  • Migraine Diet

    Read in the article:
    • Special features of therapeutic nutrition and migraine diets
    • Migraine diets: menu, features of therapeutic nutrition, recipes
    • Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition to reduce migraine attacks

    Migraine diet: reviews and patient results

    Migraineis not such a simple disease as it might seem at first glance, and a properly designed diet helps to ease its course and prevent repeated seizures.

    Features of therapeutic nutrition and diets with migraine ^

    Migraine is a neurological disease, accompanied by a severe headache, and in some cases - nausea and vomiting. Seizures can trigger the following factors:

    • Frequent stress;
    • Nervous overvoltage;
    • Unfavorable weather;
    • Excessive physical activity;
    • Lack of sleep or excess sleep;
    • Smoking;
    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • Depression;
    • Hormonal disorders.

    Most often during a migraine, a person feels weak, reacts sharply to sounds, and the disease is complicated by visual and speech impairment, paralysis and numbness of the limbs, as well as restriction of motor activity.

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    In order to avoid such negative consequences, it is necessary to take the medications prescribed by the doctor and observe a therapeutic diet for migraines.

    Those who doubt whether a diet helps with migraine, you should know the three main initiators of seizures: tyramine, histamine and nitrates. It is these substances that negatively affect the nervous system, and therapeutic nutrition during migraines is made taking into account the exclusion of products containing them:

    • Tofu and soybean paste;
    • Black beans;
    • Cheese;
    • Smoked, pickled or salted fish;
    • Fatty broth;
    • Sausages;
    • Fish for long-term storage;
    • Dyes and preservatives;
    • Red wine and beer.

    Knowing which foods provoke migraine, you need to make your own diet without their presence, otherwise there will not be a proper effect on the diet.

    Now more about what kind of diet is needed for migraines:

    • A diet for migraine sufferers should not contain allergen products;
    • It is necessary to limit the use of sauerkraut, beer yeast, kvass, ginseng and alcohol;
    • It is compulsory to remove foods that cause migraines.

    Much more popular is acid-base nutrition with migraine, which helps to adjust the balance of acids and alkalis in the body, and strengthen immunity. Proper nutrition with migraine should be balanced, and contain proteins and carbohydrates, and it is the latter best to give preference.

    During a diet to reduce the symptoms of migraine, you can use a small amount:

    • Anchovies;
    • Cucumbers;
    • Corn;
    • Beets;
    • Boiled eggs;
    • Figs and raisins.

    Only if you follow a diet against migraine you will achieve the maximum result and reduce the number of attacks, as usual treatment is often not enough for this.

    We also recommend that you read the article Migraine Treatment with Folk Remedies.

    Migraine diets: menu, features of therapeutic nutrition, recipes ^

    Migraine diets: treatment menu, recipes

    Principles of feeding with migraine:

    • In addition, you can drink herbal decoctions that help to alleviate pain;
    • If during an exacerbation there is no appetite, then you do not have to force yourself to eat, but you must drink water;
    • The menu needs to be selected individually, therefore patients should observe the reaction of their body.

    Migraine Diet: What You Can Eat

    The following is a list of products that help to eliminate symptoms:

    • Flaxseeds;
    • Sea fish;
    • Brown rice;
    • Dried fruits;
    • Bananas;
    • Wheat bran;
    • Buckwheat and oatmeal;
    • Green;
    • Chicken or turkey meat;
    • Tea;
    • Pumpkin, broccoli;
    • Green vegetables;
    • Tea.

    Therapeutic diet for migraines: the

    menu The diet should look like this:

    • The first two days of fasting, we drink from drinks only juices of grapefruit, orange, grapes, beets, celery, spinach or cucumbers;
    • Next for breakfast we eat porridge, drink it with juice;We have lunch with vegetable soup, mashed potatoes and wild rose broth;supper with a glass of ryazhenka or kefir;have a snack with fruit.

    Migraine diet with aura

    When symptoms appear before migraine, it is necessary to exclude products with tyramine, namely:

    • Coffee, tea and lemonade;
    • Nuts;
    • Chocolate milk, yogurts;
    • Sauerkraut;
    • Pickled vegetables;
    • Raisins and figs;
    • Instant soups;
    • Chocolate.

    Migraine diets for children

    Children also need to remove tyramine-containing products, and to relieve the attacks, feed the child with the following dishes:

    • Pumpkin seeds;
    • with turkey meat;
    • Liver;
    • Broccoli;
    • with Bulgarian pepper;
    • Green;
    • Dried fruits.

    It is recommended to drink carrot or cucumber juices, tea with mint and chamomile, and also regularly conduct aromatherapy sessions using essential oils of rose, mint or lemon.

    Migraine diarrhea in pregnant women

    Migraine is most often associated with toxicosis during pregnancy, so it is very important to exclude products containing tiramine and nitrates.

    Sample menu:

    • We have breakfast oatmeal with the addition of berries, we drink tea;
    • At lunch we eat two baked apples;
    • For lunch we eat liquid vegetable soup, a slice of chicken meat and a salad of green vegetables;
    • We snack a glass of yogurt and oatmeal cookies;
    • We have dinner with cabbage salad and steam chicken cutlets.

    Gluten-free diet for migraine

    In case of hypersensitivity to gluten, the following foods should be removed from the diet:

    • Wheat, rye, oats, barley;
    • Any flour products;
    • Bread;
    • Bran;
    • Groats.

    You can eat vegetables and fruits, eat eggs, beans, buckwheat, potatoes, rice, soy, flax seeds, unprocessed nuts and seeds.

    Diet for the prevention of migraine attacks

    To prevent seizures, you can use this sample menu:

    • Have breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of coffee;
    • Lunch a light vegetable soup, baked meat and salad;
    • We have a snack with low-fat kefir;
    • We dine with steamed chicken, stewed vegetables and tea.

    Recipes for a migraine diet

    Recipe for vegetable salad:

    • We cut Bulgarian peppers, cucumbers, cooked broccoli and celery;
    • Mix, salt and season with vegetable oil.

    Recipe for vegetable soup:

    • Boiling water, put crushed potatoes into it, after 20 minutes - chopped onions, cabbage and grated carrots;
    • Solim, sprinkle with herbs, cook until ready.

    Recipe for fruit salad:

    • Cut the pulp of banana, orange slices and kiwi;
    • Fill all with low-fat yogurt, garnish with grapes.
    We also recommend that you read the article Diet in Depression.

    Results, testimonials and doctor's recommendations on proper nutrition to reduce migraine attacks ^

    As a result of the migraine diet, it is possible to reduce the frequency of seizures and alleviate the main symptoms, but for complete recovery it is necessary to undergo a prescribed treatment course by the doctor.

    It should be noted that even in the absence of relapses for several years, seizures may reappear, so it is very important to prevent migraines: take soothing drugs, avoid stress and watch your health.

    Advice on how to avoid migraine attacks:

    • Take food in time;
    • Give yourself moderate exercise;
    • Get enough sleep;
    • Give up bad habits;
    • Avoid dehydration.

    Reviews of doctors about a migraine diet:

    Anastasia, 35, neurologist:

    "During a migraine, a person can completely lose motor ability, so on such days you do not have to force him to eat. When the symptoms become weaker, it is recommended to start eating with light meals, gradually increasing the caloric intake of the diet. "

    Irina, 39, neuropathologist:

    " When my patients are too often tormented by migraines, I necessarily prescribe a diet."

    Jeanne, 45, neuropathologist:

    " Often it is the diet that determines the duration of migraines and the frequency of their appearance, so maintaining a healthy diet is recommended throughout life to those who are addicted to the disease "