Dr. Mirkin's Diet
Dr. Mirkin's diet helps to lose up to 10 kg per month
Vladimir Mirkin's diet differs frommost methods of weight loss in that it is not just restrictions in the admission of certain products, but forms a qualitatively new attitude to food behavior.
With strict observance of all prescriptions and recommendations, Mirkin's technique helps to lose up to 10 extra pounds per month.
Essence and rules of eating behavior according to Dr. Mirkin's system ^
Vladimir Mirkin - PhD, psychotherapist. Developed an innovative approach in combating obesity. His technique proves that obesity is a psychological problem. To get rid of it, first of all, it is necessary to realize it. If this has already happened, the doctor advises:
- to understand why there was a desire to lose weight;
- determine how many kilograms must be reset;
- establish for itself the unremitting rules of nutrition( simple - such that they can be observed throughout life);
- be confident in achieving the desired result;
- use auto-suggestion to understand the harm of overeating.
According to Dr. Mirkin, in order to maintain the optimal weight, the following rules must be adhered to:
- To take food is not necessary according to the regime, but when there is a feeling of hunger.
- Portions should be put in small plates - the dish will be full, and the amount of food that the body will be saturated with will be much smaller.
- There is a need to slow, because the brain signals the stomach of satiety only 20 minutes after it is filled.
- In order not to overeat on holidays, half an hour before the feast it is necessary to drink a glass of kefir or water - this reduces appetite.
- The doctor advises in the first dish to eat one soup, and not to touch the ditch.
- From the second dish you can eat meat or fish, and leave garnish in a bowl.
- Vegetable salads, kefir and drinks can be taken without restrictions.
- Sugar consumption should be reduced as much as possible - for this purpose it is worth choosing unsweetened desserts.
- You can only fry in vegetable oil, instead of sugar, you can use saccharin. Snacks - fruit or vegetable.
Mirkin's program divides products into allowed and prohibited products.
- Allowed products: meat( with the exception of roast pork), poultry( excluded fried duck), fish, all seafood, eggs, milk less than 3.2% fat content, cheese no more fats than 40%, mushrooms, vegetables( except beans and potatoes),sweet and sour fruit, vegetable oils, herbs, spices, sugar-free drinks.
- Prohibited products: baked goods( except 1 piece of bread for lunch), potatoes, cereals, legumes, nuts, bananas, dates, apricots, figs, sweets.
Often in the descriptions of the program of losing weight Mirkin meets the view that it has no contraindications. However, the doctor himself believes that the restrictions can damage those who have liver, kidneys, digestive system. This method is not recommended for pregnant women, women during lactation, people with metabolic disorders, gout and children under 18 years of age.
The positive side of the dietary program lies in the ease of doing and the lack of hunger. This course does not require special dishes - you can eat with the whole family. In addition to losing weight, the Mirkin diet has an excellent preventive effect in cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
The disadvantage of the method of losing weight Mirkin is that it is not suitable for vegetarians, as it does not offer alternatives to animal proteins. Meal - four meals a day. In soups, fat is not taken into account( although this does not affect the final result of the diet).
Mirkin's diet: a menu for the week and recipes ^
The general scheme of food according to Mirkin's method is as follows:
- Breakfast - 100 g of animal protein, coffee or tea( without sugar).
- Lunch - broth, 100 grams of meat, a salad of vegetables( 130 g), a piece of bread, unsweetened juice or compote.
- Dinner - meat or fish( 100 g), a glass of yogurt, unsweet fruit.
Menu for 7 days:
1 day
- cottage cheese( 200 g), unsweetened coffee;
- meat broth( 200 g), boiled meat( 100 g), cabbage salad( 150 g);
- cup of yogurt;
- boiled meat( 100 g), kefir( 250 g).
2 day
- boiled sausage( 100 g), coffee without sugar;
- soup soup( 250 g), meat( 100 g), tomato salad( 250 g);
- tomato juice;
- cottage cheese and grapes( 200 g each), fruit juice.
3 day
- 2 boiled eggs, tea;
- broth potato-meat( without thick), 100 g of boiled meat, cucumber salad;
- kefir;
- cheese( 100 g), unsweetened fruit, kefir.
4 day
- 150 grams of salad, which can include tomatoes, cabbage, beets, cucumbers, greens, carrots, - with olive oil;tea or coffee;
- okroshka without potatoes, 100 grams of meat, tea;
- a glass of milk;
- soup( 200 g), tea or yogurt.
5 day
- 150 g of boiled sausages( 1 piece), coffee( tea);
- soup on meat broth with cabbage, carrots, sweet peppers, tomato, onions and herbs( 200 g);
- unsweetened fruit juice( diluted with water);
- 2 apples.
6 day
- omelette with milk from 2 eggs, tea( coffee);
- meat( 100 g), vegetable salad;
- kefir;
- 150 grams of vegetable salad, tea.
7 day
- 2 eggs and 1 fruit, coffee( tea);
- borsch( yushka), 100 g of boiled fish, vegetable salad;
- a glass of milk;
- meat( 100 g), fruit, tea.
Dr. Mirkin recommends a day of unloading days. Especially effective are apple, cabbage, curd and kefir unloading. Often enough, there is one such day a week.
Popular recipes for the Mirkin diet
Sea cocktail
- It will be required: 0,5 kg of shrimp, mussels and squid, 1 onion, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of olive oil, fennel, mint, rosemary, lemon juice, a bunch of celery.
- Celery cut with onions, fry in oil, add lemon juice and seafood, add a glass of water or broth from vegetables.
- Put the stew, add spices before switching off.
Shrimp soup
- Requires: Shrimp( 1 kg), cauliflower celery( 200 g), 1 tomato, curry, onion, lemon juice.
- Shrimp to clean. Tomato, celery and onions cut, along with seafood pour water and cook until done. Add curry and lemon juice.
Pumpkin soup with mushrooms
- Ingredients: pumpkin( 200 g), champignons( 200 g), garlic( 2 cloves), chicken breast( 1 kg), coriander, sage, cumin.
- Chicken cut into strips, pour water and cook with herbs for about 15 minutes.
- Then add mushrooms and pumpkin and cook for another 20 minutes( until cooked).Serve with greens and yogurt.
Stew on beef
- Need: low-fat beef( 1 kg), spinach( 400 g), 1 onion, celery root( 200 g), chive, 2 tomatoes, beef broth( 1 cup), olive oil, powder ginger, cumin.
- Fry in seasoning oil, add tomatoes and onions to them, then broth, beef, spinach, and celery.
- Stew on low heat for about 40 minutes.
Pancakes from liver
- Required: liver of beef( 1 kg), 1 onion, oat or rye bran( 2 tablespoons), black pepper, 1 egg, 4 squirrels.
- Liver chop the meat grinder or blender, chop the onions, add whipped proteins, bran and egg.
- Pancakes with a wet spoon. Cook with a steam cooker.
Reviews of those who lose weight and the results of weight loss by Mirkin's method ^
You do not need to get out of this diet. The author of the methodology asserts that it can be observed all life, because this is a qualitatively new attitude to the behavior at the table. The results of the Mirkin diet are truly impressive - some people with her help manage to lose weight by 20 kg in 3 months.
There are also absolutely sensational stories - for example, a resident of Zhytomyr region parted with 130 kilograms for 1 year and 10 months due to a unique technique. Numerous eulogies about the Mirkin diet indicate that it is not so difficult to adhere to the rules ascribed to it, so it may well become a norm of life in terms of nutrition.
We also recommend to watch a video with useful advice of nutritionists on the three best days of release that help to lose weight fast and effectively: