Diet with pyelonephritis
Diet pyelonephritis minimizes the burden on theinflamed kidney
Diet pyelonephritis - is an effective way to deal with kidney disease, which should be used comprehensively, in conjunction with medication, physicians appointedchom.
Causes, symptoms and diet in renal disease ^
Kidney disease is contagious - call it the bacteria such as E. coli, which rise on the urinary tract to the bladder and kidneys.
The main symptoms of pyelonephritis are:
- pain in the lumbar region,
- fever, chills,
- vomiting,
- swelling of the face,
- can also disturb signs of inflammation of the bladder - painful urination, frequent urination, darkening of urine and even blood in it.
With pyelonephritis, proper nutrition is very important, as it is necessary to minimize the burden on inflamed kidneys. Special dietary nutrition is prescribed for everyone who is diagnosed with the disease. It has practically no contraindications, since the diet is sparing for the whole organism.
The main advantages of a diet with pyelonephritis is its effectiveness for treatment and ease of making dishes. Among the shortcomings is the severity of the prohibitions on certain products.
Prohibited in the diet from pyelonephritis products:
- Coffee and cocoa;
- Spicy condiments, salt - strictly limited;
- Alcohol;
- Fried;
- Fried in soups;
- Marinades;
- Garlic and onions;
- Plants in which there are many oils;
- Fats and proteins - reduce;
- Legumes;
- White cabbage.
Allowed products:
- Boiled meat;
- Curd and cheese;
- Kashi;
- Eggs;
- White bread;
- Vermicelli;
- Vegetables and fruits;
- Sweet.
Diet pyelonephritis: About menus and eating habits ^
Dishes for patients with pyelonephritis should always be boiled or steamed. There should only be freshly prepared food. If there is no edema, then doctors recommend a lot of fluids, which helps to remove the infection and toxic substances from the body. To do this, ideally suited dogrose, tea, compote and mineral water.
recommended menu week:
1 Day
- Kasha barley( 150 g), cucumber, chicory;
- Plate of lean borsch, potatoes boiled( 100 g), a piece of boiled catfish, tea;
- Boiled beet, rice porridge( up to 200 g).
2 Day
- Buckwheat porridge, tomatoes, compote;
- Lenten soup, wheat porridge, boiled beef, tea;
- Oatmeal porridge( 200 g), berries.
3 Day
- Semolina porridge( 150 g), vegetable salad, chicory;
- Spicy borsch, boiled potatoes( 150 g), boiled tuna( 100 g), jelly;Dried porridge, juice.
4 day
- Curd with sour cream, berries;
- Lenten soup( 200 g), milk porridge, compote;Pudding of meat, kissel.
5 Day
- Buckwheat porridge, fresh vegetables, tea;
- Spicy soup( 200 g), wheat porridge, boiled veal, decoction of rose hips;
- Steam Omelette, Stewed Vegetables( 200 g).
6 Day
- Pearl barley, cauliflower with cucumber, tea;
- Lenten soup, rice porridge with apple, boiled fish, compote;
- Cottage cheese, juice.
7 Day
- Perl porridge, tomatoes, chicory with milk;
- Soup without meat, boiled potatoes, steamed meatballs, rose hips;Oatmeal porridge, fruit.
Fruits should be consumed by local people to exclude the possibility of allergic reactions. The first dishes should be prepared without meat and meat broth. Salt - as little as possible, since salt detains fluid in the body.
Diet for acute pyelonephritis
Dietary program for acute pyelonephritis should start with 1-2 fruit-sugar days, when it is necessary to drink liquids about 2 liters per day( this can be tea or compote), there is fruit and vegetables, especially melons. Then the diet for at least a week will be herbal and dairy, and with improvements in the diet, you can enter other foods.
Diet for chronic pyelonephritis
The therapeutic diet for chronic pyelonephritis is based on the use of cooked and stewed dishes of their list of allowed. It is useful to milk, which is a diuretic and quickly digested, sour-milk products and lean meat. When exacerbations should be the same diet as during the acute form of the disease.
Diet in case of pyelonephritis in pregnant women
Dietary nutrition in case of pyelonephritis in pregnant women should be observed - in this condition, many drugs can not be taken, so only a special menu can be saved, in combination with the treatment prescribed by a doctor. It is necessary to exclude from the diet fried, sharp and fatty dishes, shine to a minimum salt.
The diet will help to diversify fruits and vegetables, rich in fiber and vitamins. Be sure to drink a lot( up to 2.5 liters per day).Often the inflammatory process is maintained by a rare stool. If there is such a problem, you need to eat beet and prunes.
Diet for pyelonephritis in children
The diet for pyelonephritis in children depends on age and body weight. For preschoolers and schoolchildren, doctors are advised to organize a 1-2-day unloading at the beginning of the course, during which you can drink and eat fresh fruits and vegetables, then you can consume dairy products, and with stable improvements - gradually add one product from the list of allowed.
Recipes for dishes with pyelonephritis ^
Pumpkin soup
- Ingredients: 300 g of pumpkin, potatoes, carrots and onions - 1 pc.
- Cut vegetables, can be rubbed( except for onions).
- Boil in a saucepan of 1.5 liters of water, and then in turn after 3 minutes add potatoes, then pumpkin, carrots and at the end - onions.
- When the vegetables are cooked, the soup is ground with a blender.
Cutlets from vegetables
- Ingredients: 700 g of cauliflower, 1 egg, 0.5 cups of milk, 1 tbsp.spoon manga and 1 tbsp.a spoon of butter, bread crumbs.
- Cabbage chop, stew with milk and water, fall asleep, continuously stirring, mango, cook for 5 minutes, without stopping to interfere.
- Cool and add the raw egg, mix.
- From the received weight to make cutlets, to wet in bread crumbs and to extinguish on pair.
Baked rice and apple
- Ingredients: rice( 1.5 cups), apples( 3-4), butter( 2 tablespoons), sour cream( 150 g), sugar( 100 g), cinnamon.
- Boil 3 tbsp.water, put fig.
- When it is ready - cool, and then mix with 1 spoon of butter and egg.
- Peel apples, cut them, add sugar with cinnamon.
- Lubricate the dish with butter, lay out?part of the rice, lay apples, and on top - the remaining rice.
- Pour all the sour cream and put in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
Results, recommendations and feedback from physicians on therapeutic nutrition with pyelonephritis ^
The results of a diet with pyelonephritis are manifested in a significant improvement in the condition and, ultimately, getting rid of an unpleasant illness. However, doctors remind that it is impossible to self-medicate - a positive effect will be achieved only if the dietary diet is followed, along with the use of medications prescribed by a specialist.
Reviews of the diet with pyelonephritis suggest that in some cases without its strict adherence, medication did not bring the desired results. Despite the fact that the diet program for pyelonephritis is not aimed at fighting excess weight, the loss of excess kilos was also noted by patients, since the nutrition method is correct and is beneficial to the figure.
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