  • Contrast shower: how to take a contrast shower?

    There is an erroneous opinion among the people that in order to achieve health you need to engage in tiring training, in general, to tear your body and soul in full. This game in different variations has the same name: "I'm sick and I'm being treated".Any violence over oneself leads to sports achievements, and not to health. If you do not need sports achievements, then all your efforts should be the fruit of free intention. In other words, it is necessary to act not by compulsion, but by principle. Every health action should be not only useful, but also pleasant. Do not fight for your health, just let it in.

    The most effective and simple health and preventive procedure is a contrast shower. This procedure involves alternating cold and hot water. First, a few minutes of hot water, then thirty seconds or less of cold water, repeat at least three times. After that, rub with a hard towel. The effectiveness of this procedure is very great, despite all its simplicity. It would seem that running or lifting a bar is an unquestionable training. And what benefit can we get from the soul?

    The fact is that the soul intensely affects almost all organs in the human body. This results in a huge effect. The work of all biological processes improves. All body stagnation starts to swing. The circulatory system is revived and cleared. The number of red cells and leukocytes in the blood is multiplied. The muscle mass begins to grow. Resumes working capacity. Strengthens the human nervous system. Improves metabolism. In general, the body is rejuvenated and intensively cleansed. Normal electric charge of the body. Energy is growing. Your heart is exercised as if you were jogging. With all this, no special effort to do on yourself is not necessary. Besides the fact that it's not burdensome, it's also nice. Can you really give up all this?

    How to take a contrast shower

    The secret of the performance of a contrast shower is very simple: the largest organ of our body - the skin - is directly affected. It is 20% of the total weight of a person. Guided by internal intentions, you can load different muscles, test the body for strength, strain yourself. But you can let the body worry about yourself without any tension of will. You do not have to train, but just watch how the body trains itself.

    What happens with this? First, hot water begins to dilate the blood vessels, and then the cold narrows. As a result, the blood begins to undergo intensive circulation, the organism suffers a good shake, the stagnant areas swing. The movement of blood through the body plays a very important role. In the ordinary state, the circulation is provided by the heart. On large vessels blood flows quickly, but in all other blood vessels the blood moves much more slowly. But no matter how strange it might look, 80% of the whole blood circulating in the body is in the capillaries. In general, the length of the capillaries is approximately 100 000 kilometers. Each pathogenic process, above all, is a violation of the capillary circulation. In turn, the contrast shower improves capillary blood circulation, and thanks to this all life processes. In addition, when watering a heated body with cold water, a short jump in body temperature takes place - it sharply rushes upwards. What does this give us?

    First of all, , at one moment there is a large number of free electrons, an inflow of free energy is created, which you can immediately feel.
    Secondly, , these electrons begin to neutralize free radicals, which turns the aging process back.
    Thirdly, , a rapid increase in body temperature contributes to the destruction of viruses. Tempering the body, as a more prolonged cooling, in this sense is not as useful as it is for our organism. If there is no possibility to take a contrast shower, then it can be replaced by a simple option - pouring ice or cold water from a bucket.

    Many people make the mistake of believing that the contrast shower is just the alternation of cold water with hot water, mockery of oneself with the need to be hardened, the clatter of teeth or something like that. First you need to get warm in hot( or not) water. Then a short dousing with cold water should follow. It is necessary that the effect of hot water lasts for several minutes, and the effect of cold 30 seconds, a minute maximum. Cold water should only be included when you feel that your body has warmed up quite well.

    Under no circumstances should you be allowed to freeze. The process should not be a test, but should bring pleasure. It is not necessary, by all means, to spend several dozen alternations, the wave will last three times, and then you need to look at how you feel. Do not force yourself, but watch your own feelings, the body itself will tell you when it will be enough if you listen to it.

    The procedure for the correct contrast shower is better to start gradually, moderately, increasing the difference in temperature of cold water and hot every day. If you want to shout, then it's good, but do not forget that you definitely should not feel unpleasant sensations and sharp discomfort. In this case, it is necessary to make the temperature difference more moderate. It is best to take a shower after the gym every morning. Burning hot water should not be, otherwise you risk getting a chill, like cold water. The temperature of cold water during the month can be reduced to the minimum that flows from your tap. With this temperature difference, you will get a pleasant feeling, as if your skin tingles with thousands of needles. Especially it is worth noting, you can pour cold water only after a few minutes of a warm shower or exercise. If you pour cold water while you are already so cold, then you have every chance of getting a cold.

    You do not need to stand under the shower, it's better to stomp on the spot, so that your feet touch the water. Carrying out the procedure, you need to think about what you want to achieve. You can twist in my head this thought: "Slags are removed from my body, I let in energy, rejuvenated, renewed and purified. The energy channels are expanding and being cleaned, my energy potential is increasing. "

    Do not forget that you should accompany the words with feelings and all this is to represent. Integrate the whole complex of sensations in one frame and call it "Health and Energy".In a case where you feel chills after a contrast shower, the best option for you will be to slightly reduce the duration of bathing in cold water, but maybe it was not cold enough for you. In the latter case, the protective reaction of the organism was simply not activated, that is why it's just becoming cold, and we do not get any benefit. For a long time, the effect of not exactly cold water only cools, but the effect of ice water warms up.

    It is more useful for the contrast shower only to consistently alternate bathing in a sufficiently hot pool, and then in the snow. If you manage to overcome fear and prejudice, that you can get sick or freeze, you will have a pleasure that can not be compared with anything. If you do not stay in the snow for long, it's not dangerous or cold. There are basins of geothermal sources in Kamchatka that are located in the open air. I was there to observe how people dived into hot water, then lay in the snow, and then again swam in the pool. Having made for themselves this amazing discovery, people squealed with pleasure and could not stop at all. To understand what kind of pleasure it is, it is possible only after trying. But it's not advisable to deal with people with heart diseases.

    After a shower it is very useful to rub the body with a hard towel. At one time it is both a massage and activation of the capillary circulation. As a result, you can feel vivacity and pleasant warmth, which tells us about the increase in the energy tone of the body. But the effect of a contrast shower can be achieved only by conducting this procedure constantly. If you stop this activity, then everything will return to its place. This is not a way to temporarily improve, and occupation is a habit, calculated for a way of life, for life.