Diet with gastritis
Diet for gastritis involves facilitating the work of the digestive system and is aimed at neutralizing the hydrochloric acid
Diet for gastritis - is not just aspecial dietary nutrition, and a means of treatment, without which the intake of medications is ineffective. The dietary course for gastritis not only normalizes the digestive process, but also helps to cope with excess weight.
Features food in gastritis stomach ^
most common inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach is a special bacterium that has the name of Helicobacter pylori. However, in addition to it, it is also capable of causing improper nutrition, alcohol consumption, smoking and stresses.
Among the symptoms that often speak of gastritis - stomach pain, digestive disorders such as diarrhea or constipation, nausea and vomiting.
Men with gastritis should be directed to neutralize hydrochloric acid, which irritates the walls of the stomach. Therefore, the diet of the patient should be only soft food, which facilitates the work of the digestive system.
This diet program is also shown to full people, because proper nutrition allows you to lose extra pounds. In addition, dietary nutrition with gastritis helps to overcome allergic reactions and strengthens immunity.
Advantages of the technique in the right diet and in the ability to positively influence the body. Disadvantages of dietary nutrition are the severity of restrictions, among which - the ban on sour-milk products and butter. It is especially difficult to sustain a course for people with bad habits, since tobacco and alcohol are banned.
Prohibited products :
- spicy and salty foods, fried, smoked, marinades and spices;
- baking, fresh and rye bread;
- beans, millet, barley and pearl barley;
- fatty and wiry meat, canned food;
- oily, salted fish and canned food;
- meat, mushroom, fish, vegetable broths, cabbage soup, borsch and okroshka;
- marinated, pickled and preserved vegetables, mushrooms, pickles, cabbage, spinach, onions;
- mustard, horseradish, sauces, vinegar, fats( both animal and vegetable);
- eggs;
- to limit consumption of salty and spicy cheeses, dairy products, ice cream, chocolate;
- dried fruit and unripe fruit;
- carbonated drinks, alcohol, kvass, juices, black coffee.
Authorized products :
- boiled porridge( on water);
- vegetable soups with cereals;Meatballs and meatballs
- ;
- boiled pasta;
- low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt;
- baked apples and bananas;
- pastille and marmalade;
- cookies without additives.
Diet for gastritis: a rough menu and features ^
Diet for gastritis: menu, food rules
Features food for gastritis:
- Diet frequent and fractional.
- You need to eat every 3 to 4 hours without missing meals.
- Portions of food should not exceed 250 g.
- Method of cooking - you should prefer steaming, cooking or baking.
- Food should be well-brewed. Temperature - close to body temperature, - hot or cold food injures the stomach.
Menu for 7 days
1 day
- buckwheat porridge on milk, cottage cheese with cream or sour cream;
- a glass of milk;
- manganese soup, steamed meat steaks, apple jelly, omelette;
- little fish balls for a couple, vermicelli, tea;
- kefir.
Day 2
- steamed meat steaks, potato-carrot mashed potatoes, oat flakes with milk, tea;
- jelly;
- rice soup with meat, carrot puree, fruit jelly;
- lazy dumplings, tea;
- milk.
3 day
- undercooked eggs, vermicelli with butter, unsweetened tea with milk;
- cup of yogurt;
- potato-carrot soup, steamed meatballs, dried fruit tea;
- steamed buckwheat groats, raspberries;
- milk.
Day 4
- milk rice porridge, cocoa;
- berry jelly;
- milk oat soup, meat pudding, puree from green peas, apple jelly;
- pasta with mashed meat, raspberry broth;
- low-fat cream.
5 day
- potato and carrot puree, tea;
- milk;
- pea soup, boiled chicken with vermicelli, berry mousse;
- buckwheat pudding with cottage cheese( ground), raspberry broth;
- milk.
6 day
- oatmeal porridge, scrambled eggs, tea;
- milk;
- carrot soup, boiled fish, toast, tea;
- cutlet steamed, porridge buckwheat, raspberry broth;
- cream.
7 day
- semolina porridge, tea with milk;
- milk;
- cooked milk soup, rice porridge, baked apples;
- potato and carrot puree, steamed pudding, raspberry broth;
- milk.
Diet for gastritis with high acidity
The diet with gastritis with high acidity assumes such food:
- mashed porridge - semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal;
- puddings, souffle;
- yesterday's wheat bread, 1 or 2 times a week - buns not easy;
- soups from allowed vegetables on vegetable broth, with boiled cereals, meat with the addition of butter;
- the second dishes are steamed, low-fat, meat and poultry are allowed;
- eggs are used soft-boiled or in the form of an omelette in a double boiler;
- fish - boiled lean;Dairy products - non-acidic;
- fruits and vegetables preferably are in grinded form or steamed;
- you can have a little marshmallow, pastille, honey, jam, sugar;
- non-acidic juice, loose tea, coffee with milk, cocoa.
Diet for gastritis with low acidity
Diet for gastritis with low acidity suggests the following food intake:
- stale wheat bread, buns, pasta, cookies with boiled stuffing;
- crumbly cereals, low-fat pilaf without meat;
- soups on light meat broths with meatballs, cabbage soup or borscht without acidic ingredients;
- lean meat - baked, boiled, fried, chicken, sausages, pancakes;
- low-fat stew, boiled, baked or fried fish;
- stewed, boiled or baked vegetables;
- rough fruits, jelly, compotes and mousses;
- sour-milk products not peroxidized, butter, eggs, vegetable oil;
- coffee on milk, tea, diluted fruit juices, compotes, cocoa.
Diet for erosive gastritis
It is recommended to use semi-liquid or ground foods. Cannery, strong broths, fatty meat and fish, sour fruits and berries, fresh, fried foods, pastry on a yeast test are excluded. The food should be slightly warm. Welcome kissels, which gently envelop the walls of the stomach.
Diet for chronic gastritis
For chronic gastritis, diet food should be maintained for the rest of the life of . It consists in refusing fried, concentrated broths, confectionery, beans and mushrooms. It is necessary to limit flour, strong tea and coffee. Vegetables and fruits should be heat treated.
Diet for exacerbation of gastritis
Sour plant products are forbidden, such as citrus fruits, pineapples, cranberries, sorrel, radish, radish. Eat as often as possible - preferably 6 times a day, in small portions. Meat offal, as well as seafood are not recommended.
Diet for acute gastritis
It is necessary to exclude yoghurts and yogurt, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, sweets, kvass, coffee, cocoa and carbonated water. At the same time, you can eat viscous soups( oatmeal and rice with butter), liquid porridge, lean meat boil, pass through a meat grinder or grind with a blender. You can milk, jelly, soft-boiled eggs, loose tea and broth of rose hips.
Diet for atrophic gastritis
The menu of the patient with atrophic gastritis should consist of low acidity dishes and exclude foods that enhance fermentation - whole milk, bakery and yeast dough, mushrooms, legumes, canned food, cabbage, cucumber, grapes, radish, garlic,onion, smoked meat, lard.
Results, recommendations and references of doctors ^
The results of a diet with gastritis are manifested in a significant improvement in the well-being of patients, as well as in reducing excess weight. With such nutrition for a week, an average of about 4 extra pounds. Starting to eat healthy food, you can make it the rule of all life and do not stop this nutrition program.
If the decision is made to get out of it, then it should be done smoothly, in no case should not immediately lean on products that were previously excluded. The recalls of a diet with gastritis often speak of a complete cure for the disease. However, the treatment course should be prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and the course of the disease.
We also recommend to watch the video on the popular TV program "Live Healthily" about gastritis - the reasons for its formation and effective methods of combating it: