Diet for pregnant women
Diet for pregnant women provides the fetus with adequate nutrition
The nutrition of the expectant mother directly affects the mental andphysical well-being of the baby, so the diet for pregnant women, initially, should ensure the full development of the fetus.
Features of nutrition during pregnancy ^
In this responsible, complex and joyful life in a woman's life, it is necessary to carefully approach the menu and make corrections to it. In the body of pregnant women, physiological changes occur, the uterus increases and squeezes internal organs, including the intestine and stomach. Therefore, traditional three meals a day becomes inappropriate, it is better to increase it up to 5-6 times, while reducing the size of portions. At night you can not eat too much.
Food should be simple natural and maximally useful. The need for microelements, proteins and vitamins increases many times, because this is the material for the formation of a new organism. The health of the future baby will depend on the "foundation" that he will receive in the womb of the mother. Therefore, it is necessary to completely exclude products that can adversely affect the formation of the fetus and the future health of the child.
Prohibited products:
- Alcohol.
- Semi-finished products, all products with dyes and preservatives, smoked products.
- Allergens. If there are people in the immediate family who are allergic to certain foods, then their consumption should also be limited.
- Restrict or exclude foods that give pressure to the gallbladder and liver: fatty, fried, spicy, pickled, salted, sour.
- Reduce the use of confectionery.
Useful for pregnant products:
- Fatty fish and meat.
- Dairy products.
- Fresh berries, fruits, greens, vegetables.
- Cereal crops, nuts.
- Unrefined vegetable oil.
If a pregnant woman wants something "not too useful", then you can afford it. After all, pregnancy is not a disease and, for example, a single reception of smoked fish or fatty shish kebab can not harm the child. In the first half of the period, salt is recommended not to exceed 12 the second -8 gr.before giving birth - 5 grams.
Salt is a vital product. Therefore, a salt-free diet for pregnant women is appointed very carefully. Restriction of salt is the only non-drug way to help a future mother to remove excess fluid from the body and get rid of swelling. The duration of a salt-free diet should not exceed more than 2 weeks. Salt is not used for cooking, and if you need to lose weight, you do not eat high-calorie foods.
The problem of edema is known to many pregnant women. Diet in edema in pregnant women is not much different from the basic rules of nutrition, recommended for future mothers. Most doctors believe that the restriction of fluid in swelling is not required, and salt-free diet or salt restriction will successfully help to cope with swelling.
Diet for pregnant women: approximate menu and features ^
A pregnant woman should listen to the advice of a doctor, focus on one's own well-being and show a little imagination. From useful products, the menu can turn out to be quite diverse and tasty, and the food will be taken with a positive mood.
Exemplary menu for pregnant women
Breakfast - a choice of
- All kinds of cereal cereals, with the addition of milk and butter. Low fat cottage cheese and sour cream.
- Butter, bran bread and eggs. Boiled fish and vegetable salad.
The second breakfast
- Berries and fruits with yogurt or honey.
- Omelet from proteins. Kefir with breadcrumbs or dried. Pancake and milk.
- Borsch, a piece of black bread, braised veal with rice, vegetable salad.
- Chicken soup, baked fish and vegetable stews. Fish soup, chicken and steamed beans.
- Pumpkin cream soup, fish cutlets, buckwheat, salad.
- Apple, orange or pomegranate juice, lingering cookies. Fruit salad with nuts. Cottage cheese with dried fruits.
- Broth of dogrose and fruits. Dinner
- Milk porridge( except for manga).Vegetable stew with fish.
- Fresh salad and chicken breast. Vinaigrette, unsalted cheese.
You can eat unsweetened fruit or drink a glass of fat-free drink from milk, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
Diet for pregnant women in the first trimester
In different periods of fetal formation, the body needs certain nutrients. Dietary diet of pregnant women in the first trimester does not require an increase in caloric intake, it is 2000 kcal. In the third week of embryonic development, the nervous system and all vital organs are formed.
During this period, especially essential folic acid, its deficiency can lead to underdevelopment of the brain. It participates in cell division, placenta formation, prevents miscarriage. Since the fourth week, the embryo already has cardiac contractions. Since the fifth week there is a formation of the liver, the features of the face are indicated, the teeth are fixed. This short period is very significant, so stick to the rules you need strictly.
Especially great demand for 1 trimester in folic and ascorbic acid, vitamin E and A, calcium and iodine. The menu must be richly saturated with vitamin-mineral components: freshly squeezed juices, fruits, vegetables, bread with bran, milk. And, although the bones will be formed later, it is not recommended to limit protein foods, since the body is already beginning to make reserves for future needs.
Diet for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester
Since 4 months the fetus has been growing actively, so the expectant mother needs more calories. Diet of pregnant women in the second trimester suggests an increase in calorie content to 2500 kcal. But it should not be promoted at the expense of sweets, confectionery products should be limited in general.
The need for minerals and vitamins is still high. Since the lack of vitamin D negatively affects the formation of the skeleton, during this period, the need for calcium is increased. Vitamin E is also needed for their growth. Vegetable fats are extremely necessary for pregnant women to better assimilate fat-soluble vitamins, so their consumption should be increased.
Protein food is necessary in the diet of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy as the main building material for a new organism. In the second half of the term, a protein diet for pregnant women may be recommended by a doctor. It does not limit the amount of carbohydrates, just protein foods are used a little more than usual.
Protein is needed not only for the baby, but for the mother - for the growth of the mammary glands, placenta and how to prevent anemia and excess weight gain. However, the protein diet is not suitable for all pregnant women - with swelling and kidney problems, it is not recommended.
Diet for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester
Nutrition of pregnant women in the third trimester requires a decrease in calorie intake, especially closer to childbirth. In the first part of the day, preference should be given to protein foods, second dairy products, vegetables and fruits. You can eat only non-fat foods cooked in a dietary way.
We also recommend that you read the article Diet for thrush.Results, recommendations and feedback from physicians on dietary nutrition for expectant mothers ^
Doctors forbid pregnant women any mono diets. The diet should be balanced and maximally rich with all necessary nutrients for the mother and baby, therefore, the doctors' reviews of the diet for pregnant women are only positive.
Well-being, lack of edema, weight gain within acceptable limits and the birth of a healthy baby are the results of a diet during pregnancy. Moreover, this healthy principle of nutrition can be recommended not only to pregnant women, but to all those who dream of losing a few extra pounds without harm to health.
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