Hypoallergenic diet
Hypoallergenic diet helps to lose weight and improve the immune system
Hypoallergenic diet is extremely relevant for a huge number of people, since food allergy inup to 20% of the world's population suffer from varying degrees of manifestation.
Essence and principles of nutrition for allergies ^
Allergy manifests itself in the form of an atypical reaction of the body after consuming certain foods. These manifestations can be different - from redness of the skin, swelling and itching to anaphylactic shock.
Allergic reaction can cause any product. To determine which one - doctors advise to keep a special diary of an allergic person. In it it is necessary to write down the composition of the eaten dishes, the time of their use, and also the unusual manifestations.
Comparing the coincidences, it is possible to reveal what exactly causes an undesirable reaction. If this is the way to accurately identify the "culprit" of their problems was not possible, you need to exclude from the ration for 7-10 days all products-allergens, and then enter them one by one in a few days and monitor your well-being. The frequency of the undesirable effects caused by the products are divided into groups:
Principles of making a hypoallergenic menu for allergy sufferers:
- Per day, it is necessary to obtain 130 g of protein( including animal), 130 g of fat( 100 g of them are animals), 200 g of carbohydrates. This is approximately 2,800 kcal.
- In addition, the daily diet requires fruits, berries, juices and vegetables, which enrich the body with vitamins.
- It is necessary to reduce the intake of salines - marinades, pickles, fish, sausages and smoked products - salt significantly strengthens allergic reactions.
- It is necessary to study the composition of store stocks, sauces, desserts and other products - they can have allergens, as well as preservatives and colorants that can cause a painful reaction of the body.
- A general nonspecific hypoallergenic diet recommends that the products of the first group be excluded from the diet.
- The hypoallergenic menu should be full-fledged and aimed at reducing the manifestations of the disease.
Diet for allergies: 7 days menu ^
Approximate hypoallergenic menu for the week:
1 day
- Breakfast: oatmeal( without milk);
- Lunch: cabbage soup with meat, potatoes, carrots and onions;
- Snack: banana and tea with dried apricots;
- Dinner: stewed lean meat with vegetables;
- Before going to bed: oatmeal.
Day 2
- Morning: rice porridge, tea with prunes or dried apricots;
- Day: vegetable soup with meat;
- Snack: tea and marmalade;
- Evening: braised chicken with vegetables;
- Overnight: oatmeal.
Day 3
- Breakfast: buckwheat cereal with acid;
- Second breakfast: buckwheat bread and tea;
- Lunch: vegetables stew;
- Snack: baked apple;
- Dinner: stewed vegetables and boiled fish;
- Overnight: kefir. For breakfast: pumpkin corn porridge;
- Second breakfast: kefir;
- Lunch: lean borsch with sour cream;
- Snack: bread and tea;
- In the evening: stewed pork with vegetables;
- Overnight: kefir.
Day 5
- Morning: millet porridge without milk, prunes;
- Day: lean borsch, sour cream, rye bread;
- Snack: fruit dessert;
- Evening: cutlets from pork and beef, cabbage salad;
- Before going to bed: kefir.
Day 6
- Breakfast: rice cereal without dairy;
- Second breakfast: oatmeal;
- Lunch: vegetable salad, boiled potatoes;
- Snack: cottage cheese, milk;
- Dinner: beet salad with prunes and stew;
- For the night: tea and jam.
Day 7
- Morning: rice porridge with apple;
- Second breakfast: kefir;
- Lunch: ragout of vegetables, rye bread;
- Snack: casserole, tea;
- Dinner: vegetable salad and meat;
- Overnight: yoghurt.
In addition, you need to drink 5 to 6 glasses of fluid a day( an hour after eating).Hypoallergenic nutrition, in addition to the therapeutic effect, makes it possible to lose weight, because the products in the menu include low-calorie.
Individual hypoallergenic menu depends on many factors - age, health status, psychological comfort of the person and even the time of year. For example, in a hot period, you need more fiber, and in the cold - cereals.
Hypoallergenic diet for children
For children with this disease, there are more bans - except for the above, also you can not eat fish, poultry meat, mushrooms, smoked products, eggs and eggplant. Sometimes you have to exclude milk.
