
Treatment of constipation. How to get rid of constipation correctly and quickly?

  • Treatment of constipation. How to get rid of constipation correctly and quickly?

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    The emergence of certain "malfunctions" in our body, causes a kind of reaction. Constipation is one of the reactions of our body to certain disruptions in the process of digestion. Under constipation, we mean a stool delay for more than twenty-four hours. Why is constipation bad? The process of defecation is the way to remove the products of vital activity from the body. Our digestive system extracts from the products all the necessary nutrients and nutrients, and all that is superfluous, along with other wastes, is released through the rectum.

    If defecation becomes difficult, waste containing toxins and waste products remains in the intestine. All this time they begin to be reabsorbed into the blood, poisoning it and worsening our state of health. The longer we do not go "big", the more our organism is poisoned with the products of decay. Therefore, it is in our interest to be aware of the symptoms of constipation and all sorts of ways to treat it.

    The reasons for the occurrence of

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    The causes of
  • Symptomatics and basic types of constipation
  • Diagnosis and conventional therapies
  • Folk methods
  • Medications
  • Help with constipation in a child

  • Causes of

    It is necessary to first understand what causes such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation. Constipation is a polyethological disease, that is, it has multiple causes. For the most common reasons, we can include the following.

    1. Human habit of delaying the act of defecation. In the overwhelming majority of this phenomenon is associated with the kind of professional activity. For example, representatives of such professions are operators of equipment that are forbidden to leave unattended for a long time, or they are shop assistants, guards at a crossroads, musicians during long concerts, a guide during a long excursion. The list can continue for a long time. But the fact is a violation of the normal process of food circulation in the body. As a result, the stool masses are pressed, stagnate, and it is much more difficult to realize defecation afterwards than with the first urge.

    2. Hemorrhoids and anal fissures. In this case, a person experiences acute pain during stool and involuntarily restrains the process. As a result, the effect is obtained as in the first case. It may also be an option in which the output of stools is complicated by hemorrhoids. In this case, there are more serious problems with the stool.

    3. The wrong diet. In this case, the body is inferior to the substances necessary for the normal formation and departure of stool. For example, sailors who are in a long voyage, eat caviar for months. This product is fully absorbed by the body, and the "sea vagrants" do not go to the toilet "at all" at all. As a result, upon arrival on land, their body requires adaptation to a new diet, which is also fraught with prolonged constipation at first.

    You can get constipation also if your menu lacks vegetable fibers. Passing through the intestine, these components, and in particular coarse fibers, stimulate its peristalsis and normalize all processes of the digestive character.

    "Earn" constipation is possible and with insufficient fluid intake. With this option, the feces become hard, and their movement through the intestines is greatly hampered.

    4. Reception of antacids, antidepressants, diuretics , antiallergic drugs and drugs that reduce blood pressure, drugs - all of this is also likely to provoke the appearance of constipation.

    5. Breastfeeders may suffer from constipation if the nutrient mixtures that they feed on, are prepared in violation of ( too thick) rules.

    6. Often, constipation is caused by by intense physical stresses of and stressful situations, which have a bad effect on the activity of the whole organism.

    7. The appearance of constipation in elderly people is due to weakening of the abdominal wall muscles .

    8. Constipation after labor in women is caused by stretching and atony of muscles .They require time and special exercises to restore muscle tone.

    9. Irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS) can also cause constipation. Thus constipation can be replaced by diarrhea.

    10. Constipation may also occur with intestinal pathologies. Usually such pathologies are congenital and may require surgical intervention.

    11. Constipation may occur as a complication after surgery.

    12. Constipation can occur with deviations in the endocrine system. In particular, with diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, menopause and others.

    13. It can be constipated and intoxicated with poisonous substances - lead, mercury, thallium. In general, poisonings of this kind are inherent in harmful industries.

    14. The symptoms of constipation can also occur with neuralgic diseases associated with spinal cord injuries, intestinal innervation disorders.

    15. Constipation may indicate diseases of the digestive system, for example, cholecystitis in the acute phase.

    16. For helminthiases, there are also manifestations in the form of constipation.

    Also constipation can serve as a symptom of more serious diseases of the body - tumors of the intestines, diverticulitis, Hirschsprung disease and many others.

    Symptomatics and main types of constipation

    Not all constipation is the same. By origin it is possible to allocate:

    • Organic locks .They are caused by anatomical changes in the intestines - congenital, acquired as a result of diseases and surgical interventions, inflammatory processes, adhesions, curvature, bowel entrapment, bowel entrapment, intestinal obstruction.

    • Functional locks .This type of constipation is associated with problems in the excretory, motor, suction functions of the large intestine, psychological and emotional trauma or stress. External changes in the structure of the intestine are not detected.

    If constipation of an organic nature is easily diagnosed using colonoscopy, irrigoscopy and other methods, the functional ones require the diagnosis by exclusion. This, of course, takes much longer.

