  • Diet with glomerulonephritis

    Diet details for glomerulonephritis of kidneys
  • Diet for glomerulonephritis: menus and features of therapeutic nutrition
  • Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition with glomerulonephritis

Diet for glomerulonephritis: reviews and patient results

Diet for glomerulonephritis is a necessary parttreatment, appointed by the doctor in order to improve the patient's health and prevent the further development of the disease.

Features of the diet with glomerulonephritis of the kidneys ^

Glomurellonas is a bilateral renal damage, manifested in damage to the capillaries, which causes blood cells to enter the urine.

Most often, this disease occurs against the background of infections, the use of toxic substances or with hereditary predisposition. The main symptom of the disease is puffiness, increased blood pressure and a decrease in the amount of urine released per day.

Whether a diet is required for glomerulonephritis of the kidneys

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As with any internal disease, the doctor prescribes bed rest or hospitalizes the patient, and prescribes a special therapeutic diet for glomerulonephritis.

In the diet for patients with glomerulonephritis, the following products are prohibited:

  • Sharp, fatty and smoked dishes;
  • Meat and fish broth;
  • Canned food;
  • Fatty meat and fish;
  • Alcohol.

All this can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, which is fraught with kidney failure, eclampsia, impaired vision and transition to a chronic form.

What foods are recommended:

  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
  • Kashi;
  • Bread;
  • Boiled soft boiled eggs;
  • Juices, fruit drinks, fruit drinks;
  • Sour-milk products;
  • Vegetable oils.

The rules of therapeutic nutrition for glomerulonephritis:

  • To eat in small portions, but 5-6 times a day;
  • Observe the drinking regime: 1.5 liters of water a day minimum.

Diet with glomerulonephritis: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^

Diet with glomerulonephritis: therapeutic menu, recipes

Diet table number 7 with glomerulonephritis of the kidneys: menu

This diet is used for exacerbation or chronic form of the disease, and includes vegetables and fruits,as well as fish and meat in a boiled or baked form.

Sample menu:

  • In the morning we drink tea with a sandwich, eat fruit salad;
  • We drink apple juice for lunch;
  • We have lunch with soup and salad from vegetables;
  • For a snack we eat baked apples;We have dinner with baked fish and mashed potatoes.

Diet for acute glomerulonephritis

In case of exacerbation of the disease it is recommended to use a gentle menu:

  • In the morning we consume a salad of cabbage and cucumbers, any porridge. Drinking tea;
  • At lunch we eat a baked apple;
  • We have dinner with soup, a piece of meat or fish, we drink compote;
  • We eat a banana for a snack;
  • We are eating cottage cheese with berries, we drink a cup of tea.

Diet for chronic glomerulonephritis

To maintain the state of remission, you need to eat as much fruit and vegetables, low-fat meat and fermented milk products:

  • In the morning we eat cottage cheese, diluted with sour cream. We wash down with tea;
  • For lunch we eat banana and yogurt;
  • We dine with vegetarian soup and baked fish with vegetable garnish;
  • We snack with kefir;
  • At dinner we eat 100 g of chicken breast and vegetable salad.

Diet for glomerulonephritis and renal failure

If complications arise, use as many vitamins and potassium as possible, using the example of this menu:

  • We have breakfast with milk porridge, cutlets from carrots and apples, we drink tea;
  • At lunch we eat fresh fruit;
  • We have dinner with boiled potatoes, meat and a bowl of soup;
  • We snack a decoction of wheat bran;
  • We have dinner with plov, vegetable salad and tea.

Diet for glomerulonephritis in children

In order to alleviate the condition of a sick child, you should limit the consumption of protein foods and eat according to the example of this menu:

  • In the morning we eat semolina porridge on water without sugar, wash it with compote;
  • For lunch we eat apples or banana;
  • We dine with low-fat soup, mashed potatoes and steam cutlets;
  • We snack juice and biscuits;
  • At dinner we eat a salad of vegetables, drink kefir.

Diet for glomerulonephritis in adolescents

In this case, the rules are applied, almost the same as the previous ones, but 200 g of kefir are allowed to drink before going to bed or at mid-lunch.

Sample menu:

  • In the morning we eat the oatmeal cooked on the water with the addition of fruit;
  • We have tea for lunch;
  • We have lunch with vegetable soup, boiled meat or fish, we consume salad;
  • We snack with kefir;
  • For dinner we eat baked fish and stewed vegetables.

Diet for glomerulonephritis in the elderly

For patients in old age, a sparing diet for at least 3 weeks is also prescribed. It is allowed to eat pancakes, pancakes, white bread, vegetable and cereal soups, meat and fish, eggs, dairy products, cereals, fruits and vegetables, berries.

Sample menu:

  • We have breakfast with unsweetened pancakes;
  • We eat yoghurt, cottage cheese or a banana for a snack;
  • We dine with noodle soup, stewed vegetables and steam cutlets;
  • For a mid-morning snack, eat fruit salad;
  • We dine with vinaigrette without pickles and a piece of baked fish.

Diet regimens for glomerulonephritis

Recipe for vegetable salad

  • Boil potatoes, carrots and beets in uncooked form, then clean, cut into cubes;
  • We cut onions with onions, scalded with boiling water, mixed with other vegetables;
  • Sprinkle with herbs, season with olive oil.

Recipe of soup with noodles

  • Grind potatoes, a couple of bay leaves and one onion, pour water and cook for 20 minutes;
  • Put half-cooked soup noodles, boil another 10 minutes on low heat, add greens and salt;
  • Cook until ready, but not allowing the boiling of noodles.

Recipe for diet pancakes

  • Mix the bran flour( 1/3 cup), salt and sugar;
  • Pour in the milk( incomplete glass), drive in 2 eggs and stir until creamy consistency;
  • Add a large spoonful of olive oil to the dough, reheat the pan;
  • Fry pancakes with medium heat in a dry frying pan.
We also recommend that you read the article Diet with kidney stones.

Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors on proper nutrition with glomerulonephritis ^

As a result of a diet with glomerulonephritis, it is possible to relieve the symptoms of an exacerbation and even completely cure the disease if it has not gone into a chronic stage and has no complications.

With regard to the prevention of glomerulonephritis, it consists in the timely detection of this disease and the administration of antibacterial drugs, but only on the prescription of a doctor.

Tips for avoiding glomerulonephritis:

  • To seek complete cure for viral diseases: acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, etc.;
  • Do not swim in prohibited areas where you can get an intestinal infection;
  • It is compulsory to treat any diseases of the digestive tract until the end;
  • Do not allow subcooling;
  • Adhere to proper nutrition;
  • After the infection, the condition of the kidneys is constantly monitored.

Reviews of doctors about a diet with glomerulonephritis of the kidneys

Anastasia, 30 years old, nephrologist:

"In the initial stage, glomerulonephritis can still be cured, but regardless of the type to which it refers - acute, latent, chronic or progressive - the diet is always necessary in all cases.without it, the drugs will not be of use. "

Olga, 33, therapist:

" Even before I send a patient with characteristic symptoms to the nephrologist, I prescribe a diet. Often it is with her help that you can remove acute pain if before that person was not eating properly. "

Galina, 39, nephrologist:

" The diet is an indispensable condition for curing or at least prolonging remission with glomerulonephritis. If the patient does not comply with it, then taking the medicine simply does not make sense, and all the more so that the diet in all cases is very gentle and does not have strict limitations that are hard to withstand "