Diet with GERD
Diet for GERD: responses and patient results
Diet for GERDIs a necessary measure, without which a prolonged remission of this disease is impossible, as well as an improvement in the patient's well-being during an exacerbation.
Features of the diet for GERD( Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) ^
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a chronic disease of the digestive system, in which the contents of the stomach periodically enter the esophagus, thereby damaging its mucous membrane.
The most common complications - damage to the bronchi, larynx, trachea and pharynx - in rare cases lead to bleeding and ulcers, esophagitis and gastritis.
Most often, GERD occurs due to frequent use of coffee, smoking, alcoholism, taking medications and other factors that reduce the tone of the esophagus. Characteristic manifestations of the disease: heartburn, shortness of breath, pain when swallowing, difficulty in swallowing food.
Do you need a diet for GERD
Any doctor who was approached by a patient with this problem, necessarily appoints a special therapeutic diet for GERD.Its essence is to eliminate spasms and mild effects on the digestive tract, as a result of which remission can last a long time.
What foods are used in the diet for patients with GERD:
- Proteins: lean meat and fish, curd, yogurt, yogurt, kefir, non-acid sour cream, milk;
- Fats: not more than 20 g of vegetable oils per day;Carbohydrates: cereals, rice, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, pasta and vermicelli, greens, carrots, peeled tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, beets and other vegetables, as well as berries and fruits;
- Sweets in limited quantities: cream, kissel, pastille, jelly, marmalade, unhealthy cookies.
The rules of therapeutic nutrition for GERD:
- It is forbidden to eat all fried and smoked, fruits and vegetables must be boiled or baked;
- Do not eat too cold or hot foods - this can cause esophageal spasms;
- It is desirable to drink a lot of water - up to 2.5 liters per day.
Diet for GERD: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Diet for GERD: menu, dietary recipes for dishes
Diet table 1 for GERD: menu
This diet provides for the consumption of yesterday's bread, dairyand cereal soups with vegetables, low-fat fish and meat, cereals, eggs, teas, compotes, salads from boiled vegetables.
Sample menu:
- In the morning we eat a few dumplings, sprinkled with sour cream, as well as oatmeal. We drink it with compote;
- At lunch - a couple of baked apples;
- We have lunch with vermicelli on milk, meatballs and tea;
- For a mid-morning snack we drink jelly with dry biscuit;
- We dine mashed potatoes, boiled fish. Drinking tea.
Diet for GERD with esophagitis
With painful sensations during swallowing caused by inflammation of the mucosa of the esophagus, you can eat dishes only in puree after heat treatment:
- We have breakfast with semolina porridge and incombustible tea;
- At lunch we drink kefir;
- We have dinner with mashed potatoes;
- At noon we are eating cottage cheese, whipped with sour cream;
- We have dinner with mashed potatoes and boiled vegetables, whipped in a blender.
Diet for GERD and gastritis
Here, the diet should also be mild. It is not allowed to eat sweets, seasonings, fatty and spicy dishes.
Sample menu:
- In the morning we eat a steam omelet, cereal grated porridge;
- We have lunch with fish or meat steam souffle, soup-mash, decoction of rose hips;
- We drink tea with biscuits for a snack;
- We have dinner with meatballs and mashed potatoes.
Diet for GERD and heartburn
To eliminate heartburn, it is recommended to adhere to the following menu example:
- In the morning we eat rice porridge and baked apple;
- For lunch - jelly;
- We have lunch with pearl soup and tea;
- At noon we cook beets and carrots, grind and mix with raisins;
- We have dinner with oat porridge and tofu.
Diet for exacerbation of GERD
If the disease worsens, it is allowed to eat only porridges and other low-fat cooked dishes:
- For breakfast we eat any porridge on the water, drink a broth of dogrose;
- We bite cottage cheese;
- We have dinner with boiled vegetables and chicken breast;
- We have a salad salad from boiled vegetables;
- We dine with vegetable stew and curd casserole.
Diet for remission of GERD
In this case, it is allowed to slightly relax your diet, and use a few sweets in it. Fat is also banned.
Approximate menu:
- In the morning we are eating cottage cheese with sour cream, drinking tea with biscuits;
- We have a cup of jelly for lunch;
- Dinner soup or borscht on low-fat meat broth, we eat 100 g of meat;
- We snack with non-acidic juice and 50 g of chocolate;
- We have dinner with steamed cutlets, ragout of vegetables.
Diet for the prevention of GDD
To prevent an exacerbation of the disease, it is sufficient to adhere to the proper nutrition, guided by this example of the menu:
- For breakfast we eat oatmeal with raisins, wash down everything with green tea;
- At lunch we drink compote from dried fruits, we eat a biscuit biscuit;
- Lunch cereal soup, a piece of meat and a salad of boiled vegetables;
- We snack the broth of the dog rose;
- Supper with braised cabbage and 100 grams of baked fish.
Diet with GERD: recipes
Recipe for curd casserole
- Whisk 2 eggs, mix cottage cheese( 250 g) with kefir( 2 tbsp.);
- All connect, sprinkle with raisins and a little sugar, mix;
- Lubricate the form with oil, place the mass in it and bake in the oven for half an hour.
Recipe for soup-puree
- Prepare chicken broth, after boiling we take out meat, place there crushed potatoes, carrots, onions, greens;
- Pickle, cook until done;
- We twist everything in a blender.
Recipe of rose hip broth
- Grind 50 g of dried wild rose, pour all 1 liter of boiling water;
- We put in a thermos, we insist at least 6 hours.
Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition with GERD ^
As a result of a diet with GERD, you can achieve the removal of all symptoms of an exacerbation in 2-3 days, as well as a substantial prolongation of remission with constant monitoring of their diet.
In the prevention of GERD, the main component is the use of diet and maintenance of proper nutrition - this helps to avoid relapse.
Tips on how to avoid GERD:
- Abandon bad habits and alcohol use;
- Do not stand for a long time in an inclined state;
- Minimize physical activity;
- To eat only useful products.
Reviews of doctors about diet with GERD
Maria, 33, gastroenterologist:
"All nutritionists say that when dieting with GERD is the first necessity, and I'm among them. Without proper nutrition, it is impossible to maintain remission and reduce the frequency of relapse. "
Catherine, 38, gastroenterologist:
" It is recommended that patients with GERD eat often and in small portions, and avoid hot or cold food. These are two important rules, without which it will not be possible to get rid of the exacerbation »
Larissa, 39, gastroenterologist:
"During heartburn, I advise you more often to drink broth of dogrose - it favorably affects not only the esophagus and intestines, but the whole body, and also increases immunity. In general, with GERD, you can use any soft diet, the main thing is to remove all sharp and fatty foods »