
Benefits and harm of sunburn in the sun and in the solarium. Is it possible to sunbathe topless?

  • Benefits and harm of sunburn in the sun and in the solarium. Is it possible to sunbathe topless?

    how to tan properly. But how useful is it to get ultraviolet radiation? Is sunburn useful for our body and can I get a tan without harm?

    Know the measure!

    Specialists claim that the sun has a positive effect on the skin. Skin discoloration is like a protective reaction of the body. There is a release of melanin into the skin and thus the body is protected from a burn. But notice, if you stay in the sun for a very long time, it can negatively affect your health. When a large dose of solar radiation appears sunburn.

    For or against?

    The question of how best to sunbathe - in a solarium or in the sun, whether it is useful, how it affects the body - positively or negatively, excites many. It should be noted that there are both pluses and minuses of the effects of solar radiation. Thanks to ultraviolet light, immunity increases. Cosmetologists say that the rays straighten the skin. And some scientists say that, slightly sunbathing in the sun, you will forget about depression and bad mood.

    But there is, unfortunately, a bad effect of the sun on the body. If you overdo it with the tan, the result is not very happy: skin cells are destroyed, and its elasticity is reduced. You can also get a sunstroke. In addition, they say that busting with sunbathing reduces the duration of life. If you have many moles and have changed their color, structure or size after sunburn, always consult a doctor. There is a risk of developing melanoma.


    An unpleasant result after burning may be a burn. Burns are of different degrees: the first one shows reddening of the skin, the second - blisters, the third - the change in the structure of the layers of the skin, the fourth - the skin burns completely. Depending on what degree of burn, recommend different help. There are both folk remedies and various chemical means. With a minor burn, you can cope with it at home, if you have blisters and severe pain, it is better to see a doctor.

    In measures of caution, it is recommended not to sunbathe at lunchtime, when exposure to rays is greatest, stay in the shade, cover the body with a white cloth, wear hats, use sunscreens and suntan lotions.

    Tan without harm. Is it possible?

    1. Try to stay as little as possible in the sun from 11 hours to 15.
    2. Sunbathe in small doses, but regularly.
    3. Remember that the sun's rays have different effects on every part of your body. There are places that are most susceptible to rays( for example, nose, stomach, chest, forearm, etc.), and there are those where the skin is thicker and tanning will take longer.
    4. Sunscreens should be applied in accordance with the recommendations on the packaging. Do not rub, but apply a thick layer. If the product is not waterproof, then after each bath it is necessary to apply again.
    5. Before use, check the tanning agent for an allergic reaction.
    6. Do not use perfume before sunbathing. They make the skin more susceptible, irritations or pigmentation spots may appear.
    7. If you are taking any medications, it is best to consult a doctor about whether you can stay in the sun.
    8. After you have returned from the beach, wash everything in the shower and apply some soothing or refreshing remedy.
    9. Before the summer, prepare the skin for sunburn: clean it, moisturise and vitaminize it.
    10. To preserve sunburn for a long time, use moisturizing creams always after taking a bath or shower.

    Sunburn topless: harm or benefit

    To date, many girls prefer to sunbathe topless, that is, naked. They want to get a uniform tan throughout the body. But some scientists argue that this can damage health, since ultraviolet light adversely affects the sun-sensitive areas of the body. It is advised to sunbathe, therefore, only up to 25 years. Otherwise, it is better to seek advice from a mammalogist or an oncologist.


    For those who have no time or you can not sunbathe, cosmetologists have come up with a very good option for tanning at home. All you need to do is choose the right tan according to the color of your skin and evenly apply the cream on the body. After 3-4 hours, the cream will absorb and the result on the face.

    This method is very convenient, because it is available all year round. And besides, you do not have to spend money on an expensive trip to the sea.

    Sunburn in the solarium: harm and benefit

    Another way to get a tan without harm is the solarium. Solariums are of different types: horizontal, vertical, professional, household, etc.

    Specialists claim that the natural tan is no different from the tan in a solarium. The effect is the same, since the same protective reaction of the organism occurs.

    Tanning in a solarium, you need to take into account the following. It is not recommended to sunbathe more often than once a day. Before visiting the solarium you can not take a shower, you just need to wash off cosmetic products. It is necessary to protect the most vulnerable parts of the body in the event of fire: to put on a hat to prevent hair from drying out, goggles so as not to damage the retina of the eyes and eyelids, cover up the nipples, moles and tattoos.

    Sunburn obtained in the tanning salon is preserved for 2 weeks. To save the result, repeat this procedure regularly.

    It is not recommended to visit the solarium for children under 15 years old, people who have the first type of skin, pregnant, sick people who take medicines. In any case, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

    Useful video about the solarium:

    Elena Malysheva's opinion:

    Therefore, the choice is always yours. If you are going to go to the sea, then sunbathe in the sun, if you do not have such an opportunity, go, from time to time, to the solarium. More often, but for a short while, go out into the sun.

    Use creams, lotions and watch your skin. Do not overdo it and save the tan!

    Undoubtedly, every person, and especially girls, dreams of a beautiful tan. Some regularly go to the solarium, while others are happy to get a tan in the sun. We have already disassembled the question