As a child's body with an allergy copes faster than an adult, after 10 days of restriction some products can be gradually returned to the menu. Hypoallergenic diet for children should be made by a doctor.
- The following are excluded from the diet: eggs;cow's milk;fruits and vegetables of red and orange colors;citrus;honey and chocolate;cocoa;poultry, seafood;smoked products;mushrooms;nuts;conservation;baking;overseas fruits and vegetables;dried fruits;yoghurts with fillers, sweet water, chewing gum - everything where there are food additives;strong tea and coffee.
- Be careful to eat cereals, beans, potatoes, green peppers, black and red currants, cranberries, cranberries, peaches, apricots, bananas.
- You can eat: sour-milk products;low-fat meat;river fish;bread from rice, corn and buckwheat;white and green vegetables and fruits;oatmeal, semolina and pearl gruel;vegetable and butter;not strong tea, still water, broth of a dogrose.
Approximate hypoallergenic menu for allergic children:
1 day
- Breakfast: wheat porridge, apple and tea;
- Second breakfast: cabbage salad, meatballs, tea;
- Lunch: lean soup with vegetables and sour cream, beef stroganoff from boiled meat, pasta, compote;
- Dinner: vinaigrette, bun, tea.
Day 2
- Breakfast: rice porridge, apple, tea drink;
- Second breakfast: milk coffee drink and dry biscuits;
- Lunch: lean pearl soup, mashed potatoes, meatballs, compote;
- Dinner: cottage cheese pudding, apple compote.
Day 3
- Morning: buckwheat porridge, milk coffee drink;
- Snack: cabbage salad with carrots, meatballs;
- Day: lean soup with sour cream, meatballs with carrots stew;
- Evening: milk vermicelli, kissel.
Day 4
- First breakfast: semolina porridge, apple and tea;
- Second breakfast: vinaigrette, cheesecake, tea drink;
- Lunch: vermicelli milk soup, stewed cabbage with ground meat, compote;
- Dinner: cottage cheese, sour cream, jelly.
Day 5
- Morning: millet porridge, apple, tea;
- Snack: cabbage salad with cucumber, meatballs, tea drink;
- Day: lean vegetable soup, stewed potatoes with meat, compote;
- Evening: coffee on milk, apple pie.
Day 6
- First breakfast: rice porridge, apple, tea;
- Second breakfast: coffee on milk, cheese;
- Lunch: lean borsch, stewed cabbage with minced meat, compote;
- Dinner: boiled potatoes with sour cream, milk.
Day 7
- Morning: milk vermicelli, tea;
- Snack: meatballs with vinaigrette, tea;
- Day: lean pearl soup, minced meat with vegetables, compote;
- Dinner: cheese curd, jelly.
Hypoallergenic diet for nursing mothers
If the allergy is observed in a newborn baby, then the mother should follow the anti-allergic diet. Dietary nutrition program during lactation implies the rejection of products of the list of high allergenicity. But at the same time, the menu should be full and varied.
It includes sour-milk products without fillers, lean meat( turkey, beef, rabbit meat), local vegetables and fruits( white or green), cereals( oats, rice, buckwheat), boiled potatoes, vegetable soups, rye bread, dry biscuits,rough cheese, river fish.
Hypoallergenic diet according to Ado
It is recommended to exclude from the menu overseas fruits( all citrus and pineapple), seafood, poultry, smoked products, chocolate, coffee, honey, alcohol, spices, radish and radish, mushrooms, eggplants, tomatoes, eggs, freshmilk, melon, strawberries and strawberries, baking.
You can eat boiled beef, soups with a secondary beef broth with vegetables and cereals, vegetable oil, boiled potatoes, sour-milk products, boiled potatoes. Also - cucumbers, dill, parsley, watermelon, baked apples, compotes, white bread.
