
Diet number 8 with diabetes: dishes for diabetics, advice on proper nutrition

  • Diet number 8 with diabetes: dishes for diabetics, advice on proper nutrition

    One of the unpleasant consequences of the diagnosis of "type 2 diabetes" is a significant change in body weight in favor of an increase. In this case, the patient, after consulting a specialist, eats according to the recommendations of the Pevzner 8 table diet to lose weight without harming one's health.

    Manuil Isaakovich Pevzner is a pioneer of dietetics in the USSR, he first began to treat her as a serious science. Most of his recommendations are still relevant today.

    However, one should know that such a diet is possible only in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system - in this case the diet undergoes a slight adjustment.

    The main goal of this diet in accordance with diet number 8 with diabetes is the stabilization of metabolism. First of all, we are talking about lipid metabolism, because of violations in which fats are deposited in the body in an amount significantly larger than necessary. When this problem is overcome, not only excess weight will go away - hypertension will also disappear, the cholesterol level will decrease, blood sugar will decrease. Obviously, this will change the general condition of the body for the better.

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    Basic rules

    The diet for diabetics offers five or six meals a day in equal portions. The necessary volume for saturation is achieved due to inclusion in the diet of more low-calorie foods( fresh vegetables and fruits).

    It is forbidden more than once a week to eat fried - basically it concerns meat and fish. And before you grill meat( slightly, not up to a crust), it must be boiled. It is also recommended, if possible, to give up completely or to minimize the wiped and chopped dishes.

    Carefully watch how much you drink. To drinks this diet also includes liquid food. The total volume should not exceed 1.8 liters per day.

    Limit the use of spices and seasonings. Especially it concerns salt, pepper, mustard. In a day, you can not more than half a teaspoon( 2-3 pinch).

    Under strict prohibition, without any exceptions - all alcoholic beverages.

    What you can and can not do

    You can eat fresh vegetables and sour fruits( and also slightly immature ones), lean meat and fish cooked without adding oil( boil, bake, cook a couple), vegetable soups( meat - not more than onceper week), skim milk and dairy products, seafood( up to 100 grams a day and not every day), bread not from wheat flour of the highest grade( up to 200 grams per day), tea and coffee without sugar, herbal infusions, freshly squeezedfruit and vegetable juices, diluted with water in a proportion of 1: 1.

    With caution in the diet include cereals, potatoes, legumes and carrots.

    All spicy, sweet, smoked and fatty, confectionery products, wheat bread, animal and vegetable oils, mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar, spices and spices, jams, pickles and marinades( even domestic), honey, sausages,juices( even with a note of 100% natural), fruits with high sugar content( bananas, grapes, peaches, figs).

    As you can see, you will not have to starve. From the offered assortment of products it is possible to prepare tasty, nutritious and nutritious dishes. The main thing is to choose products from the list of allowed. Sample menu for the day

    Breakfast. Fruit or vegetable salad. A cheese sandwich. Cottage cheese with fruit. A cup of tea or coffee without sugar.

    Second breakfast. One unsweet fruit.

    Lunch. Vegetable soup. Meat or fish with vegetable garnish. Decoction of herbs. A glass of milk.

    Snack. Cottage cheese or a glass of yogurt. Fruit. A cup of tea without sugar. A glass of freshly squeezed juice.

    Dinner. Vegetable salad. A portion of meat, seafood or fish. If you do not feel hunger, you can cut it to a glass of milk or kefir, cottage cheese with fruit, a portion of natural yogurt.

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