  • Diet Before Colonoscopy of the Intestine

    Read the article:
    • Diet in front of colonoscopy of the intestine
    • Diet before colonoscopy: menu, features of dietary food, recipes
    • Results, testimonials and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition in preparation for colonoscopy

    Diet before colonoscopy: reviews and patient results

    Diet beforeColonoscopy of the intestine is an important condition, without which a complete examination is impossible.

    Features of the diet before colonoscopy of the intestine ^

    Colonoscopy is a procedure for examining the intestine with a long probe with an integrated camera that sends a signal to the monitor.

    With this tool, you can find pathological changes in the rectal area, as well as examine the large intestine on its entire length - 2 meters.

    Any coloproctologist on the question of whether a diet is necessary before colonoscopy of the intestine, will answer in the affirmative. Special food allows to avoid gas generation during the procedure, and also to cleanse the intestine - without such conditions a full examination is impossible.

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    What kind of diet should be observed before colonoscopy

    First of all, the menu should contain only useful products that do not contain any toxins. Fruits and vegetables in fresh form are completely excluded, as well as greens, legumes, nuts, berries, cereals, pasta, sausages, fatty meat and fish, lemonade, coffee, whole milk, alcohol and black bread.

    In a diet before a gastro-colonoscopy, only low-fat meals should be present, otherwise the products will be difficult to digest and cause gas production.

    Diet rules for preparation for colonoscopy:

    • It should begin 2-3 days before the examination;
    • One day before the procedure, the last time is allowed to eat no later than noon, and then until the evening you can only drink water and tea;
    • On the day when the colonoscopy is performed, only liquids - water and tea - are allowed;
    • In the evening, on the eve of the procedure, it is necessary to make an enema, and repeat it again in the morning. There is also an alternative option - Fortrans laxative powder, it must be diluted according to the instructions and taken one day before the examination.

    Diet before colonoscopy: menu, features of dietary nutrition, recipes ^

    Diet before colonoscopy of the intestine: menus, recipes for meals before the procedure

    What you can eat before colonoscopy

    The list of allowed products includes:

    • Lean fish and meat in boiled form;
    • Whole wheat bread;
    • Sequins;
    • Dietary low-calorie broth;
    • Fermented milk products;
    • Chicken Eggs.

    Is it possible to drink water before colonoscopy

    It is on water, low-fat broths and tea that a person's diet is prepared on the eve and on the day of the examination. Drink fluids can be in unlimited quantities, but still it is recommended to observe the proportions:

    • 2 liters of filtered water;
    • 4-5 cups of tea;
    • No more than 0.5 liters of broth.

    Slag-free diet before colonoscopy: menu

    For clarity, it is worth reading the following example of menus that need to be used 48 hours before the procedure:

    • Lunch 200 grams of steam cabbage, add a little olive oil to it. We drink a glass of water;
    • For lunch we eat vegetable soup, boiled rice. We drink tea with honey;
    • We dine with salad leaf, boiled fish and sugar-free compote, made from dried fruits;
    • For lunch and a mid-morning snack we drink 200 g of kefir.

    How does the menu that is recommended for use in 24 hours:

    • We have breakfast with milk oatmeal and tea;
    • For lunch we consume vegetable broth and water( 200 g);
    • Lunch with green tea;
    • We dine with drinking yogurt with the addition of 1 tsp.honey.

    Fortran diet before colonoscopy

    One day prior to the examination, it is recommended to start taking Fortrans, following this instruction:

    • The powder should be reconstituted with weight: 1 packet should be 15 kg of body weight. The drug is diluted 1 liter of water, and the drink should be taken at 12.00 on the eve of the procedure, after dinner;
    • The use of "Fortrans" must be stretched to the evening, and not to drink in one gulp;
    • The cleansing medicine begins to function 1.5 hours after taking, and the emptying of the intestine lasts 2-3 hours.

    Diet for 3 days before colonoscopy

    For full preparation of the intestine it is recommended to apply the diet 3 days before the examination:

    • The first day: we eat boiled or steamed vegetables, breakfast is still allowed porridge on the water, we have lunch with low-fat meat and vegetable stew, and for dinner we drinkyogurt and eat cottage cheese;
    • The second day: we have breakfast with tea and galettes, at lunch we eat a piece of fish and stewed vegetables, we have supper with kefir and steam omelette;
    • The third day: we have breakfast with cooked vegetables and tea, for lunch at 12. 00 we eat rice soup, then we drink only water and tea.

    Diet before colonoscopy: recipes

    Recipe for rice soup

    • We clean and cut potatoes, carrots, onions, put everything in a saucepan and pour water;
    • After 20 minutes, pour the rice, cook for another half hour;
    • For 10 minutes, sprinkle with herbs, boil for 5 minutes and turn off.

    Recipe for vegetable broth

    • Grind carrots, celery, feather onions, tomatoes, garnishes and a pair of garlic cloves;
    • Put into a pan, pour water, cook for 40 minutes;
    • We filter the broth into a separate container, we throw out the vegetables.

    Recipe for stewed vegetables

    • Cut zucchini, a couple of carrots, squash and mushrooms;
    • Fill in a skillet in advance prepared vegetable broth, bring to a boil;
    • We visit the vessel vegetables, stew for 15 minutes under a lid and over low heat.
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    Results, testimonials and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition in preparation for colonoscopy ^

    As a result of the diet, colonoscopy can completely clear the intestine, which means that the examination will be carried out fully. It is worth noting that to leave the diet should be smoothly, adding one previously forbidden product a week, so as not to cause an intestinal disorder.

    Reviews of doctors about the diet before the colonoscopy

    Jeanne, 30 years old, the coloproctologist:

    "All the menus are developed absolutely right. Without observing a diet, a survey is fundamentally impossible, since there will be stagnant stool in the gut. Naturally, there can not be any passage of the probe and speech in such a case, and to go out of such a diet you need to gently and accurately observe the reaction of your body to these or other products »

    Vasilisa, 31, coloproctologist:«

    First of all beforeI ask the patients if they observed a diet. If the answer is negative, I send it from the office, becausethere will not be any sense from such a procedure. "

    Raisa, age 39, coloproctologist:

    " Without a diet and cleansing of the intestines, Fortrans can not be examined: neither gastro, nor colonoscopy. As for the menu, I do not see any complaints from my side, but it's best not to refuse using the porridge for 2, but 3 days before the procedure »