Diet for obesity
The diet for obesity is balanced, high-grade and directed to the prevention of many serious illnesses.
Dietwith obesity helps to reduce weight and in some cases even save lives, because therapeutic nutrition - this is therapy, and the prevention of many serious diseases.
Causes and features of therapeutic nutrition for obesity ^
Obesity is a chronic disease that occurs as a result of a pathological surplus of fat stored in the body. However, not all people realize the danger that superfluous kilograms carry in themselves.
Meanwhile, with excess weight, the risk of diseases much more terrible than the aesthetic drawback of the figure increases. These include diabetes mellitus, and oncology, and asthma, and hypertension, and Alzheimer's disease, and fatty liver dystrophy, and arthritis. The risk of stroke and heart attack increases many times.
Excess weight causes infertility in men and women, contributes to a tendency to depression, apnea( snoring), worsens eye health, increases the risk of gallstones. In addition, the hormonal balance in the body is seriously disturbed.
The main causes of obesity:
- Genetics - some people from birth have a large number of fat cells.
- Overweight increases the chances of developing the disease.
- Inactive way of life, lack of sport in it, sedentary work.
- Modern rhythm of life, not always allowing to prepare a full-fledged food, and the abundance of household appliances that helps in the economy significantly reduces energy consumption.
- Hormonal disorders in women, people with disabilities and mental illnesses, sometimes hypothyroidism and side effects of drugs.
- A number of rare genetic diseases, for example, hyperinsulism, Itenko-Cushing syndrome, damage to the hypothalamus, controlling appetite. A healthy person does not specifically control the appetite. Increasing physical activity, staying in the cold increase the energy expenditure, and the person eats more. In the absence of waste energy food is also required less, the regulation of appetite occurs automatically. In obese patients, the saturation centers do not work and the appetite is not controlled.
- Menu consisting of semi-finished, fast food and other refined food, supersaturated with dyes and preservatives.
- Incorrect food behavior and habits, often laid down in childhood - food in front of the TV or behind a book, addiction to sweets, night meals, the habit of not eating breakfast and eating less than 3 times a day.
Obesity is a dangerous disease that is difficult to treat. It is unlikely that it will be possible to cope independently with him. A huge number of doctors - nutritionists, institutes of nutrition and specialized clinics are engaged in this problem all over the world. Often the patient needs not only medical treatment, but also surgical. However, the most important mission is given to dietology.
General principles of therapeutic nutrition are as follows:
- Increase the number of meals and reduce servings. If you allow large gaps, this will lead to overeating. For one meal the body will take only the part necessary to it, and the rest will be put aside for storage.
- Calorie diet should not exceed energy consumption. It is necessary to gradually reduce the daily caloric value, but without losing its nutritional value.
- Fasting and rapid weight loss contribute to its safe return sometimes with an extra kilogram.
- The diet will be most effective if fast carbohydrates are only in the morning, and the main amount of food is eaten in the morning. In addition, you need to maximize the diet of foods rich in fiber.
Prohibited products:
- Any fatty fish and meat, smoked products, canned food, sausages, stew.
- Animal fat, lard, butter can, at a minimum.
- Fatty milk products.
- Manka, oatmeal, rice, pasta.
- White bread, baking, confectionery products, sugar.
- First courses with potatoes, pasta and cereals.
- Mayonnaise and all fatty or spicy sauces.
- Grapes, dates, bananas, raisins, honey, jam.
- Kvass, sweet juices, cocoa, energy, soda, alcohol.
- Low-fat fish, seafood, meat, eggs.
- Vegetables, berries, fruits.
- Vegetable oils, 30 gr.per day.
- Low-fat dairy products.
- Chopped or coarse bread.
- Light first dishes.
- Freshly squeezed juice, mors, tea, compote, mineral water, milk coffee.
All recommendations are the basis of a healthy diet. The diet is suitable for everyone, and having excess weight it will help to avoid the development of obesity. Doctors warn that with all obese patients, a medical diet is not just useful, but vital.
Diet from obesity: an approximate menu and features ^
Without a power correction, you can not achieve a lasting result. Each patient needs an individual approach. There is a direct dependence on on concomitant diseases, the degree of obesity, physical activity, age and sex of the patient. The menu of an individual diet is made taking into account all these points. At different stages of the disease, the diet No. 8, developed by nutritionists of the Institute of Nutrition, is successfully used for treatment.
At the initial stage of the disease, a person is active, healthy and does not always anticipate an impending threat. But if you do not rush to start fighting overweight, you will have the first health problems. Diet for obesity of the first degree excludes sugar, salt up to 8 g.per day, water is -1.2 liters. On 60% diet diet consists of protein foods and 25% of vegetable fats. Eating up to 6 times a day.
For obesity of the second type, the same restrictions, rules and proportions of proteins of fats and carbohydrates are characteristic, as for the first type. Also, a diet for obesity of the second type recommends a 6-fold intake of food, but to lose weight at this stage is already much more difficult. It is just characterized by a slow, stable set of body weight. If at this stage you can lose weight, the result will be stable, especially if there is physical activity.
The method of nutrition is curative, it should not harm an already compromised health. Therefore, the menu for the diet is made diverse, saturated with vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and all the necessary substances.
Menu for obesity
For an example of a patient's menu it can look like this:
Breakfast - for choice
- Low-calorie curd, carrot salad, unsweetened coffee, with milk.
- Boiled meat 70 gr, vegetable salad, coffee.
Extra breakfast
- Salad from vegetables or berry - fruit.
- Vegetarian borsch, vegetable ragout, meat 90 gr.
- Vegetable soup, buckwheat and baked fish.
- Unsaturated broth, chicken and cabbage salad. Low-fat cheese, apple.
.Cottage cheese, pear.
- Steam vegetables and fish.
- Jellied fish. Protein omelet and salad from raw vegetables.
2 hours before bedtime - a glass of low-calorie yogurt or kefir.
Treatment of patients with obesity of the third degree is better to produce in a hospital, since at this stage of the disease, as a rule, patients already have multiple complications: problems with the cardiovascular system, joints, liver and other organs.
The diet for obesity of the third degree is designed for daily caloric intake, not exceeding 1300 kcal. The diet of the diet consists of 80 g.protein, 60 g.fats and 100 gr.carbohydrates. One day a week must necessarily be unloading.
The diet for obesity of the liver provides for the reduction of animal fats, complete rejection of alcohol, sugar, macaroni and flour products. The amount of protein, foods and herbal drinks that help rid the liver of fat in the diet is increasing. Compliance with diet such patients is vital, since fatty hepatosis, if not taken in time, can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.
Results, recommendations and feedback from doctors about dietary nutrition for obesity ^
Diet No. 8, developed in Soviet times, is still relevant. On its basis, obese people, the menu is made now. Reviews of doctors about the diet for obesity are only positive, because the patient is not doomed to starvation or poor dietary components, but receives a full and balanced diet.
The results of the diet from obesity, subject to strict adherence to the rules, are positive. Thanks to a diet and a set of recreational activities, it is possible to defeat the disease and avoid dangerous complications. However, doctors warn that obesity is too serious a disease, therefore it will be necessary to struggle with it all life.
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