Diet for hemorrhoids
A diet with hemorrhoids normalizes the work of the intestine, restores a useful microflora in it and helps to get rid of excess weight.
Properly formulated balanced diet with hemorrhoids plays a major role in the treatment and prevention of the disease, as it normalizes the intestine, restores a useful microflora in it and helps to get rid of excess weight.
The appearance and development of hemorrhoids provokes a number of unfavorable factors:
- sedentary lifestyle,
- sedentary work,
- obesity and overweight,
- heavy physical work, weight lifting,
- pregnancy and childbirth,
- alcohol abuse and spicy food,
- chronic constipationand prolonged diarrhea( diarrhea).
The purpose of the diet for hemorrhoids ^
The purpose of the diet is to eliminate the main causes of hemorrhoids, contributing to stagnation of blood in the hemorrhoids, the restoration of impaired intestinal functions, the regeneration of its mucosa and the normalization of the disturbed metabolism in the body. From the patient's compliance with dietary recommendations,.
The diet helps to achieve good bowel function, so that evacuation occurs regularly, preferably at the same time, and without excessive straining during defecation. As is known, with chronic constipation the feces become dry and hard and hard to push through the intestines. Therefore, the person has to exert excessive strain to make the emptying, which causes swelling and inflammation of the veins in the anus.
Chronic diarrhea( diarrhea) is no less harmful, as frequent evacuation of the intestine also causes tension in the veins of the anal cavity and increases pressure in the rectum. Very often people, fearing hemorrhoids, begin as a "prophylaxis" to thoughtlessly take laxatives, not realizing that with diarrhea [s] hemorrhoids [e] will develop much faster than with constipation.
In addition, with diarrhea, the balance of useful microflora in the intestine is disturbed, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, the water-salt balance is disrupted, nutrients are not absorbed and many necessary liquids and mineral salts are washed out. That is why [s] hemorrhoid treatment [e] is impossible without regulation of the stool and properly organized dietary nutrition.
A balanced diet with hemorrhoids helps to get rid of excess weight, which is very important for disease prevention. The fact is that in people with excess weight and obesity, excess fat deposits concentrate mainly in the lower abdomen, creating pressure on the rectum and increasing the burden on the veins. If you do not fight with extra pounds, the veins will become more and more stretched and swell in size, and the progression of hemorrhoids can not be stopped.
Principles of a diet for hemorrhoids ^
Stimulation of motor motility of intestines is achieved by including in the menu of chemical, mechanical and thermal( temperature) stimuli. When compiling a food ration, it is necessary to take into account and apply loosening and fixing properties of food products.
For chronic constipation, it is necessary to exclude products that cause constipation and delay the emptying of the intestines - hot liquids and dishes, mucous soups, kissels, pasta and flour products, natural red wine, chocolate, strong tea, black coffee, cocoa, pomegranate, cornelian, pears,cranberries, blueberries.
Products that promote the improvement of bowel evacuation must be applied competently and differentially, depending on the cause of constipation. For example, if constipation is caused by inadequate intake of food-rich foods, as well as reduced neuromuscular excitability of the colon, then you need to include in the menu more food products with the presence of fiber and connective tissue( cartilage, skin of fish and poultry, stiff meat) giving a largenumber of undigested residues, which mechanically irritate the digestive canal and excite its motor activity.
Fiber is not in vain considered an "intestinal cleaner", as it sweeps out of it all unnecessary and harmful deposits - slags, toxins, poisons, salts of heavy metals, surpluses of bad cholesterol and even radionuclides. A lot of it is contained in vegetables, fruits, berries, rye bread, bran, buckwheat and pearl barley.
If constipation is due to inflammation of the colon, it is unnecessarily agitated and has any tumors or excesses, on the contrary, it is impossible to use such products. In this case, fats and products rich in them are recommended( corn, olive, sunflower and butter, lard, sardines in oil, sprats, fish oil, sour cream, cream), because the fats contained in them soften the stool well and make it more "slippery. "
If the stool is very dry, salted foods( fish eggs, corned beef, herring, salt water) are included in the diet for maximum dilution and softening, since sodium helps attract and detain liquids in the intestines.
Sugary substances( fruits, juices, jam, milk, sugar beet and cane sugar, honey) have the same effect. They not only dilute the stool, but also create an acid fermentation process in the intestine, stimulating peristalsis and secretion of the intestines. Especially effective laxatives and stimulating motor properties are freshly squeezed natural juices - potato, carrot, beetroot and apricot.
Indispensable for constipation traditional products with organic acids - kefir( necessarily one or two days), yogurt, sour milk whey, kumis, sour lemonade. Sour-milk products not only increase peristalsis and motility of the intestines, but also contribute to its colonization with useful microflora and strengthening of immunity.
Many nutritionists are tempted to root in themselves from childhood a useful habit - to drink daily before going to bed a glass of one-day kefir with a spoon of vegetable oil. It is guaranteed to save in the future from constipation, hemorrhoids and any problems with the intestines. Longevity of the Caucasus, traditionally feeding on sour-milk dishes, have the composition of the intestinal microflora to the old age identical to that of healthy children.
A good thermal stimulator of the digestive tract is cold food products and drinks( ice cream, beetroot, kvass, okroshka, lemonade, plain water), as irritate the rectal thermoreceptors and excite its motor activity. Also useful for constipation is mineral and carbonated water, which intensify peristalsis of the intestines due to chemical and mechanical stimuli - the carbonic acid contained in them stretches the intestines, contributing to their better emptying.
Approximate diet menu for hemorrhoids ^
The diet menu for hemorrhoids should be high in energy value( 3000 - 3500 kcal) and balanced in chemical composition - the daily norm of proteins is 100-120 g( of which 50-60% of animal origin), fats100 - 120 g.( 30% vegetable), carbohydrates 450-500 g, sodium chloride( salt) about 12-15 grams.
The amount of fluid should be increased to 2 - 2.5 liters per day, depending on body weight. The higher the body weight, the more water you need to drink to fill physiological needs and prevent constipation and dehydration. Be sure to drink 1-2 glasses of cool water in the morning on an empty stomach( you can add 1 tsp honey), it will help the intestines wake up and start working fully.
Patients with hemorrhoids are recommended 4 to 5 times a day, meals should be carried out evenly throughout the day, without large time intervals. When food gets into the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract, its lower parts are reflexively contracted, which contributes to better bowel evacuation. The temperature of the cold dishes should not be lower than 15 ° C, and the hot temperature should not be higher than 62 ° C.
For the best work of the gastrointestinal tract, the culinary processing of the products - vegetables do not need much grinding, when preparing salads, radish, beets, carrots, radishand other vegetables shred on a large grater. Food cooked on steamed or boiled in water also try not to grind, and use vegetable and fruit diluted juices with pulp.
To prevent constipation and hemorrhoids, "porridge from constipation" is very useful - regularly consuming it for breakfast, you will forget about all problems with the intestines and will be full all day.
Recipe for porridge from constipation
Mix 2 tbsp.spoons of wheat, oatmeal, barley or coarse crushed grain( you can choose any of the cereals listed, but for better use, they better alternate),
2 tbsp.spoons of flax seeds( whole),
2 tbsp.spoons of any shredded nuts( except peanuts),
2 tbsp.spoons of small-cut dried fruits.
All pour with water, mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for the night. In the morning, drain off excess water, add kefir, yogurt or any yogurt. To exclude fermentation and flatulence in the intestine, do not eat fresh fruit and juices at the same time as the porridge.
Sample diet menu for hemorrhoids
- First breakfast - milk oatmeal( 270 g), fresh cabbage salad with apples, dressed with sour cream( 150 g), vegetable fried beans fillet with egg( 250 g), tea with milk( 1glass).
- The second breakfast - 100 g of fresh apples.
- Lunch - vegetable soup, seasoned with vegetable oil( 400 g), boiled meat( 60 g), stewed beets( 175 g), lemon jelly( 120 g).
- Snack - soaked prunes( 50 g).Dinner - vegetable cabbage rolls in vegetable oil( 220 g), cereal with cottage cheese from buckwheat groats( 200 g), tea( 1 glass).
- Before going to bed - 1 cup kefir.
For the whole day, 150 grams of rye bread, 200 grams of wheat bread, 10 g of butter and 40 g of sugar are allowed.
Sample diet menu for hemorrhoids( sparing option)
- First breakfast - milk semolina porridge( 200 g), 150 g of milk.
- The second breakfast is a glass of kefir.
- Lunch - milk oat mucous soup( 400 g), meat soufflé( 60 g), fruit jelly - 1 glass.
- Snack - steam fish souffle( 100 g), 100 g of sour cream, tea with milk - 1 glass, broth of rose hips - 1 glass.
- Dinner - boiled fish with mashed potatoes( 200 g), tea with milk - 1 glass.
- At night - 1 glass of curdled milk.
For the whole day - 30 grams of sugar and 30 g of butter.
Sample diet menu for hemorrhoids( an erased version)
- First breakfast - buckwheat mashed porridge( 200 g), 1 soft-boiled egg, a glass of tea.
- Second breakfast - processed cheese - 30 g.
- Lunch - vegetable soup with green peas( 250 g), potato casserole with mashed boiled meat( 250 g), tea - 1 glass.
- Snack - grated cheese with milk( 150 g), crackers( 25 g).
- Dinner - fish balls with carrot puree( 100/100), wheat porridge with fruit( 200 g), tea - 1 glass.
- At night - a glass of milk.
During the day - 200 grams of bread and 30 grams of sugar.
Since the correctly calculated diet for hemorrhoids is gentle, physiologically balanced and contains a lot of fiber for the full functioning of the intestine, it can be observed for a long time, until the digestive functions are completely eliminated. For a more effective diet, try to be physically active, do exercise therapy and avoid stress.
We recommend you to watch the video of medical experts on the main causes of hemorrhoids and methods of its prevention: