Diet for healthy skin of the face
Diet for facial skin: reviews and results
A facial skin diet is as much an integral part of caring for it as using cosmetics.
Thanks to the use of useful products, you can successfully get rid of many shortcomings and prevent their appearance.
Diet for improving skin condition: essence, benefits and features ^
Useful food can affect the beauty of the skin in the most positive way: remove pimples and acne, normalize the sebaceous glands, smooth out existing wrinkles and slow the aging process from the inside.
Diet for skin cleansing is a well-balanced diet that includes vitamins and other nutrient-rich foods, among which there are several groups:
- Citrus fruits: saturated with vitamins( especially group C).They excrete free radicals, stimulate the production of collagen, increase elasticity and tighten flabby epidermis;
- Seafood is saturated with zinc and omega-3 acids. It renews cells, prevents early aging, relieves inflammation, eliminates acne and acne;
- Vegetables( green and orange) are rich in vitamin A, which softens inflammation, prolongs youth and activates sunburn;
- Nuts contain vitamin A, which prevents aging and protects the dermis from ultraviolet radiation;
- Cereals( oatmeal, rice, etc.) saturate the body with vitamin A and routine, which moisturize and purify the epidermis, rejuvenate and prevent the appearance of irritations.
Features of the diet for skin health are that, depending on its type, you need to use specific products:
- For a fatty derma, cucumber, grapefruit, avocado, soybeans, tuna, trout, salmon, nuts, apricots, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli and chicken;
- For dry - wheat, strawberry, blueberry, spinach, milk, yogurt, melon, pepper, white cabbage, oats;
- For the problem - garlic, eggs, almonds, lettuce leaves, cabbage, onions, sour-milk products.
Advantages of the diet for cleaning and healing the skin are that the body begins to receive all the necessary substances, due to which slags and toxins are removed, the metabolism is normalized, the intestine is cleared - these factors directly affect the state of the epidermis and hair.
Which products are considered harmful to the facial skin:
- All sweets;
- Any alcohol;
- Flour;
- Black tea and coffee;
- Salt and spices.
You can use diets for skin cleansing absolutely for everyone. If the menu contains products that cause individual intolerance, they can be replaced with others.
An effective diet for beautiful face skin: eating rules, menus, recipes ^
Facial skin diet: menus and the best recipes for improving skin integument
Diets for acne skin
When all kinds of problem rashes - acne, acne, acne,postakne - it is important to develop your own diet and stick to it until the deficiencies are eliminated, as well as eliminate all harmful products from the list above.
Sample diet menu from acne for 7 days
First day:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal and fruit, drink green tea;
- Lunch boiled egg and chicken soup, washed down with carrot juice;
- We are having supper with a piece of lean fish cooked for a couple, boiled vegetables with a slice of bread, washed down with a rose hip decoction.
The second day:
- In the morning we eat low-fat cheese( 100 g), we drink a berry cocktail;
- At lunch we eat beef soup, we drink a cup of green tea;
- We have dinner with vegetable garnish and boiled chicken breast, drink kefir.
Third day:
- We have breakfast with fruit salad and cranberry mors;
- Dinner soup, vegetable salad and drink tea( green);
- In the evening we eat boiled buckwheat, drink kefir.
Fourth day:
- We have breakfast millet cereal, green tea and a fruit salad;
- For dinner we prepare soup from low-fat turkey, we drink compote;
- We dine 100 g of low-fat beef, stewed vegetables and skim milk( 1 glass).
Fifth day:
- In the morning we eat fruit salad, cottage cheese with low fat content, drink a cup of green tea;
- We have dinner with fish soup, a sandwich of cheese and black bread, washed down with a rose hips decoction;
- For dinner - buckwheat on the water and kissel.
Sixth day:
- Lunch boiled egg, vegetable salad with lemon and a glass of kefir;
- We dine porridge with porridge, chicken breast and compote;
- Supper with fruit salad, drink green tea.
The seventh day:
- We have breakfast cereal from the millet, a couple of fruits and a low-fat ryazhenka;
- For lunch - soup with chicken and tea;
- We dine 100 g of lean fish, cottage cheese and kissel.
Diet for clean skin of the face
In order to get rid of pimples and keep the beauty of the skin for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to this diet, which lasts a week, every 2-3 months. In parallel, it is recommended to use natural masks and facial scrubs.
Sample menu for every day:
- We have breakfast oatmeal with milk, dried apricots, raisins and dried fruits, drink cocoa or green tea;
- After a couple of hours we drink a glass of fruit juice;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup, ragout and chicken breast;
- We snack nuts( 30 g) and a glass of green tea;
- Supper with buckwheat porridge and vegetable salad with celery root and green peas;
- Before going to bed, we drink a glass of yogurt.
Diet for skin and hair
To improve the condition of the dermis, nails and hair, it is recommended to resort to this diet once a month. After a couple of weeks, you can notice that the nails have become stronger, the hair has stopped falling out, and the skin looks fresh and younger.
Approximate menu:
- For breakfast, mix low-fat cottage cheese with 1 tsp.honey and berries, we drink chamomile tea;
- Lunch a grilled chicken breast, celery( 2 stems), two sweet peppers and prunes( 5 pcs.);
- For a mid-morning snack we drink a glass of kefir and have a snack with an apple;
- We have dinner with baked potatoes( 1 pc.) Fried in egg cauliflower, drink a cup of green tea.
Diet for problematic skin of the face
When acne, acne, and excessive sebum develops, it's important to pay attention to healthy food in time: completely eliminate fried, and eat for two weeks only with fresh or boiled vegetables, lean meat, fruits and fish.
Sample menu:
- In the morning we eat a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with lettuce leaves, drink a cup of yogurt;
- We have a snack with almonds( 30 g);
- Lunch boiled cabbage, carrots and onions, chicken breast, drink a glass of juice;
- For a snack - a couple of unsweetened apples;
- Supper with vegetable stew and two sweet peppers in fresh form.
Diet for fungal diseases of the skin
In the presence of different types of fungal lesions, it is recommended that the diet be strictly adhered to a complete cure. The diet includes dairy products, eggs, sea kale, cucumbers, apples, cherries, red pepper, greens, beets, and you need to suck up the dishes 1 cumin oil.
- We have breakfast with buckwheat porridge with bran, we drink tea;
- Having a snack with a couple of eggs;
- For dinner we cook stewed cabbage, we eat with vegetable salad and boiled potatoes;
- We dine with seafood salad and a slice of bran bread.
Diet for skin mycosis
For treatment of mycosis - one of the types of fungal diseases - a special diet is used, which must be adhered to before recovery. You can eat anything, except for the following products: white bread, confectionery yeast, vermicelli, white rice, jam and jam, fat and fried foods, pear, banana, figs and raisins.
The main emphasis in the menu should be made on milk, boiled chicken, dark rice, eggs, buckwheat, corn, rosehip broth, beans, beetroot and cabbage.
Approximate daily menu:
- In the morning we eat buckwheat porridge and drink decoction of rose hips;
- After a couple of hours we drink a glass of milk;
- Lunch a piece of boiled chicken fillet, stewed cabbage and two potatoes;
- For dinner - salad with boiled beet, dressed with sour cream.
Diet for elastic skin
For the restoration of elasticity and the extension of youth, this diet is well suited, which must be adhered to for two weeks, alternating protein and carbohydrate days.
Menu of albuminous day:
- We have breakfast with yoghurt mixed with berries, we eat toast from whole grain bread, we drink tea;
- We bite a baked apple stuffed with raisins and honey;
- For dinner prepare a salad with salmon, greens, tomatoes and brown rice;
- At noon we eat nectarine or an apple;
- We have supper with chicken breast and boiled buckwheat with vegetables.
Menu of carbohydrate day:
- We have an omelet with tomatoes, we drink coffee;
- After 2 hours we eat porridge with nuts and cinnamon;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup, mashed potatoes and boiled beef;
- For a snack we eat a pear or a banana;
- We have dinner with casserole from cottage cheese and berries, we drink a fruit cocktail.
Diet for healthy skin: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Many doctors recommend that all women periodically observe one of the presented nutrition regimens, selecting it according to the type of skin and problems that need to be addressed. After a couple of such cycles, the remarkable results of a diet for improving the facial skin usually become visible:
- Disappearing problematic rashes;
- Increases tone and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles;
- Faster diseases are cured;
- Normalization of sebaceous secretion.
Reviews about the diet for beautiful skin of our regular readers are also very positive:
Alla, 30 years old:
"I am an avid supporter of a healthy lifestyle, and I believe that the epidermis is primarily affected by what we eat. I myself am on a diet for skin and hair, it's not difficult to carry it, but the menu is quite rich and useful. "
Tatiana, 37 years old:
" Several times a year I resort to a diet for elastic skin - it helps me to save the restyouth, because after it I'm born again! I use natural masks and oils at the same time. "
Irina, 25 years old:
" I do not like any restrictions, but sometimes I have to diet on a problem skin - without it I would have been covered with pimples a long time ago. The only difficulty is that it's hard for me to give up the sweet and eat healthy food, which is indicated in the menu, but there is no other way out ยป