  • Products that increase potency in men

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    Read in the article:
    • Products that increase potency in men: the effect of
    • Men's products for increasing potency: the list of
    • What products increase the potency in men: the opinion of doctors

    Which products help increase the potency of men

    Faced with the problem of lowering potency, it is important not toonly in time to consult a doctor for treatment, but also to use products that help to increase it.

    Products that increase the potency in men: the action ^

    Decrease in potency in most cases beats male self-esteem and creates a number of problems in the intimate sphere. There are several factors that can lead to sexual impotence:

    • Neurological: epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, systemic and autoimmune diseases;
    • Psychological: depression, nervousness, severe stress, chronic fatigue, poor state of health, lack of craving for a partner;
    • Trauma of the pelvic organs and genital organs directly.

    All this can negatively affect the sexual sphere, therefore, in addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, it is important to know what products increase the potency of men, and how they work on the body:

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    • Enriched with amino acids, zinc and other elements that increase the level of male sex hormones;
    • Increases the production of seminal fluid;
    • Strengthen the circulation in the pelvic organs;
    • Raise sexual desire;
    • Improves endurance and general well-being.

    In addition to products that increase potency, it is worth familiarizing with those who lower it, and in the future to abandon them:

    • Alcohol: worsens the functioning of the testicles, negatively affects the genital area. Abuse of alcohol can ultimately lead to impotence;
    • Fatty fish, meat, egg yolks: they increase the amount of cholesterol, which, in turn, lowers the level of testosterone - the hormone responsible for the work of male genital organs;
    • Salt: of course, completely remove it from the diet can not, but you should limit its use to a minimum, becauseit generally negatively affects health.

    Products for men to increase potency: a list ^

    Which foods enhance potency in men: the list of

    Bee products for increasing the potency of

    Among all products to increase the potency of men, pogans and honey take a worthy place. On the body, they act as follows:

    • Enriched with protein, which is necessary for replenishment of energy;
    • Contain carbohydrates that help to get rid of fatigue and decay;
    • Increases immunity.

    Products and herbs to increase potency

    Men who want to adjust their sexual sphere are recommended such herbs as lemongrass, Siberian ginseng, hawthorn, katuaba, yohimbe, dubrovnik, ginger, currant leaves, aloe, nettle and St. John's Wort. From them you can prepare infusions and decoctions according to the following recipes:

    • Mix on a large spoonful of St. John's wort, nettle and mint, add 1 liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Filter out, drink during the day;
    • Grind parsley and coriander, combine, pour hot water and stand under the lid for 30 minutes. We drink before eating 100 g;
    • Add 200 g of boiling water to 1 tbsp.l.hop cones, boil on low heat for 20 minutes. We drink such a decoction every time before eating for 10 days.

    Products that instantly increase the potency of

    If you need to normalize the functioning of the genitals in a short time, you need to eat natural products to increase potency: garlic, celery, onions, dill, parsley, ginger, honey, dates, chicken eggs and horseradish. All of them are natural aphrodisiacs and are able to quickly get rid of problems in the sexual area.

    Products for increasing the potency of men: the

    list By systematically using these products, increasing the male potency, you can very quickly achieve good results:

    • Seafood;
    • Nuts;
    • Green;
    • Eggs;
    • Onion and garlic;
    • Ginger and celery;
    • Mussels and oysters.

    Food to increase potency: vegetables

    If you break up all the foods into groups to increase the potency of men, then aphrodisiac vegetables include carrots, cabbage, beets, peppers, radish, lettuce, eggplant, lettuce, tomatoes, Jerusalem artichoke. They are best eaten in a raw form, and not subjected to heat treatment - so they retain more useful properties.

    What foods you need to increase potency: fruit

    Fruit lovers should pay attention to pineapples, avocados, oranges, apricots, lemons, quinces, mangoes, dried apricots, strawberries, strawberries and pomegranates. All of them contain substances that normalize the production of male sex hormones and help to establish the functioning of the pelvic organs.

    We also recommend that you read the article Products that increase testosterone in men.

    Which products increase potency in men: the opinion of doctors ^

    Doctors believe that knowing which products contribute to increasing potency is not enough to get rid of the problem. For this, it is necessary not only to regularly eat healthy foods, but also to adhere to certain rules:

    • To reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum or completely to abandon it, becausealcohol abuse most often causes sexual impotence;
    • Quit smoking: it has long been known to everyone that nicotine as a whole has a negative effect on health, besides it contributes to the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which often causes chronic fatigue;
    • To increase physical activity: it is proved that those who often visit the gym quickly increase the production of testosterone, on which men's strength depends;
    • Do not hesitate to contact a sexologist, a psychologist or an endocrinologist with your problem: only qualified specialists will help to determine what caused impotence or just started problems with erection, and to prescribe the appropriate treatment.