  • Products of animal origin

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    • Read the article:
      • Use of animal products
      • Products of animal origin: a list, useful properties of
      • Products of animal origin: the opinion of

      physicians Products of animal origin: why they are needed

      In the diet of almost every person there are products of animal origin,what role they play for the body.

      Use of animal products ^

      Almost all food products of animal origin contain an indispensable element - a protein that is of great importance for bones and muscles.

      In addition to it, they contain other substances that are favorable or vice versa - a negative effect on health, depending on the type of food.

      The name of such products is due to the fact that they are extracted through the livelihoods of animals, and include honey, eggs, milk, kefir, cheese, meat, fish and fish oil.

      Foods of animal origin: benefit or harm to humans

      Speaking about the beneficial properties of these products, their effects on the body must be taken into account:

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      • The proteins contained in them improve the synthesis of hormones and enzymes, strengthen muscle tissue;
      • Iron, which is absorbed from animal food better than from plant food, is useful for blood flow;
      • Fats derived from these products stabilize the secretion of bile and improve the functioning of internal organs, but their overabundance can also negatively affect their performance. To avoid this, you need to eat lean meat: it contains the optimal amount of fat for the body.

      The harmful effect is that when eating fatty foods, metabolic processes are destabilized, as a result of which you can "earn" obesity, diabetes and many other endocrine diseases.

      Now it is not uncommon to meet people who do not eat animal products for psychological or moral reasons. They fall into two categories: the first is vegetarians who refuse only fish and meat, but they do not have strict restrictions on honey, milk and cheeses.

      The second category is vegans: they generally do not eat food that was obtained with the participation of any animals, be it honey, kefir or meat. The benefits of such nutrition are still controversial, but it has already been proved that the proteins present in animal food are much more easily absorbed than those obtained from plant products.

      Another reason why some people prefer vegetarianism or veganism is the fat content of animal products: it is known that the abuse of fatty foods often causes diseases, so people who prefer vegetables and fruits often live longer than meat eaters.

      Disputes about products of animal and vegetable origin still do not subside, but, as doctors say, it is important in all to observe the measure and not rush from extreme to extreme.

      Products of animal origin: list, useful properties ^

      Products of animal origin: protein and vitamin content

      Which foods contain the protein of animal origin

      This question is most often asked by athletes who want to build muscle, because for this you need to eat foods that contain proteins dailyof animal origin:

      • Beef: it is best to choose low-fat parts, and cook by cooking;
      • Liver: Of all the by-products, it contains the greatest amount of protein;
      • Bird: such meat is very easy to digest;
      • Eggs: two pieces contain about 17 g of protein, and cook from them recommended steam omelettes, or simply boil;
      • Cottage cheese: it is best absorbed if mixed with sour cream or low-fat yogurt;
      • Fish: besides proteins, it enriches the body with Omega acids. What products of animal origin can you eat bodybuilder

        Unlike people who have nothing to do with sports, bodybuilders and those who regularly load themselves with power exercises, the greatest amount of food stuffs rich in proteins of animal origin is needed. Calculate the protein rate can be as follows: 2 kg per kilogram of weight. It is also worth noting that the food for weight gain and drying is different:

        • If you need to accelerate muscle growth, then the amount of protein products should reach 20%;
        • For drying and fast splitting of fat, proteins should account for 70% of the diet, for fats - 10%, and for slow carbohydrates - 20%.

        Vitamin P content in animal products

        One of the disadvantages of animal products is that vitamin P is not contained in them. If the body lacks it, it is necessary to eat apricots, citrus fruits, pineapples, sweet cherries, buckwheat, black currant, dog rose and lettuce.

        Vitamin B12 in products of animal origin

        This element can be found in eggs and by-products, but in general, the content of vitamins in foods of animal origin is often reduced to a minimum, therefore, without exception, people are recommended to eat vegetables and fruits.

        Vitamin C in products of animal origin

        It is generally accepted that vitamin C is present in large quantities only in Bulgarian pepper and citrus, but this is not so: it can be found in horse milk, which is very healthy:

        • Normalizes metabolism;
        • Prevents infectious diseases;
        • Improves blood circulation;
        • Increases potency.

        Vitamin D in animal products

        The main source of this vitamin is fish oil, caviar, liver beef or chicken, oysters, fish, seafood, eggs, cheeses, cottage cheese and milk, but in plants it is very rare.

        GMOs in products of animal origin

        Genetically modified organisms are most often present in plant foods,many companies use them when growing soy, corn or cotton. They can get into meat or fish only if they are combined with vegetables, or feed chickens and cattle with plants grown on additives.

        Which products of animal origin do not contain cholesterol

        Among all products of animal origin, there are no those that do not increase cholesterol, such are not available, but their effect can be minimized by replacing fatty milk, cottage cheese, fish or meat with non-fatty varieties.

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        Products of animal origin: the opinion of doctors ^

        Any food, whether vegetable or animal, plays a role for the human body, so you should not abandon meat or, for example, cottage cheese. Doctors believe that this can lead to health problems, but the negative aspects of vegetarianism have not yet been studied.

        To prevent disease, it is enough to eat right, including in the diet and vegetables, and meat - only in this case the body will receive all the necessary substances.