    Based on the causative factor, the characters of the disease are distinguished:

    • Toxic .It is provoked by poisoning of the body with toxins( nicotine, lead, nitrobenzene, morphine), excessive abuse of anticholinergics, antispasmodics.

    • Mechanical .This type of disease is provoked by the appearance of obstacles in the intestine in the form of scars, lengthening of the intestine, nodes and tumors.

    • Reflective .It is provoked by diseases of the digestive organs and various parts of the digestive system.

    • Almentary .Due to the inadequate body water and fiber.

    • Hypokinetic .This type of constipation is characteristic for people with a low level of motor activity. This leads to a decrease in muscle tone and stool.

    • Endocrine .Appears with a decrease in the functionality of the ovaries, the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland.

    According to the tone of the intestine, constipation is released:

    1. Spastic .With such gossip, intestine tonus is elevated, and this tension makes it difficult to move the feces through the intestines.

    2. Atonic .With this kind of constipation, the situation is exactly the opposite. The musculature of the intestines is relaxed, and the feces are too "lazily" moving along it, causing a delay in bowel movement.

    The main symptoms of constipation are:
    • Number of acts of defecation less than three times a week.
    • The process of stool output requires effort and effort.
    • The stool volume is less than 40 grams.
    • The presence of small round fragments of stool in the final stool.
    • Feeling of incompleteness after defecation, new desires for stool.
    • General fatigue and fatigue, sensation of "plug" in the gut.
    • Increased level of gas formation in the intestine.
    • Sensation of overcrowding in the intestinal region.
    • The need for an enema for the implementation of the defecation act.
    • The presence of nausea, fever, convulsions.
    • Bloating.
    • Poisoning.
    • Irritability, short temper.
    • Fast fatigue.
    • Sleep disorders.
    • Appearance of pain and colic in the abdomen.
    • Loss of skin tone, and coloring it in a yellowish hue.
    • Hair loss and fragility, weakness of nail plates.

    Diagnosis and conventional therapies of

    Diagnostic studies are performed by the proctologist after a detailed interview of the patient and finding out the complete symptomatic picture. To specific studies on the diagnosis of the nature of constipation include colonoscopy, irrigoscopy, anorectal manometry, electrogastroenterography.

    Colonoscopy is a rectal examination using a special probe equipped with a camera. These studies allow an assessment of the state of the intestinal mucosa, identify the presence of tumors, scars, ulceration and other surface injuries.

    Irrigoscopy - gives an idea of ​​the lumen of the gut, its location, the presence of neoplasms and spasms, intestinal tone.

    Anorectal manometry - is used to study the contractility of the anus and rectum.

    Electrogastroenterography is a study of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract by recording and processing electromagnetic signals.

    Can also be used:

    • Percussion( tapping) on ​​the abdominal wall. A loud sound indicates the accumulation of gases in the intestine. A deaf echo speaks of dense contents that overflow the intestines.

    • Palpation( feeling) of the abdominal wall for pain and discomfort. Anus can also be palpated for ampoule enlargement.

    • Urine, blood and stool tests also provide additional fragments of the disease pattern.

    The main areas of treatment for constipation are:

    1. The use of physiotherapeutic measures - intestinal massage, electrostimulation and others. Effective here is self-massage - neat stroking the palm of the hand in a circle - in the clockwise direction. Electrostimulation consists in replacing the natural electrical signal of the intestine for peristalsis with an artificially generated one. This procedure allows you to improve the blood circulation of the intestine and restore its function in normal mode.

    2. Inclusion in the daily routine of moderate physical activity. Representatives of the office community should attend fitness and walk more on the stairs. Do in the morning exercise and try to run. It is useful to practice walks in the fresh air, swimming, Nordic walking. Do not overload the body physically, as it can have quite the opposite effect, and the body will again turn on the mechanisms that trigger constipation under the influence of stress. Try to take into account the individual characteristics of your body. Who, no matter how you know yourself, "like peeling off."

    3. Correction of negative conditions provoking the appearance of constipation - harmful environmental conditions, daily routine, diet and diet, restoration of defecation reflex. In this a large role belongs to the patient and his desire to restore the normal functions of the body.

    4. Organization of a special diet with the inclusion of mandatory consumption of cellulose, a sufficient volume of fluid. Conscious regulation of eating behavior includes enriching the diet with vegetables, fruits, prunes, dried apricots, fruit nectars, fermented milk products, mineral waters, rye and wheat bran( steamed), vegetable and butter. Fiber should be present in the menu in both natural and cooked form. Try to give preference to stews, cooked foods and dishes baked in the oven. Strike out the alcohol, fried, spicy, smoked and pickled, carbonated drinks. Very important:

    • Drink fluids in the required volume( at least two liters per day).

    • Regular power supply at the set time. Eat at least five times daily.

    • Visiting the toilet "on schedule", preferably after breakfast, defecation in comfortable conditions and pose, without haste.

    Strike out the ration: bread from the highest grade flour, pasta, rice, mango, fatty meat, fatty fish, canned goods, chocolate, tea, coffee, dogwood, sweets with a cream base.

    5. Avoiding stress and emotional shocks. Try to overload the body with all sorts of unnecessary emotions. The most important thing is the health of your body.

    6. Use of laxatives. Their use will make it easier at first to unload your intestines and gradually bring it back to normal with a special dietary diet.

    Folk methods

    Folk remedies are traditionally an excellent alternative to traditional medicine and tested by many generations of people. The most popular means of constipation include the following.

    1. Melissa. Dried and chopped lemon balm leaves. Three grammes of a component are welded in a glass, keep in the closed capacity before cooling. Infusion is filtered, then 30-40 grams of it is injected through the enema into the rectum.

    2. Horse sorrel. Two dining boats of the dried and crushed root of the plant are boiled in half a liter of water on a miniature flame for about half an hour. Drinking at night on a glass, the laxative effect of the infusion will be observed by the morning of the next day. If you take this remedy in smaller amounts, the laxative effect will not be achieved.

    3. Herbal collection. Leaves of wild strawberries, nettles, peppermint, chamomile flowers, tansy, rhizome of horse sorrel, valerian, anise fruits, buckthorn bark are taken and mixed in equal proportions: 0.1 kg.the mixture is boiled in 0.3 liters.boiling water, heated on a steam bath for a quarter of an hour, poured into a thermos and stand for about 60 minutes. Infusion is divided into equal parts and drunk in the morning and evening.

    4. Onion juice. The juice squeezed from the onion is taken on a spoonful( tea) before the meal 3-4 times a day. The course is 21 days. It takes a 21-day timeout, and the course is repeated.

    5. Elderberry fruits. Two tablespoons of ground elderly herb fruits are poured into a glass of unheated boiled water, stand for about two hours, filtered. It takes an infusion of half a glass on the eve of sleep. Has an excellent laxative effect.

    6. Aloe. One hundred and fifty grams of crushed aloe leaves are poured with natural honey( three hundred grams), insist a day. The resulting mass is heated and filtered. Reception is carried out in the morning period - a dessert spoon, anticipating the reception of food.

    Fresh juice of the plant is taken, anticipating food intake, 3 times a day. The course period for admission is 30 days.

    7. Blueberries. Sprigs and leaves berries are mixed and poured a glass of water, boil and cook on a small flame for about ten minutes. After - tentatively about an hour. Infusion is filtered and drunk one tablespoon daily.

    8. Castor oil. With constipation, a spoonful of this wonderful drug is taken on an empty stomach. The effect comes about 4-5 hours later. The constant reception of this remedy is not recommended.

    9. Oregano. Three tablespoons of the ingredient are poured 500 gr.vegetable oil and left to infuse for about a day. Five drops of oil are taken before the meal.

    10. Burdock seeds. The mature seeds of the plant( with a half-life) are poured into a glass of boiling water. Steam on the steam bath for about one hundred and twenty minutes. After the broth is filtered and drunk in one sitting.

    11. Iris. The fresh stem of the plant is finely chopped and is mixed with 0.3 tablespoons( tea) honey.


    In general, drugs with a laxative effect are divided into four groups according to the mechanism of influence on the intestine:

    1. Medications that trigger the occurrence of intestinal( thick) intestinal motility. The effect manifests itself after six hours and causes a one-time defecation( "Guttalax").

    2. Medicines that cause an increase in the size of stool, which provokes the urge to defecate in case of insufficient weight.

    3. Drugs designed to retain water in the intestine( thick) and promote softening of stool to facilitate the process of defecation( lactulose).

    4. Oils have the ability to irritate the intestinal mucosa and cause desires to stool.

    Help with constipation in a child

    It is initially important to establish the etiology of constipation. This should be handled by a pediatrician.

    In the absence of congenital pathologies, in the treatment of constipation in a child, the whole complex of measures is aimed at restoring the normal balance of intestinal microflora, since constipation arises precisely because of imbalance.

    As an effective remedy recommended dairy products with bifidobacterium content. If the dysbacteriosis is acute, then the intake of prebiotics and probiotics is required.

    For the elimination of flatulence, colic and constipation, it is recommended to take children's preparations based on simethicone - Espumizana, SAB Simplex.

    A nursing mother should closely monitor her diet. Exclude from it cabbage, grapes, black bread to avoid the occurrence of flatulence in crumbs.

    It is also important to provide a regime of normal motor activity for the baby. This helps restore a stable intestinal peristalsis.

    If the child has not croaked for more than three days, try to grease the cotton swab with Vaseline and carefully insert it into the baby's ass and irritate the anus a little. It can help a little poke pretty quickly. If this does not help, you can apply an enema.

    All actions are very important to coordinate with the pediatrician. Do not self-medicate, especially with regard to your baby.

    Remember, constipation is an occasion to reflect on the lifestyle and style of nutrition, rather than an innocuous phenomenon.