Diet for rheumatoid arthritis
Diet for rheumatoid arthritis: reviews and patient results
Diet for rheumatoid arthritisis an integral part of the treatment that doctors usually prescribe for the removal of joint inflammation, as well as for strengthening immunity.
Features of the diet for rheumatoid arthritis ^
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body begins to destroy joints on its own: they become inflamed and weak, and if this disease is not treated in a timely manner, they gradually cease to perform their functions.
Do you need a diet for rheumatoid arthritis, the doctor himself decides. As a rule, everything depends on the condition of the patient's joints, but even at the initial stage of the disease dietary nutrition is recommended by most doctors.
To mitigate the course of the disease it is necessary to observe several important principles of the therapeutic diet for rheumatoid arthritis:
- Usually, inflammation provokes one particular type of food, and in order to detect it, it is necessary to exclude milk, citrus, wheat, rye, pork for a couple of weeks from your diet, cocoa, tomatoes, potatoes, aubergines, oatmeal or corn groats - they most often provoke the disease;
- Try not to eat meat: instead of it it is best to eat fish, contains useful Omega-3 acids;
- Remove from your diet all sharp, fried, fatty and smoked dishes, as well as hard fats, coffee and tea, chocolate, cholesterol food;
- Use products rich in calcium: leafy vegetables, low-fat kefir or cottage cheese, soy;
- Completely abandon the white bread, sugar, alcohol, sweets and flour.
The diet for patients with rheumatoid arthritis has a lot of positive properties:
- It is suitable for children and the elderly;
- Well strengthens joints and returns their normal functions;
- Increases immunity;
- Reduces the risk of complete destruction of bones.
Contraindications such a diet does not have, but before you use it, you need to consult a doctor.
A diet for rheumatoid arthritis in children, regardless of age, must be strictly adhered to: one should not allow a child to eat prohibited foods, otherwise treatment may not yield the maximum result.
The rules for therapeutic nutrition for rheumatoid arthritis:
- At the very beginning of the diet, if possible, the patient should use only water or juices( 2 liters) per day for the first two days;
- During the course of treatment, eat small meals, but often;
- To help alleviate symptoms, therapeutic exercises or massage, but only after consultation with the doctor.
Diet for rheumatoid arthritis: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Diet for rheumatoid arthritis: therapeutic menu
Diet table number 10 for rheumatoid arthritis
This diet includes soups, lean meat, rye bread and bread, fish;raw, baked or boiled vegetables, omelets, vegetable sauces, loose tea, vegetable oil and low-fat cottage cheese.
Sample menu:
- Lunch porridge on the water, a portion of sauerkraut, a piece of boiled chicken and a cup of weak coffee;
- For lunch - berry mousse;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup, boiled potatoes, a piece of baked fish. We drink decoction of rose hips;
- Lunch tea and one baked apple;
- We dine with curd cheese with berries, pilaf and juice;
- Before going to bed, we drink a glass of kefir.
Diet for rheumatoid arthritis joints
This diet regimen involves the use of products that prevent the excretion of calcium:
- In the morning we eat omelets and buckwheat porridge, we drink tea with the addition of milk;
- After 2 hours we have a bite of baked apples;
- We dine with meatballs, vegetable soup and mashed potatoes;
- Drink tea from rose hips with honey;
- Dinner portion boiled cauliflower and a slice of chicken breast;
- 1 hour before sleep, drink kefir.
Diet for rheumatoid polyarthritis
To facilitate the patient's condition, it is necessary to use lean meat and fish, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet.
Approximate menu:
- Breakfast with fruit salad, we drink tea;
- After 2 hours we have a bite of berries;
- We have lunch with a salad of vegetables, a bowl of soup and 100 g of chicken breast;
- We snack fruit;
- Supper with curd, 100 grams of rice porridge and a glass of kefir.
Non-protein diet for rheumatoid arthritis
It is proposed to reject products containing protein: meat, fish, milk, kefir, cottage cheese.
Sample menu:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal cooked on water, as well as cutlet from carrots. Drinking tea;
- After 2 hours, eat a little vegetables or fruits;
- We have dinner with vegetarian soup, we drink compote;
- We dine with a serving of vegetable salad, pilaf without meat and jelly.
Scandinavian diet for rheumatoid arthritis
This option is considered the longest, and is designed for 3-4 months:
- From 1 to 10 days we use only low-calorie food: vegetable broths, vegetable juices, herbal teas, garlic, potato or parsley decoctions;
- Next 2-3 months we eat only rice, soy products, vegetables, nuts, berries;
- In conclusion, we introduce cereals, dairy products, cheeses;
- During the whole period, table salt is prohibited.
Diet for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
For swelling, joint damage and acute pain, it is recommended to use this version of the sample menu:
- We have a breakfast of curd casserole or cheese cakes, a pair of boiled eggs and barley coffee;
- Lunch rice porridge, 100 grams of boiled fish and beef borsch;
- We dine with cauliflower salad and a slice of chicken breast.
MacDougall Diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Nutritionist D. McDougall developed a diet for starch products that can maintain a normal joint condition and lose 4-5 kg per week:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal with fruit;
- Snacking 50 g of nuts or seeds;
- We have dinner with boiled potatoes and vegetable salad;
- For a snack we eat a banana or an apple;
- We dine with boiled rice, lentils and vegetables.
Diet for the prevention of rheumatoid arthritis
In order to strengthen your joints and reduce the risk of relapse in the presence of the disease, you must use the following products in your menu:
- Berries and fruits;
- Vegetables and nuts.
They are recommended to eat 5 times a day, as well as temporarily remove their coffee, pasta and sugar from their own diet.
Results, testimonials and doctor's recommendations about proper nutrition for rheumatoid arthritis ^
As a result of a diet with rheumatoid arthritis, pain symptoms are significantly reduced, and the soreness is much less common, but it is not possible to completely cure this ailment - only to maintain the state of remission.
In order to avoid the appearance or deterioration of the disease, it is necessary to prevent rheumatoid arthritis, and one of its key points is proper nutrition.
Tips for avoiding rheumatoid arthritis:
- Do swimming or walking;
- Perform exercises on flexibility;
- Take therapeutic mud baths;
- Use only products that are of value to the body.
The results of a diet for rheumatoid arthritis are positive:
- Relieving pain symptoms;
- Relief of the patient;
- Elimination of inflammation.
Reviews about a diet for rheumatoid arthritis are very positive:
Jeanne, 33, rheumatologist:
"Arthritis is not a fatal disease, and the fact that it can not be cured does not mean the impossibility of a normal further existence. While maintaining a diet, the disease may not remind you of itself for many years, especially if you combine proper nutrition with an active lifestyle. "
Olesya, 39, surgeon:
" Very often it is the diet and timely treatment with ointments that helps to eliminate pain symptoms, since without internal supportorganism with proteins, potassium and vitamins, it is much more difficult to remove the inflammatory processes. "
Daria, 45, therapist:
" Rheumatoid arthritis can be a consequence of other diseases, so it is extremely important to diagnose it in an earlytadii, choose the appropriate treatment and diet - it will prolong the life of the joints »