Diet with elevated blood sugar
Diet with increased blood sugar:reviews and patient results
Increased blood sugar may indicate a negative change in the body, and after the test is often required to adhere to a special diet.
Features of the diet with elevated blood sugar ^
If the glucometer shows an increased level of sugar - this does not mean that a person is already sick with diabetes, but such a symptom may be its harbinger.
The optimal glucose in the blood ranges from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l. In the case when the tests show excess more than twice, you need to pay maximum attention to your health, as this can indicate the presence of endocrine diseases.
What are the symptoms with increasing blood sugar:
- Frequent urge to urinate;
- Dryness and bitterness in the mouth;
- Thirst and weakness;
- Slow healing of lesions on the skin;
- Immunocompromised;
- Itching of the skin or mucous membranes.
The reasons for the increase in sugar are still not accurately identified, but it is believed that this phenomenon is most often due to stressful situations, overeating, excessive use of "bad" carbohydrates or severe infectious diseases.
Often there is increased sugar in the urine: this is usually accompanied by an increase in the level of acetone, but in both cases the same diet is used.
Do you need a therapeutic diet with increased blood sugar
There are a number of products that not only normalize the level of glucose, but also prevent it from rising in the future, so a therapeutic diet with increased sugar is not a short-term diet, but a lifestyle, because such a problemcan again recur in the future.
What foods should be in the diet for patients with elevated blood sugar:
- Cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant;
- Carrots and beets( restricted);
- Green;
- Rye and white wheat bread;
- Bran;
- Cereals;
- Apples, black currants, strawberries;
- Broth of dogrose, fruit juices( better - apple);
- Low-fat varieties of fish and meat;
- Sour-milk products;
- Eggs( no more than two pieces per day);
- Honey( 3 tsp per day).
Knowing what kind of diet is needed at an elevated blood sugar level, you can independently make up your diet based on the list of allowed products, or use the following menus as an example.
What foods are prohibited in the diet with increased blood sugar:
- Sugar and its containing meals;
- Jam;
- Sweets and other sweets;
- Grapes, figs and raisins;
- Sausages;
- Fatty dishes.
Diet with increased blood sugar: menu, features of therapeutic nutrition, recipes ^
Diet with increased blood sugar: medical menu, recipes
Therapeutic diet table number 9 with increased blood sugar: menu
This diet allows the use of okroshki, borsch, soups, rye or wheat bread, protein omelettes, boiled soft-boiled eggs, vegetables, including carbohydrates, cereals( except rice and mango).
Sample menu:
- We have breakfast with crumbly buckwheat porridge, low-fat cottage cheese and tea;
- For a lunch we drink a wheat broth;
- We have dinner with vegetarian cabbage soup, stewed carrots, boiled meat and fruit jelly on xylitol;
- We snack with apples;
- We have dinner with baked fish, cabbage shnitselem and tea.
Diet with increased blood sugar during pregnancy
Most often, increasing the sugar level during pregnancy can indicate gestational diabetes, which is a threat to the fetus, so you should immediately switch to special nutrition using this menu example:
- We have a breakfast omelette and green tea;
- We have a snack with vegetable salad with bran loaves;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup, chicken breast, cabbage salad and honey drink;
- We snack with bread, apple and tea;
- We have dinner with vegetable salad, rice and boiled fish, we drink a glass of yogurt.
Diet for preventing blood sugar rise
To prevent this problem, you can use several months for this exemplary menu:
- For breakfast we eat a boiled egg and cottage cheese, we drink tea with bread;
- We have a snack with fruit juice and fruit;
- We have dinner with buckwheat soup, baked vegetables and compote;
- We have a salad of vegetables;
- We dine with steam cutlets and vegetable stew.
Recipes for a diet with increased sugar
Recipe for a honey drink:
- Add 2 tsp to a glass of boiling water.honey;
- Stir and drink.
Recipe for steamed meatballs:
- 200 g of meat is washed and twisted in a meat grinder;
- Soak in the milk 20 g of dry bread;
- Mix everything, add salt and pepper;
- We make cutlets, put them in a mold and bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes.
Stewed cabbage recipe:
- Shinku red cabbage, cut apples into slices;
- Add 15 g of wheat flour and 5 g of butter;
- Pour a little olive oil and water into the frying pan, place the ingredients there and stew for about 20 minutes.
Results, feedback and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition with increased sugar level ^
As a result of a diet with elevated blood sugar it is possible to normalize its level in 2-3 days, and also to maintain it in the future: for this it is sufficient to remove from your diet allProhibited products.
Tips on how to avoid a sharp rise in blood sugar:
- Avoid overeating;
- Keep track of your diet and do not eat junk food;
- Try to avoid stressful situations;
- Giving yourself physical exertion;
- Do not use medicines without a doctor's prescription.
Such prophylaxis of increasing the level of sugar in the blood helps in the future to avoid more serious problems and diseases, and also contributes to a surge of vitality.
Reviews of doctors about a diet with elevated blood sugar:
Ludmila, 39, therapist:
"Very often after taking all tests, it is found that increasing glucose is nothing more than diabetes mellitus. Exception is made only by pregnant women: their level may increase due to hormonal adjustment, and after the birth of the child everything is normalized. In any case, all people need to monitor their diet and periodically do tests with a glucose meter. "
Catherine, 43, endocrinologist:
" I already have people with diabetes mellitus, where dieting is the foundation for maintaining health, because the giventhe disease is incurable, and malnutrition gives an even greater strain on the pancreas. "
Anastasia, 35, therapist:
" Raising sugar can be a harbinger of many diseases, so diet is a strict necessity untilthe causes will not be precisely established. In the future, the diet either remains the same, or another one corresponding to the disease is selected ยป