Diet with acne
Diet for acne: testimonials and results
Diet for acne is a compiledfrom healthy foods, a diet that helps to get rid of this disease and eliminate its symptoms.
Features of the diet for acne and acne ^
Acne is a skin disease characterized by inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the appearance of a large amount of fatty discharge, acne and acne.
Therapeutic nutrition with acne helps to avoid complications such as scars, atrophic spots, discoloration, cysts and swelling - all this significantly reduces a person's self-esteem.
There are several reasons for the development of this disease:
- Heredity;
- Hormonal changes;
- Diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- Transitional age;
- Hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands;
- Inflammatory diseases, skin lesions;
- Reception of halogenated preparations.
On the question of whether a diet is necessary for acne, doctors give an unequivocally positive answer, since this disease in a number of cases is directly related to the consumption of fatty or sweet foods that provoke abnormal sebaceous discharge and, as a consequence, blockage of pores.
What diet to observe with acne:
- Nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables, spinach, wheat, dairy products, fish, lean meats, cheese, dried fruits should be present in its menu, as they contribute to the purification of the whole organism;
- For the period of treatment and, preferably, after - refuse sausages, spicy food, mayonnaise, fast food, coffee, salted and fried foods, carbonated drinks.
The aim of the diet for acne patients is to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, tk.the disruption of the functioning of these organs in many cases is the cause of the appearance of skin diseases.
Also, the therapeutic diet from acne helps to reduce the production of endogenes - the male hormones responsible for the activity of the sebaceous glands. At their surplus on a skin there is an abundant fat shine, the pores are hammered, acne jump out.
Adhering to proper nutrition with acne, it is possible in 1-2 weeks to significantly reduce the amount of rashes, as well as improve the performance of internal organs, since it is the healthy food that directly affects the skin condition.
How useful diet for complex treatment of acne:
- It eliminates not only the symptoms, but also the cause;
- Improves bowel function;
- Saturates the body with useful substances: calcium, potassium, vitamins, phosphorus, microelements.
To use a diet for acne acne is desirable after consulting a dermatologist: he will be able to choose the best program from the proposed, as well as to identify contraindications.
People with chronic diseases should use a diet from acne and acne is also recommended after consulting with the attending physician, since in some cases such nutrition provides for a number of restrictions.
Diet for acne: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Diet for acne: menus, recipes
Diet for acne: menu for 7 days
In order to alleviate the worsening of symptoms, you should eat for a week cooked on the water porridge, low-fat soups,meat, liver, fish, berries, fruits and vegetables.
Sample menu:
- We have a boiled egg, a portion of cottage cheese with berries. We drink compote;
- For lunch we eat chicken broth, 150 grams of stewed vegetables, 100 g of boiled chicken. We drink a glass of tomato juice;
- We dine with vegetable salad and buckwheat porridge on the water.
Diet Pegano with acne
The American doctor Pegano has developed his own method of cleaning the intestines from toxins and toxins, which, in his opinion, are the root cause of the appearance of psoriasis and acne.
His diet consists of two stages:
- First: we eat 3 days only fruit in any quantity, we do enemas;
- Second: 70% of the diet should include juices, vegetables and fruits, except for eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, blueberries).30% are given to meat products and fish, as well as cereals and boiled eggs. It is prohibited to include citrus and dairy products, cereals and fruits in one is necessary to adhere to the rules of separate food.
The duration of such treatment is not limited, and the doctor himself is recommended to adhere to this menu all his life.
Japanese diet for acne
This diet includes the consumption of fish, rice, vegetables, fermented milk products and meat for 14 days.
Sample menu:
- We have breakfast with green tea, a slice of coarse bread;
- We dine with baked or boiled fish and cabbage salad;
- We eat stewed or fresh vegetables, we drink a glass of yogurt.
Buckwheat diet with acne from acne
To successfully get rid of pimples and greasy sheen, it is recommended for 7-14 days to adhere to this sample menu:
- We have breakfast with buckwheat porridge and a cup of tea with a sandwich of black bread and cheese;
- For lunch we eat vegetable soup, salad with lemon dressing and 100 g of meat;
- For a snack drink fruit or vegetable juice;
- We have dinner with buckwheat and boiled fish.
Cleansing diet for acne
For cleansing the intestines for 5-7 days, you can use this technique to help get rid of pimples and acne:
- The day before the diet begins, we do enemas or drink laxatives;
- On an empty stomach we drink salted water( 1 tsp salt per 0.5 l);
- After a quarter of an hour we consume a glass of kefir;
- Then eat fish, cucumbers, carrots, spinach, flaxseed, apricots, nuts, bran, beef, liver, raw, buckwheat porridge.
Recipes for diets with acne
Recipe for steamed fish
- Cut the fish into pieces, put in a shallow dish;
- Cut the carrots into straws, onions - half rings, also shred the greens;
- Sprinkle with vegetables, fish, cook in a double boiler.
Chicken fillet recipe with vegetables
- Cut chicken fillets, grind eggplants into rings, as well as peppers, tomatoes and carrots;
- Lubricate the bottom of the pan with oil, put vegetables there, then fillet, and cover everything with eggplant;
- Sprinkle with pepper and carrots;
- Quench for half an hour on a moderate fire.
Beef recipe with soy sauce
- Cut into pieces of beef, grease with soy sauce;
- We spin each piece into spinach leaves, then into sorrel and lettuce;
- All the pieces are wrapped in foil, after putting the carrots, half cooked rice, sweet pepper and corn;
- Bake in the oven.
Results, testimonials and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition in acne ^
Timely prophylaxis for acne can significantly reduce the likelihood of the disease. An important role in this case is nutrition, since it depends on it the general condition of the skin and internal organs.
Tips on how to avoid acne disease:
- Monitor your nutrition;
- Observe the rules of hygiene;
- Avoid injury to the skin;
- Use protective equipment while in the sun;
- Buy only high-quality cosmetics and keep track of its shelf life.
If the disease is already present, then due to compliance with all the rules of nutrition, you can achieve positive results in diets with acne:
- Elimination of symptoms;
- Normalization of the sebaceous glands;
- Cleansing of the intestines;
- Getting rid of sickness.
Reviews about diet with acne from doctors
Anastasia, 39 years old, dermatologist:
"In most cases, external intervention in treatment is not enough for a successful outcome, so with such a disease without a diet can not do. Regarding the choice of a specific program, I most often recommend Pegano's methods to my patients: thanks to her, I manage to get rid of acne literally in 2-3 weeks. "
Irina, 34, dermatologist:
" Proper nutrition and skin conditions are inextricably linked, and violations inthe work of the intestine immediately affects the appearance. In such cases, only the avoidance of harmful food, and the use of useful products helps "
Marina, 35 years old, dermatologist:
" The most important thing during the treatment is to adhere to the proper nutrition, because there is no need to eat.if there are chips, fast food, fried and smoked, and simultaneously taking medications and using various ointments, there will be no effect "