Diet with constipation in children
Constipation-related diet: the
menu Constipation is one of the most common problems of modern people, it affects constantly or occasionally more than half of the populationdeveloped countries.
What is the danger of constipation ^
Despite the intimacy of this problem, which is not accepted to be discussed in society, it is impossible to brush it off, because chronic constipation leads to general slagging and intoxication of the body, as well as to the development of many serious diseases.
Those who consider constipation to be a frivolous and not worthy issue need to read the book of the famous German physician Mark Gerzon "Cancer treatment", which explains the direct connection of cancers with malnutrition and constipation.
The author has been studying this problem for many years and claims that according to his research, out of 10,000 cancer patients only one person becomes ill due to irreversible changes that have occurred in the body. All the remaining 9,999 cases were due to poisoning the body with its own calves.
The most common cause of constipation is the wrong lifestyle chosen by us, primarily:
- malnutrition,
- inactivity,
- stress,
- overstrain,
- constant rush.
Because of this, constipation has long been called "a disease of civilization."
Products from constipation ^
If you have constipation, do not rush to use laxatives and enemas from constipation, leave them in case of emergency. Actively advertised funds from constipation try to use as little as possible, because the intestine to them quickly gets used to and stops emptying yourself.
With proper patience and perseverance, it is quite possible to get rid of constipation with the help of proper nutrition, folk methods and medicinal herbs.
Doctors say that constipation is a sure sign of dehydration, leading to the drying of the natural lubrication of the intestinal mucosa. As a result, the stool becomes dry and hard, can not move to the lower parts, which leads to chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.
Very often, having started correctly and in sufficient quantities to drink ordinary water, a person gets rid of constipation, and his stool becomes light and regular. In order to get rid of chronic dehydration for good, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water every day, depending on your body weight. More information about the need for water and the dangers of dehydration can be found in the article on our website.
Foods rich in fiber
In food you need to include foods from constipation, especially vegetable food, containing a lot of dietary fiber, fiber and pectin, which contribute to the regular emptying of the intestines.
Fiber stimulates the contractile work, causing food to pass faster through the body, and also removes toxins, fats, slag and excess cholesterol.
A lot of fiber is found in the following products:
- vegetables,
- fruits,
- berries,
- nuts,
- dried apricots,
- prunes,
- dates,
- figs,
- in oat and buckwheat groats.
Pectin, contained in many fruits, berries and citrus fruits, has a wonderful property to swell like a sponge, absorbing microbes, poisons and other harmful substances, protecting the body from intoxication. Therefore, apples, peaches, apricots, oranges, pears, raspberries, black currants, beets and carrots are recommended by dietitians as excellent products from constipation.
In addition, fiber and pectin well suppress putrefactive processes and create optimal conditions for the development of beneficial microflora in the intestine. That's why vegetarians who eat mostly vegetarian food, have good digestion and never suffer from constipation.
Useful products for constipation are also rye bread, dried fruits and bran, which can be used in its pure form or added to any food or drink. Since bran are a powerful cleanser and act in the intestine as a metal scraper, enter them into the diet should be gradually, starting with 1 tsp, increasing to 2-3 a day.
The best products from constipation are fresh fruits and vegetables
Excellent and effective product from constipation are fresh and sauerkraut cabbage, broccoli and legumes. Breakfast is useful to start with a vegetable or fruit salad, seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream. This salad is called a "whisk", as it perfectly sweeps the bowels of excess content.
- To do this, grate cabbage, beets, carrots, apple, add butter and greens.
- Depending on food preferences, you can experiment and add tomato, cucumber, sweet pepper, zucchini or pumpkin to this salad.
- If from the fresh cabbage or other vegetables in the intestine increases gas formation, they can be boiled or slightly extinguished and cooked vinaigrette.
Whole-grain cereals
An irreplaceable product from constipation is cereals, made from whole grains - buckwheat, pearl barley, oats, barley, millet.
- Do not buy semi-processed porridges from sachets, as after processing they are deprived of fiber, vitamins and trace elements, and therefore are useless.
- When cooking, do not keep the porridge for long on the fire, it is enough to boil the croup for 15 minutes, wrap it and leave it for re-feeding, in order to keep all useful substances in it.
- Adding olive oil, vegetables and fruits to the cereals helps effectively to get rid of old "deposits".
Sour-milk products
Sour-milk products, especially yogurt and one-day kefir, are traditional dietary products from constipation.
With chronic chronic constipation, doctors recommend that you regularly drink a glass of kefir with a spoonful of olive oil before going to bed. A good laxative effect is provided by fresh carrot or potato juice.
Broths from medicinal herbs such as senna, buckthorn, plantain, dandelion root, nettle, oats and flax seed help well to get rid of constipation. In cases of particularly persistent non-constipating constipation, one can conduct a course of cleansing enemas at home. The treatment of constipation in the home with medicinal herbs and enemas is written in the article.
Products that cause constipation ^
Products that cause constipation and paralyzing the effect of the musculature of the intestine, should be deleted as far as possible from their diet. These include high-calorie food, consisting of simple carbohydrates and virtually devoid of fiber, designed to stimulate the active digestive process.
The products that cause constipation include:
- dairy products, especially cottage cheese and cheese, contribute to the occurrence of constipation due to a lack of fiber and a high content of fats, calcium and protein that slow the bowels.
- Fast food products ( fast food) and white flour products( pasta, white bread, buns, sweets) are also poor in fiber and contain many "empty" calories.
- Red meat in large quantities, strong meat and fish broth cause constipation due to excessive fat content. Therefore, to improve digestion, try to eat meat only with vegetable salad or porridge containing fiber.
- Products containing caffeine .Strong tea, coffee, cola, cocoa, chocolate, strong wine cause dehydration and therefore belong to products that cause constipation.
- Fruit and berries , fixing the stool. These include blueberries, lingonberries, pears, pomegranates, dogwood.
- Drugs with containing iron and some other drugs can cause constipation, so you should inform the doctor in time about any negative changes in the gastrointestinal tract so that he can correct the treatment.
Diet for constipation in children ^
Unfortunately, constipation in children of all ages has become very common, especially in primary school children. Because of the poor performance of the intestine, the child becomes sluggish, inattentive, often locked in himself and embarrassed to tell someone that he does not go to the toilet badly.
To children's constipation often leads to malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle, conflicts in the family and school. Often children hesitate to visit a public toilet in the presence of strangers, so there are cases of severe constipation in younger schoolchildren due to the lack of cabins in school toilets.
To normalize the stool in a child, it is necessary to go two ways:
- to develop the habit of emptying the intestines at the same time,
- to comply with the diet.
Defecation is better in the morning, at 7 - 8 am, when the child is at home. On an empty stomach it is necessary to give to drink 1 glass of cold water, which often stimulates the act of emptying. If there are no calls, you need to do exercises, have breakfast and go back to the toilet again. Restoration of the act of defecation - a long process, do not need to be nervous and scold the child, so that the constipation does not take a chronic form.
A diet for constipation in children should necessarily include the following product groups:
- products that increase the volume of feces and improve intestinal motility( vegetables, fruits, bran);
- products with enveloping action, helping food to glide well into the lower sections( vegetable oils and fish oil);
- products with potassium content necessary for good work of intestinal muscles( dried fruits, baked potatoes, bananas, oatmeal and pearl barley);
- sour-milk products, best one-day kefir before bedtime. The useful bifidobacteria contained in kefir contribute to the development of useful intestinal microflora and will prepare it for morning emptying.
Limit the products that cause constipation in the child - white bread, pasta, vareniki, dumplings, white rice, whole milk and whole buns. Correctly organized and competently adjusted diet with constipation in children is able to solve all the problems of the gastrointestinal tract without the help of medications.
Treatment of constipation usually begins with the introduction into the nutrition of the child of fruit and berry juices;vegetables and fruits in fresh and processed form should occupy not less than half of the entire diet.
Sample diet menu for constipation in children
- First breakfast: vegetable salad with sour cream or vegetable oil, boiled beans fried with egg, oatmeal in milk, tea.
- Second breakfast: apples.
- Lunch: vegetable soup, braised cabbage with boiled meat, compote of dried fruits.
- Snack: prunes or other dried fruits.
- Dinner: vegetable cabbage rolls, buckwheat of buckwheat with cottage cheese, tea.
- Before going to bed: kefir.
Since the diet for constipation in children requires the restriction of sweets and flour, instead of sweets, you can prepare a child a useful and tasty dessert of dried fruits. Prunes, figs and dried apricots rip out with boiling water, mix in equal proportions, add as many walnuts and honey. Mix everything, sterilize for 10-15 minutes and give 2 tsp.3 times a day after meals.
To make the diet quick, organize the child daily physical activity in the form of a game, walk with it, do exercises, swim, ski, showing an example of the use of active lifestyles.
We recommend to watch a video about super food for combating constipation: