Therapeutic nourishment with radiation therapy
Diet for radiation therapy: feedback and patient results
the time for radiotherapy to pass through to the patient must adhere to a therapeutic diet that favorably affects the work of internal organs and provides the body with all the necessary substances.
Features and principles of therapeutic nutrition for radiation therapy ^
Radiation therapy is prescribed for the control of tumor cells. Most often in the patient during its passage, there is weakness, loss of appetite, loose stools, nausea, vomiting and deterioration in overall well-being, so in addition to drug support it is important to follow the general rules of nutrition.
The diet for radiation therapy should begin one week before the first irradiation procedure, and it will have to abandon all dairy products, as well as from legumes and cabbage, becausethey contribute to increased gas production. Raw vegetables and grain cereals are also not to get carried away - they stimulate intestinal peristalsis. What should the nutrition of cancer patients be based on in radiotherapy:
- Walnuts;
- Green;
- Berries;
- Rice;
- Bananas;
- Fruit( apples);
- Low-fat fish;
- Meat;
- Cooked and stewed vegetables.
The diet after radiation therapy should continue for two weeks, and during this period, you can gradually introduce sour-milk products and meat dishes. It is necessary to monitor the reaction of your body, and if you have any ailments to return to a dietary diet.
Also, nutrition after radiotherapy, as during it, involves the rejection of fatty, smoked, fried, spicy foods, mushrooms, spices and alcohol.
Nutrition for chemotherapy and radiation therapy depends on where the cancer cells were found. For example, during irradiation of the larynx, it is most often permitted to consume only liquid food, and when exposed to pelvic organs it is not allowed to eat fiber.
Diet for radiotherapy: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Therapeutic diet for radiation therapy: menus, recipes
Principles of therapeutic nutrition for chemotherapy and radiation therapy
In order to facilitate the patient's condition and the consequences of such procedures, it is important to observe several rules:
- The energy value of a daily diet should be about 2500-3000 Kcal, and the food should be divided into 5-6 portions;
- I will have to give up all bad habits;
- To improve kidney function, it is important to use a lot of liquid -1,5-2 l. It is allowed to drink green tea, compotes and juices.
Nutrition for radiation therapy of the breast: menu
In the diet of the patient in this case should be present dairy products, fruits, vegetables, cereals, whole grain bread. From proteins it is recommended to consume legumes, eggs, fish, meat and nuts, and the most useful dishes are rice soups and cereals, bananas, mashed potatoes.
Sample menu:
- On an empty stomach we dissolve a slice of frozen lemon, then we breakfast cottage cheese with fruit, we drink green tea;
- For lunch we eat soup and a piece of meat, drink down with juice;
- We snack a banana;
- For dinner we eat pilaf and steamed vegetables.
Diet for radiation therapy of the brain: menu
The nutrition regime for a brain tumor should consist of fiber and proteins: vegetables, fruits, sour-milk products, fish and meat.
Approximate menu:
- For breakfast we eat oatmeal cooked on water, add 1 tsp to it.shredded nuts;
- A snack with a light fruit salad;
- For lunch we eat low-fat soup or borsch, boiled vegetables and a piece of fish;
- Lunch tea with a sandwich;
- At dinner we eat vegetable stew and 100 g of meat.
Diet for radiotherapy of the prostate: menu
In the absence of a loose stool, it is allowed to eat dairy products. In general, the menu must necessarily contain vegetables, low-fat varieties of fish and meat, boiled hard-boiled eggs, and with diarrhea it is recommended to drink decoctions of bird cherry, rice grains or blueberries.
Sample menu:
- In the morning we eat a couple of boiled eggs, cottage cheese, we drink tea with a sandwich;
- For lunch we use a bit of buckwheat porridge;
- We have lunch with buckwheat soup, seafood salad;
- We ate a cup of berries for a mid-morning snack;
- We dine with oatmeal with fruit, we drink a cup of tea, we eat a slice of whole grain bread.
Diet for radiotherapy of the cervix: menu
In this case, it is necessary to limit the use of protein products, becauseit can cause diarrhea. Regardless of what kind of therapy is performed - internal or external - before using the diet, you should consult your doctor. In the absence of side effects in the menu, it is allowed to use heat-treated vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, berries and cereals.
Approximate menu:
- We have breakfast of the porridge with the addition of berries, we drink a cup of green tea;
- For lunch we eat vegetarian soup and vegetable salad;
- We snack bananas or apples;
- At dinner we eat a portion of boiled rice and a piece of meat.
Therapeutic diet for radiation therapy of the rectum: menu
It is recommended to use only liquid soft dishes: porridges, soups, mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes. The use of vegetables and fruits in fresh form will have to be limited, becausethe fiber contained in them can provoke an intestinal disorder.
Sample menu:
- For breakfast we eat any porridge: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat. We also drink tea;
- We bite 100 g of cottage cheese;
- For lunch we eat vegetable soup, puree with jelly;
- We snack with yogurt;
- For dinner we use vegetable puree and a little twisted meat.
Diet recipes for radiation sickness
If the concentration of ionizing rays exceeds the permissible dose, then their effect on the body can be reduced by medication and taking the decoctions inside.
Recipe of birch mushroom infusion
- In a glass of boiling water pour a large spoon of chaga;
- Hold under the lid for 10 minutes, then pour 2 g of soda and insist as much again;
- Drink three times a day for half an hour before a meal for 1 tbsp.l.
Recipe for flax decoction
- A glass of flax seeds is poured into 2 liters of water, cooked over low heat for 2 hours;
- Drink 50 g before each meal.
Recipe for cowberry decoction
- Fill with a glass of water 1 tbsp.l.berries, boil for 10 minutes;
- Remove from the plate, we insist 1 hour;
- Drink twice a day for 1 glass immediately after eating.
Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about a medical diet after radiation therapy ^
As a result of a diet for cancer patients during radiation therapy, it is possible to maintain the optimal state of internal organs, the probability of side effects from radiation is reduced, and when complications appear, it is possible to normalize the patient's well-being.
How to get out after a diet with chemotherapy
Even if the course was completed safely, the first month after treatment is not allowed to use a diet prohibited by the diet. It is best to gradually introduce low-fat meat dishes, increase the amount of protein consumed, but portions of fresh fruits and vegetables remain until the second month before.
Reviews of doctors about diet after radiation therapy
Alexandra, 39, oncologist:
"Without a diet during irradiation, you can not do. Of course, she does not get rid of all the diseases, but she can protect herself from such problems as upset of the stool and vomiting, therefore I personally give out all the patients with a reminder with the appropriate recommendations »
Maria, 35, oncologist:
« Radiation therapy is transferred"
Tatyana, age 43, oncologist:
" With cancer of the rectum, you can not eat solid food, so even if you do not eat the right food, it will be difficult to avoid such consequences as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. "harmlessSoups should be ground with a blender after cooking. If all dietary rules are followed, the body of the patients after irradiation is restored much faster, but it is also best to give up bad habits »