Diet with kidney stones
Diet for kidney stones: testimonials and patient results
Diet with kidney stones is a prerequisite for successful recovery, so doctors prescribe it in addition to drug treatment.
Features of a diet with kidney stones ^
Patients often wonder: Is a diet necessary for kidney stones? Of course, the outcome of the disease largely depends on proper nutrition, however, the choice of a specific menu depends on the type of these stones: urate, phosphate or oxalate.
What kind of diet for kidney stones is needed for the patient, the doctor decides, since the general method of nutrition does not exist. Depending on the type of stones, these or other products are excluded, as well as food, which contributes to the speedy recovery.
Complications that may occur due to stones:
- Pyelonephritis;
- Hydronephrosis;
- Urosepsis;
- Renal failure( acute and chronic).
If you do not use a diet for patients with kidney stones, the healing process can take a long time, and does not always end in a favorable outcome, so the doctor necessarily chooses the right table for the patient, which must be observed until complete recovery.
The therapeutic diet for kidney stones implies a complete refusal from alcohol, fried and spicy food, spices and alcohol, and non-compliance with the diet is threatened by possible complications, which were mentioned above.
The use of therapeutic nutrition for kidney stones should be combined with a doctor-appointed treatment: it can be a medicinal method, shock wave lithotripsy, puncture destruction, surgical intervention.
Diet for kidney stones: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Diet for kidney stones: therapeutic menu
Diet with oxalate stones in the kidneys
With this type of stones, you need to eat 5 times a day in fractions, and you can eat yesterday's rye bread,whole or fermented milk, vegetable vegetarian soups without peas, beans or lentils, as well as pasta, non-acidic fruits, tomatoes, cucumbers, cooked carrots, compotes, preserves and jelly.
Sample menu:
- For breakfast we eat 100 g of cottage cheese, we drink kissel;
- We are eating banana for lunch;
- Lunch soup without meat and a portion of cooked vegetables;
- We snack compote and a slice of bread;
- We have dinner with a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.
Diet with urate stones in the kidneys
It is forbidden to drink coffee, meat fish, cheese, cauliflower, and give preference to potatoes, white cabbage, cereals, pasta, berries and fruits.
Approximate menu:
- We have breakfast with tea and a slice of bread;
- We ate lunch of fresh cabbage for lunch;
- We dine with boiled pasta and vegetables;
- We snack berries or fruit;
- We ate oatmeal for dinner.
Diet with phosphate stones in the kidneys
With this kind of stones, fruits and vegetables, milk and egg white are forbidden, but you can safely eat meat, fish, cereals, pasta, bread uneatable products, caviar and sweets.
- In the morning we drink a cup of tea, we eat a sandwich with caviar;
- We have a snack with marmalade;
- We have lunch with baked chicken and pasta;
- For a snack we eat 100 g of fish;
- We dine with boiled fish and 200 g of wild rose.
Diet after removal of stones from the kidneys
After the surgery, a two-stage diet is used:
- The first two days allowed to eat meat broths, fruit jelly, water diluted with juice, tea and broth of wild rose;
- From the third day to the above list added grated cooked or steamed vegetables.
Diet with kidney stones and gall bladder
In this case, the emphasis is on vegetable and milk food, following this menu:
- We have breakfast with an omelette and non-acid curd;
- For lunch we eat a piece of light cheese;
- We have lunch with milk soup and steamed vegetables;
- We snack with boiled fish;
- We dine with chicken cutlets and seafood salad.
Diet for kidney and bladder stones
Any meat products and sweets are forbidden here, and the menu should be made up of dairy products, cereals and fruits:
- We have breakfast in oatmeal with milk, drink tea;
- We have lunch with vegetable salad and cottage cheese;
- We drink kefir for a mid-morning snack;
- We are having dinner with steamed vegetables and buckwheat.
Diet for kidney stones in pregnant women
The most important condition for the successful excretion of stones is the consumption of large amounts of liquid. The diet depends on the specific type of stones:
- Oxalatnye: grapes, apples, pears, seafood( except fish) are allowed;
- Phosphate: fish, meat, pasta, beans;
- Urate: fruits, vegetables and juices.
Diet for kidney stones in children
For successful treatment of the child should adhere to this menu:
- In the morning we eat unsweetened yogurt, drink broth of wild rose or green tea;
- At lunch we eat a low-fat cottage cheese;
- We have lunch with vegetable puree and fish cutlet;
- We drink juice for a snack;
- We have dinner with boiled potatoes and 100 g of chicken breast.
The results, feedback and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition with kidney stones ^
Literally a couple of days you can see the results of a diet with kidney stones: pains are alleviated, urination normalizes, and if the ration is observed for 2-3 weeks, stones are excreted.
Prevention of kidney stones includes:
- Medication;
- Maintaining proper nutrition;
- Urine status monitoring.
Tips on how to avoid the appearance of kidney stones:
- Drink more fluids;
- Restrict the use of products containing sodium;
- Do not abuse animal proteins;
- Eat foods with a high calcium content.
Reviews of doctors about diet with kidney stones are very good:
Marina, 33, nephrologist:
"I would advise using diets for prevention, and periodically change rations. Healthy diet is crucial: it strengthens the immune system and prevents the emergence of various kinds of diseases, therefore, in addition to medicines, a medical menu is required. "
Catherine, 39, nephrologist:
" The diet is an essential component of the curative plan, and without it the effect of medications is significantly reduced. Of course, all the doctors recommend their patients to temporarily limit the diet, but for this it is necessary to first determine the type of stones. "
Lyudmila, 38, nephrologist:
" From my experience I can say that in addition to the diet for any kind of stone, you need to drink plenty of liquid - thisaccelerates the recovery process and prevents relapse ยป