Hypoallergenic diet for asthma
Hypoallergenic diet with asthma implies the prohibition of any products that are irritants and can cause difficulty breathing. This is the entire group with high allergenicity. Meals can be something like this:
- Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, meat pate and tea;
- Lunch: apples;
- Lunch: boiled potatoes with meat, vegetable soup, compote;
- Snack: rosehip broth;
- Dinner: carrot zrazy with cottage cheese;boiled fish, tea
- Before going to bed: kefir
Or the second option:
- Breakfast: buckwheat porridge on vegetable fat with boiled meat, dog rose broth;
- Lunch: apple juice;
- Lunch: cabbage soup from fresh young cabbage, sour cream, boiled fish, potato puree with milk and butter, sweet tea;
- Snack: carrot juice;
- Dinner: cabbage stewed, low-fat sweet cottage cheese;
- Before going to bed: kefir
Hypoallergenic diet for urticaria
It is recommended to give up everything that can cause irritation - primarily from all food allergens from the first group. The need for an organism in certain substances must be replenished at the expense of substitute products that do not cause undesirable allergic manifestations.
You can not eat fat broth, fried and spicy, smoked, preserved, spices, fast foods and everything that contains preservatives and dyes. After a dietary course, you can enter one into the diet of excluded foods, subjecting them to cooking.
Hypoallergenic diet for atopic dermatitis
The hypoallergenic menu with atopic dermatitis is distinguished by a whole list of limitations. Observe them strictly. Do not use: animal fats, fatty meats, nuts, red fruits, chocolate( including milk), citrus fruits, red vegetables.
Hypoallergenic diet for eczema
It is required to give up sweet, colored fruits, coffee, spicy and smoked, preserving. You can eat porridge, sour-milk products, low-fat broths and meat, vegetable soups, diluted juices. Also allowed a stew of vegetables, beans, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, mineral water. Avitaminosis will help to avoid vitamin complexes.
Hypoallergenic diet for psoriasis
It is necessary to limit the intake of proteins, cholesterol, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, you need to significantly reduce the amount of fatty meat, butter, liver and kidneys in the diet. These products in the daily menu should not exceed 25 g. Reduce the consumption of fatty fish, black caviar and egg yolks.
Also harmful red pigment, which is found in vegetables and fruits of rich shades, citrus, cocoa, chocolate and phytoncids, which is rich in horseradish, garlic and onions. It should also be discarded from honey, whole milk, spicy, sweet and sour food. Antibiotics and alcohol are forbidden.
Popular recipes of hypoallergenic dishes ^
- Boil porridge( rice, oat, barley) - it should turn out to be liquid. Lubricate the form and add it in layers: black bread cubes, green apples and pour porridge. Put in the oven for 40 minutes.
- 200 grams of bread, diced, pour 250 grams of hot water, let stand for 20 minutes. Cut apples( or pears) into cubes, mix them with soggy bread. Put into a mold and put in a preheated oven for 40 minutes.
Bread with squash
- 200 grams of grated zucchini to salt, add 2-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a glass of flour( rye), knead the dough to make it thick. Cut into slices and roll out flat cakes. Fry in a heated frying pan on both sides. Oil is not necessary.
Ice cream
- Bananas put in the freezer overnight. Then it is done in a blender with coconut milk. Milk add gradually until a uniform mass is obtained. Add sugar powder( 3-4 bananas - 1-2 tablespoons) and a spoonful of lemon. Shake again with a blender.
- Put in the freezer for 3-4 hours. Mix every hour. You can do without coconut milk. You can make berry and fruit ice cream - for this, the banana is added fruit or berries.
Corn tortillas
- Grind in a blender canned corn( 100 g), garlic and parsley. Add salt, add corn flour( 2 tablespoons).Stir, form cutlets and fry in vegetable oil.
Vegetable buns
- Vegetables cook and grind on a blender. Add sugar, salt, olive oil and flour. Form the cakes and bake in the oven on paper for baking for 20-30 minutes.
Banana biscuit
- 1 banana with a fork, add half a glass of coconut shavings and oatmeal( 1-2 tablespoons).You can add sugar. Roll balls, flatten them. Bake in oven for 15 minutes.
The results of a hypoallergenic diet are a reduction in the sensitivity to food allergens found in a number of products.3-week program contributes to the recovery of the immune system. The doctors' comments on the hypoallergenic diet indicate that it can help avoid dangerous body reactions such as anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema.
Those who have tried the dietary course, note not only improvements in well-being, but also weight reduction. Without much effort for 2 months you can lose about 3 kilograms.
We also recommend to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help to lose weight fast and effectively: