Diet for the kidneys
Kidney diet quickly removes inflammation and normalizes metabolism
Specialthe diet in diseases of the kidneys plays a very important role in the healing process, as it helps to normalize the metabolism, quickly remove inflammation and remove harmful substances from the body.
It is an extremely effective diet program due to the diversity and consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in reasonable quantities.
Causes, Symptoms and Nutritional Features of Kidney Disease ^
Kidneys are recognized workers who perform filtration, purification and removal of toxins, toxins and poisons from the body.
In addition, they do not allow excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. That is why, this body should be protected, because its diseases can cause kidney failure, intoxication and lead to even more serious consequences. Most of the symptoms associated with kidney disease include:
- elevated body temperature,
- high blood pressure,
- weakness,
- fast fatigue,
- pain in the lumbar region,
- lack of appetite, turbidity of the urine,
- or even blood when urinating.
Kidney diseases are characterized by renal edema, which can appear on the face, legs, and abdomen. A characteristic feature of renal edema: if a pitting is applied to the part of the body that is swollen, a depression appears at the pressure site.
The causes of the development of diseases can be diverse. This is a wrong diet, the use of excessive amounts of soda, salinity and smoked foods, alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances, frequent hypothermia and colds.
A very common cause of kidney disease is the lack of protection during intercourse, as venereal infections are capable of causing inflammation of the kidneys, and in the absence of proper treatment can even affect the genitourinary system. Do not forget about heredity.
Treatment of kidney diseases should be prescribed by a doctor, depending on the severity of the disease and the patient's condition. However, a prerequisite for treatment, in addition to using medication or surgery, is the appointment of a special diet number 7.This dietary program is to limit the consumption of salt and protein, increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet of the patient.
People who suffer from kidney diseases, including kidney cancer, are advised to use these foods from table number 7:
- Fresh, stewed and boiled vegetables, light vegetable soups.
- Various cereals, pasta.
- Favorite berries and fruits, fruit compotes and kissels.
- Sour-milk products, especially sour cream, curdled milk and kefir, lean and butter.
- Eggs, lean fish and meat, baked or boiled.
- Broth from rose hips, slightly boiled tea, not strong coffee.
From the patient's menu it is strongly recommended to exclude products containing a large amount of potassium and phosphorus. During the diet it is forbidden to use:
- Nuts, dried fruits.
- Bananas and cottage cheese.
- By-products, broths are meat, even chicken, beans.
- Onion, garlic, radish, mushrooms, greens.
- Smoked meat, salted, canned.
- Sea fish, sausage, too fatty meat.
- Chocolate, cocoa, strong coffee.
Diet for kidneys: an approximate menu and features ^
Diet for kidney stones( oxalate, urate, phosphate)
Diet for kidney stones is assigned depending on the composition of the stones( oxalate, urate, phosphate).But, despite what kind of stones, the general recommendations are:
- restriction in the use of salty, smoked and spicy products,
- animal proteins,
- canned and marinated products,
- alcohol.
If symptoms such as hypertension and swelling occur, the amount of fluid used should be increased to 2.5-3 liters per day.
- Oxalates are generally found in urine in small amounts, however, their excess indicates that the patient should limit the consumption of oxalic acid contained in spinach, sorrel, lettuce and even chocolate. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of dairy products. The patient menu should be composed in such a way that it included as much as possible buckwheat, oatmeal, prune, bread, pumpkin and cauliflower, broths from grape, pear and currant leaves.
- People with phosphate stones need to include in the diet meat, lard, fish, offal, cereals and vegetable oil. We should not forget about fruits, berries and vegetables: sea-buckthorn, cowberry, currant, apples, asparagus, carrots and pumpkin. To products, the use of which must be limited, include: flour, milk, sour-milk products, raisins and dried apricots, strawberries and corn, buckwheat and oatmeal, which are recommended for oxalate stones. It is strictly forbidden to eat fatty, spicy, smoked, pickled food, meat broths, seasonings, mushrooms and legumes, cottage cheese and chicken eggs, chocolate.
- The presence of urate stones suggests that eating meat, offal, mushroom, meat and fish broths, tea, coffee, chocolate, beans, spinach and sorrel is strongly discouraged. It is preferable to eat vegetables such as potatoes, asparagus, carrots, beets. Useful fruit will be: apples, pears, grapes, apricots and peaches.
Diet in polycystic kidneys
Dietary nutrition in polycystosis provides some restriction in the use of liquid, protein foods and salt. Like the previous dietary program, the consumption of all fatty, fried, smoked hot must be completely ruled out.
It is also not recommended to use mango and millet, sweets, watermelons and potatoes. In the diet should be present fruits and vegetables, barley, rye and lentils, yogurt and cottage cheese, eggs, mushrooms, peanuts, etc.
Diet after kidney removal
Food after kidney removal should be aimed at helping the body get used to life without one kidney. Similar to the previous dietary recommendations, it is necessary to limit the consumption of protein, salt and liquid, bread, sweet baking, meat and fish broths, fatty fish and meat, strong coffee and tea.
The first time after the operation, it is forbidden to eat meat, then you can gradually enter it into the diet. It is better to refuse the usual milk, preferring sour-milk products. Vegetables, fruits, cereals and pasta should be enough in the diet.
The approximate menu of this diet program looks like this:
- For breakfast, you can cook a delicious vinaigrette, eat a piece of bread and butter and drink compote.
- For a snack is ideal for omelet or milk porridge, rose hips infusion.
- At lunch you can treat yourself to a vegetable soup, baked fish with vegetables, one small pear, tea and milk.
- For dinner, porridge, steam cutlets, mousse of berries will suit.
- Before going to bed it is recommended to eat some cookies and drink herbal tea.
Kidney Disease Diet
The diet program for kidney lowering is primarily aimed at increasing the fat layer supporting the organ. At the same time the weight will increase, and the appearance of fat around will speed up recovery. To treat such a disease it is useful to consume pumpkin and flax seeds, sunflower seeds, any kind of nuts.
Diet after kidney transplantation
A dietary diet after organ transplant is prescribed by a physician depending on the physiological characteristics of the patient, the function of the transplant. It is necessary to control the consumption of fat, protein and carbohydrates. The basis of the diet should be vegetables, fruits and various cereals, lean meat, milk, etc.
Kidney Disease Dialect
Diet in dialysis limits the use of vegetable protein, potassium, sodium chloride and liquid. All food must be unsalted. It is allowed to use rye and wheat bread, vegetable soups, eggs, rice, potatoes, cabbage, beets, cucumbers, etc. Prohibited products such as legumes, cheeses, mushrooms, spinach, dried fruits, sweets.
Results, recommendations and feedback from doctors about dietary nutrition in kidney diseases ^
Positive results of a diet for the kidneys will be visible after several days of its application. The doctors' reviews of the diet for the kidneys are only positive, as this technique has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, effectively removes toxins from the body and significantly improves the overall condition of the body.
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