Quince;
    • Lemon;
    • Cucumbers.

    In addition, to get rid of excess water in the body with food, you need to eat fruits and vegetables that contain fiber, as well as clean water, however paradoxical it may be.

    Groats that remove liquid from the body

    • Rice lovers can use in their diet cereal products with a diuretic effect:
      • Rice: cleans from toxins and toxins, stimulates metabolism, strengthens muscles;
      • Oatmeal: provides a person with energy, useful for the musculoskeletal system;
      • Buckwheat: fights against cancer cells, relieves constipation, prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
      • Wheat: promotes self-purification of the liver, balances the nervous system, helps to recover from severe illnesses.
      We also recommend that you read the article Delayed fluid in the body.

      Products for removing body fluids: feedback ^

      It is worth noting that all of the above products remove liquid from the body, and also help to fight excess weight, because they contain few calories, but have nutritional properties and quickly satisfy appetite. With their help, you can get rid of edema in a few days, but if you consume them constantly, the water will not stay for long.

      Products for removing fluid from the body: doctor's reviews

      Anastasia, 38, gynecologist:

      "During pregnancy, excessive fluid accumulation can lead to other problems, so it's important not only to eat foods with a diuretic effect, but also immediately tell about the water delay to the doctor. Causes in this case can be very different, therefore it is not worth it to fight alone with apparently seemingly harmless edema. "

      Galina, 34, therapist:

      " Liquid retention is a problem concerning every second person. So that she does not bother, it's enough just to eat and observe the regime of the day, but many forget about it, and as a result, every morning they break their brains how to remove swelling under the eyes or get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the legs. "

      Olga, 35, therapist:

      "In most cases, the accumulation of fluid is not dangerous, but only if it is caused not by disease or hormonal failure. If the problem worries for a long time - it is worth to be examined by a doctor: perhaps it is only a superficial symptom ยป