
An effective diet for three days: recommendations for a protein express diet for 3 days

  • An effective diet for three days: recommendations for a protein express diet for 3 days

    An effective diet for three days is an effective tool when you need to quickly bring yourself into shape, for example, before a solemn event or, conversely, after the holidays. It allows you to reduce weight by 3-5 kg.

    The basic rules of the diet

    To lose weight not at the expense of your health, remember a few simple rules.

    1. Such a diet is always stressful for the body, it disrupts metabolism, therefore resorting to this radical remedy is recommended on more often than once in 6-8 months.

    2. Such a diet is indicated only if the excess weight really is.

    3. Consult a physician beforehand for any gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases. Categorical contraindication is diabetes.

    4. For these three days, increase the fluid intake by at least two times - at least three liters per day.

    5. Combine a diet with sports( enough 15-20 minutes a day).

    6. The maximum effect will be achieved if you strictly adhere to the selected diet, without even allowing for minor deviations.

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    7. Come out of the diet gradually - you can not immediately switch to fatty, sweet and pungent. At least a week, refrain from alcohol. In this intermediate period, eat lean meat of different varieties, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Sample menu of

    The first option. There are only general recommendations, the menu of express diet for three days you make yourself. Food during the day is recommended to be taken four times, having calculated so that last time the meal has turned out not later than 19:00.

    Completely eliminate dairy products. Eat fresh fruits( except grapes and bananas) and vegetables. Drink freshly squeezed juices, especially vegetable, half diluted with mineral water, green tea, decoctions of herbs.

    For lunch, eat no more than 100 grams of lean meat, fish, chicken( cook, steamed or bake without adding oil).As a snack, you can use pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, but little by little. The last meal is not later than 19:00.

    The second option. All three days we eat the same. For example, for breakfast - green tea with honey and lemon. The second breakfast is a big apple and a cup of coffee without sugar. For lunch - a portion of not more than 400 g. - boiled or steam chicken with cabbage. Dinner - a glass of yogurt 0-1% fat or 100 grams of natural yogurt.

    The third option is a protein diet for three days. The first day is baked chicken( 500 grams per day).The second is veal on the grill( 300 g.).The third one is coffee without sugar and water without restrictions. Or so - all three days for breakfast - 1 boiled egg and a cup of tea without sugar, for lunch and dinner - 150 grams of cottage cheese with zero fat content and the same tea.

    The fourth option is mono-kits. Choose a product, focusing on your eating habits and possible medical contraindications. The most effective are:

    chocolate( 80 g. Bitter chocolate to eat in 3 doses, after every 3-4 hours - a cup of natural coffee without sugar with milk of zero fat content),

    milk and green tea( per day 1.5 liters of the next "Cocktail - in hot, but not boiling milk, add 4 teaspoons of large leaf green tea, insist half an hour, strain),

    buckwheat( 500 grams per day for buckwheat without salt, sugar, butter, milk and green tea without restrictions),

    carrots and apples( 1.5 liters of freshly squeezed juice 50/50 per day and at least another 1.5 litersOde),

    yogurt( 1.5 liters per day for 5-6 receptions).


    The most extreme, but also the most effective method. Allows you to reset 4-5 kg ​​in 3 days. Think about whether you can really experience this and be sure to consult with a specialist. You can starve in two ways.

    1. Dry fasting. Everything is very simple and very difficult - do not eat or drink for three days. Morally prepare for nausea, dizziness, general weakness and migraines. If it's bad, stir a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water, add a couple drops of lemon juice( or a little bit of citric acid) and slowly drink.

    2. Wet fasting. For three days, drink only water in unlimited quantities. It is advisable to put an enema every day.

    Do not snatch at once if you have stood these three days. Begin to eat small portions of boiled vegetables, fruits, drink skim milk and green tea. Then include in the diet of lean boiled meat of different varieties, fish and salads. Return to your normal diet no earlier than 2 weeks.

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