Diets for Diabetics
Diabetic diet: reviews and patient results
diagnosis of diabetes is very important to observe the right diet: it helps to avoid complications and normalize the level of glucose.
Features of a therapeutic diet for diabetics ^
Diabetes is a disease characterized by the lack or insufficiency of insulin production, a violation of carbohydrate metabolism and an increase in the level of glucose in the blood.
Most often it occurs against a background of frequent stresses, because of hereditary predisposition, malnutrition and obesity, pancreatic diseases, viral infections.
Symptoms of diabetes:
- Weakness, constant fatigue;
- Frequent urge to urinate;
- Poor vision;
- Reduced sexual activity;
- Slow wound healing;
- Heart pain;
- Itching and skin rashes;
- Heaviness in the legs, dizziness.
Does Diabetes Aid Help
Many people who have experienced this disease often wonder if a diet is needed for diabetics. Here it is worth noting that it is not only necessary, but also strictly necessary for all patients, because without proper nutrition there is a possibility of such complications as ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia or even coma.
Now about what diet is needed for diabetics:
- Its menu should be gentle and consist mainly of proteins and carbohydrates, since any fatty foods are excluded;
- If you are overweight, you should definitely get rid of it with a special diet;
- Diabetics should have their own diet, and you need to keep it for a certain period of time, but for the rest of your life.
Which foods should be in a diet for a diabetic for each day:
- Black bread;
- Soups on low-fat broth;
- Legumes, pasta cereals( no more than 2 times a week);
- Low-fat curd and yogurt;
- Boiled eggs( 2 pcs per day);
- Vegetables in any form;
- Unsavory or sweet and sour berries and fruits;
- Low-fat milk( not more than 400 g per day).
List of products banned in a therapeutic diet for diabetics:
- Any sweets;
- Smoked meat, pickles;
- Spicy dishes;
- Any fats( lard, pork, lamb);
- Spices;
- Alcohol;
- Grapes, raisins and bananas.
Knowing what the diet for diabetics is based on, you can independently calculate your diet and lead a lifestyle that does not differ from other people, without experiencing any particular discomfort.
Even if diabetes has become insulin-dependent, the diet of a novice diabetic or any other diet can also be used, because in all cases the products are always the same.
Diets for diabetics 1 and 2 types: menu, table, features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Diabetic diet: medical menu, diabetic recipes
Diets - table number 9 for diabetics
This menu can be used for any form of diabetes( insulin-dependent and insulin-independent):
- We have breakfast millet porridge, a slice of cheese and coffee with the addition of milk;
- At lunch we eat 100 g of yogurt and apple;
- Dinner buckwheat soup with meat, steam fish, baked in a uniform potatoes and cabbage salad;
- We snack an orange and casserole from cottage cheese;
- We dine with fish meatballs, boiled vegetables and tea.
Diabetes for type 2 diabetics( second type)
With insulin-independent type of diabetes mellitus, you can use this diet to create your own menu:
- Have breakfast with carrot salad, oatmeal and unsweetened tea;
- For lunch we eat an apple and drink tea;
- We have lunch with vegetarian borsch, salad and vegetable stew;
- We snack a broth of rose hips and cheese cakes;
- We dine with steam cutlets, bread and eggs;
- Before going to bed, we drink a glass of yogurt.
Diets for type 1 diabetics( first type)
If a doctor has prescribed insulin injections, then yogurt, milk and juices should be removed from the diet.
Sample menu:
- Lunch cereal cereal, 50 grams of hard cheese, a slice of bread and unsweetened tea;
- Dinner borscht, chicken breast and vegetable salad;
- Snacking grapefruit and kefir;
- We have dinner with boiled fish and stewed cabbage.
The following tables are recommended for the individual menu:
- Tables of bread units
- Tables of caloric content and composition of foods( content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and water in 100 g.)
- Table of points( points, units) of carbohydrate content in foodstuffsfor low-carbohydrate diets
Low-carb diets for diabetics
This diet is used to normalize sugar before losing weight, and for a day you can consume no more than 30 grams of useful carbohydrates.
Approximate menu:
- We have breakfast with cottage cheese, a cup of tea and a slice of bread;
- At lunch we eat an orange;
- We have dinner with meat low-fat soup, seafood salad we drink tea;
- We snack a glass of yogurt;
- We have dinner with baked meat and salad from boiled vegetables.
Diets for diabetics for weight loss
To reduce the weight for 1 month by 7-10 kilograms, you need to eat according to the example of this menu:
- In the morning we eat a bucket of buckwheat porridge on the water, wash down with tea;
- We bite with low-fat cottage cheese;
- Dinner soup on vegetable broth, salad and steam cutlets;
- We snack the broth of the dog rose;
- We dine with salad from cabbage and cucumber.
Non-carbohydrate diet for diabetics
With an overabundance of carbohydrates, you need to discard fruits and berries, and monitor their use in the following proportions:
- For breakfast - 6 g of carbohydrates;
- For lunch and dinner - for 12 years.
Low-calorie diet for diabetics
To lose weight with diabetes of the second type, you can use this menu:
- Have breakfast with boiled egg and a piece of cheese;
- Lunch stewed cabbage with meat;Dinner with chicken and cheese.
Diets for overweight diabetics:
menu All those who wish to lose weight can enjoy the following diet:
- For breakfast we eat a pack of low-fat yogurt, drink a cup of tea;
- Snack with any non-forbidden fruit;
- We have dinner with vegetarian soup, we eat vegetable salad;
- We snack with bohemian decoction;
- We have dinner with baked fish and salad with white cabbage.
Diets for diabetics
Recipe for vegetable salad:
- Shinku brussels sprouts, boiled beans cut into rings, rubbed on a grater carrots;
- Ravem lettuce leaves;
- Mix everything, fill with low-fat sour cream.
Soup recipe with meatballs:
- Fill the chicken with ground egg, add chopped onion and greens;
- We make meatballs and cook for 20 minutes;
- We take out the meatballs from the broth, place the grated carrots and chopped potatoes;
- 10 minutes before the readiness is placed again in broth meatballs. Steak Beef Recipe:
- We cut 400 g of low-fat beef fillet into cubes, salt and pepper;
- Lightly fry in olive oil, add 500 liters of milk and finely chopped greens;
- Simmer on low heat for 20 minutes.
We also recommend that you read the article Diet with increased blood sugar.Results, testimonials and doctor's recommendations for proper nutrition for diabetics ^
The positive results of diet for diabetics are manifested in the fact that the person using it manages to normalize the sugar level, and if to follow it in the future - to prevent repeated jumps.
Tips on how to avoid diabetes:
- Reduce the amount of sugar and fat consumed;
- Eat more fruits and vegetables;
- Do not abuse alcohol;
- Do jogging or charging at home.
Reviews of doctors about diets for diabetics:
Irina, 39, endocrinologist:
"If diabetics do not follow a diet, then the pancreas will eventually stop producing insulin, which is fraught with diabetic coma and other menacing complications"
Galina, 43, endocrinologist:
"A diet for diabetics really helps to maintain sugar in the norm, while it is very important to observe it all life, since diabetes is an incurable disease. Only with proper nutrition can you avoid deterioration of health and transition from the second type of disease to the first. "
Margarita, age 38, therapist:
" Very often diabetics become permanent patients of endocrinologists, because of malnutrition, there is a failure in all body systems,including endocrine. To prevent this from happening, you must always follow a diet and constantly measure the sugar level with a home glucose meter. "