Diet for gout
Diet for gout is aimed at reducing uric acid production
Diet for gout is an important parttreatment, which helps prevent the exacerbation of the disease and ensure a normal state of the patient.
Causes and symptoms of the onset of gouty disease ^
Gout is a disease that occurs due to a metabolic disorder in which uric acid salts are retained in the joints. The first mention of gout dates back to the time of Hippocrates.
Today, gouty disease is not so common( for 1 thousand people about 3 cases), but recently the dynamics of the incidence has increased markedly. Doctors, in particular, largely relate this to food that people eat.
To gout leads to an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood. Its derivatives are deposited in the joints and organs, which can lead to their inflammation and subsequent destruction. The causes of such disorders in the metabolism can be both excessive production of uric acid, which the kidneys can not excrete, and the inability of the kidneys themselves to cope with the normal amount of the same substance.
Symptoms of gout can be pain and inflammation in the joint, during bouts of skin in the area of the big toe blushes, also the body temperature can rise. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner and does not comply with a therapeutic diet, the joint may eventually collapse completely and lead to severe disability.
For centuries, it has been proved that the appearance of gouty disease directly depends on the human nutrition and lifestyle. Previously, gout was even considered a "disease of kings".It contributes to its development, in particular, fatty foods and alcohol. Therefore, a diet for gout for therapeutic and preventive purposes should be aimed at reducing the production of uric acid and its derivatives.
A diet for gout can be prescribed in two cases - when a person shows signs of a disease - enlarged joints( most often on the big toe), or excessive uric acid levels in blood tests.
Before you start a diet with gout, you should consult a doctor because fresh fruits and vegetables can affect the digestive system, and fluid in large quantities is not indicated to hypertensive patients. Advantages of the curative nutrition program for gout consist not only in the ability to eliminate the cause of the problem, but also in improving metabolism.
Diet for gout has its drawbacks, the main one of which is the severity of food restrictions( among them - meat, spicy and salty foods, alcohol, etc.), without which it is impossible to overcome the disease.
Prohibited for gout products:
- meat( fatty);
- meat, fish and mushroom broths;
- jelly and gravy of meat;
- smoked meat products;
- semi-prepared soups;
- meat by-products;
- canned fish and caviar;
- coffee, cocoa and strong tea;Beans, peas and other legumes;
- preservatives;
- animal fats;
- spices( except salt, vinegar and bay leaves);
- chocolate, buttery pastries, cream;
- alcohol, including beer;
- grapes, raisins, raspberries, figs.
Is allowed in small quantities :
- sausages;
- poultry, beef and lean fish in boiled form;
- salt( very little);
- tomatoes( no more than 3 pcs daily), cauliflower, bell pepper, greens, turnips and radish, spinach, sorrel, celery;
- mushrooms;
- butter;
- milk( in cereals and tea);
- plums;
- fat.
Recommended foods for gout diet:
- poultry meat, rabbit meat;
- seafood;
- vegetable soups;
- eggs;
- fish of low-fat varieties;
- sour-milk products;
- cereals, vermicelli, bread;
- any nuts and seeds;
- white cabbage, zucchini, cucumber, blue, potatoes;
- dry fruit;
- green apples, citrus, melons, gooseberries, avocados;
- berries( except raspberries);
- greens;
- natural juices and compotes, green and weak tea;
- vegetable oil.
Diet for gout: approximate menu and recipes ^
1 day
- a plate of fruit salad with yoghurt and honey, tea with milk, biscuits;
- milk or kefir;
- vegetable soup ground with vegetable oil and herbs;
- cutlets from potatoes, cream;
- boiled egg with cucumber;
- cottage cheese with yoghurt.
2 day
- tomato salad with cucumber and greens, rye bread, coffee;
- curd casserole;
- boiled potatoes, stewed cauliflower, compote;
- sandwich with cheese, kefir;Oatmeal porridge, gingerbread, tea.
3 day
- porridge buckwheat milk, tea;
- beet salad;
- pearl barley soup with vegetables, lean meat, cabbage salad with cucumber;
- compote with marshmallow;
- yogurt, avocado.
4 day
- 2 cottage cheese with jam, not strong coffee;
- kefir with breadcrumbs;
- stuffed peppers( instead of meat vegetables), eggplant caviar, jelly;
- sandwich with cheese, compote;Porridge oatmeal, tea.
5 day
- 2 tomatoes, cottage cheese, coffee;
- fruit salad with yoghurt;
- rice porridge, beef, tomato and cucumber salad;
- steamed vegetables with bread;
- boiled egg, tomato, compote with biscuits.
6 day
- vermicelli with gravy, chicory;
- fruit;
- jelly;
- braised zucchini with bell pepper, mashed potatoes, kissel;
- fresh vegetables;
- baked apple with cottage cheese, tea. Cottage cheese and tea;
- kefir and gingerbread;
- vegetable soup with rice, chicken meatball, vegetable salad;
- yogurt with berries;
- steamed vegetables, jelly.
In the 20-ies of the twentieth century Dr. Pevzner was closely involved in the problem of gout. Diet with Pevzner gout consists of low-calorie dishes, which adjust the balance of acids and alkalis in the blood. It should be often and in small portions. Once a week, recommended unloading days.
Diet with exacerbation of gout prohibits the use of any meat or fish dishes. The diet includes mainly liquid food( milk and sour-milk products, enveloping fruit broths, soups from vegetables, cereals in milk).In a day you need to drink about 2 liters of fluid. To starve in a phase of an exacerbation it is impossible.
Recipes of diet dishes for patients with gout
Here are a few useful and delicious recipes that will help make a diet for gout a diverse and boring.
Post borscht
- Boil water, add very little, put the cut potatoes( 5 pieces).
- Fry onion until ruddy, then pour grated carrots and beetroot to it.
- Add the tomato and boil it.
- Cut the cabbage and add it together with tomato and vegetables in a pot to the almost finished potatoes.
- Before you turn off, put the Bulgarian pepper and greens.
Caviar roe
- Cut kilograms of zucchini, put out in a frying pan until the liquid evaporates.
- Separately fry carrots with onions( 0.5 kg each), pour several spoons of thick tomato, boil.
- Add the resulting mixture to zucchini, boil.
- Can be ground with a blender.
Roasted cauliflower
- Disassemble cabbage on inflorescences, put in boiling water for a few minutes.
- Make a bag of 2 eggs, a little salted and whipped with sour cream.
- Cabbage dipped in a mixture and fry in a heated frying pan until ruddy.
Results, recommendations and feedback from doctors about dietary nutrition for gout ^
The results of a diet for gout is the restoration of normal uric acid metabolism and reduction of its salts in the body. If such a diet is adhered to constantly, this will reduce the number of relapses of the disease. In addition, a side effect of the diet for gout is weight reduction and a decrease in blood cholesterol, which helps normalize blood pressure.
Reviews of doctors about the diet for gout emphasize its usefulness and effectiveness. The menu of a medical course of a food is various, it provides an organism with all valuable substances, and, at the same time, promotes purification of an organism. Such a diet program can be used by absolutely healthy people for prevention.
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