  • Cold during pregnancy. How correctly to treat it?

    How to treat?

    As for tablets, it is clear to everyone that taking them is contraindicated for pregnant women, as in many cases they are the cause of various side effects, and this fact is indicated in the instructions to this or that drug. Also, do not rely on alcohol tinctures and potions, since alcohol causes an increased palpitation. It is worth noting that the baby's heart is already working at a huge speed( about 2 times higher than the adult's speed), it is clear that treatment with alcoholic tinctures will only hurt the baby.

    Rinses and inhalations are the best way for a pregnant woman. In particular, it is recommended to drink decoctions from medicinal herbs as a drink, but not all herbs are useful for expectant mothers - some have contraindications. In this case, it is best to consult a doctor.

    As for the rinses themselves, solutions of sea salt, ordinary table salt with soda and iodine, infusions of sage, chamomile, calendula are of great help in this case.

    Regarding inhalations, they can be done with oil of menthol, eucalyptus, chamomile, baking soda.

    Also has no contraindications during pregnancy and dry heat. You can safely wrap your throat, using a warm scarf and put on your feet woolen socks, pre-filled with dry mustard.


    Coryza is not any better than a cough. In the event that you have difficulty breathing, this in turn means that your baby does not get enough oxygen, which is quite dangerous, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

    It is also worth considering the fact that you should not use drops for the nose without the doctor's recommendation. During pregnancy you need more gentle means. Also worth noting is the fact that burying them is not necessary for a long time( up to 3 days), it is during the very heat of illness, when it is very hard to breathe. But you should also strictly follow the dosage, otherwise you can earn a lot of trouble, such as atrophy of the nasal mucosa or habituation, do not forget that right now you are very vulnerable.

    An excellent remedy for getting rid of a cold is hot baths for hands. Legs, of course, can not soar, as this can lead to premature activity of the uterus muscles, and in consequence to lead to a miscarriage. And as for the hands, they can be soared, and this very well helps during the stuffiness of the nose

    To do this, simply pour hot water into the basin and immerse your hands on the elbow. Already after a certain time you can feel that you will become much easier to breathe.

    Another great tool is menthol oil. It can be buried in the nose( first you need to make a mixture of vegetable and a few drops of menthol oil) and / or lubricate the bridge of the nose, forehead, behind the ears and whiskey.


    Under no circumstances should you take with your favorite aspirin( acetylsalicylic acid).At what, it is categorically contraindicated both in the early stages of pregnancy, and on later.

    Generally, in the event that the temperature does not rise to 38 degrees or higher, then in this case it is worthwhile to postpone the intake of antipyretics.

    While you can drink tea from berries and leaves of raspberries, oregano, coltsfoot, decoction of pine buds.

    If the temperature is very high, then you can take paracetamol or a drug based on it. But at the same time, they should not get carried away, there is an opinion that paracetamol does not have a good effect on the liver. In any case, the first time you can afford to take it yourself, but after that you should consult a doctor.

    Should I take antibiotics, vitamins or honey?


    This fact is much said and written, antibiotics do not really have an effect on viruses, so they do not have any help with ARVI.They can be resorted only in extreme cases, namely, in the development of severe complications, which can not be managed through popular methods and means.

    Do not forget that you need to carefully read the annotation - it is always always indicated whether it is permissible to use this medication during pregnancy and direct breastfeeding or not. Particular caution should be shown even in the early stages of pregnancy, namely, when this period does not exceed 12 weeks. It is during this period, there is a direct laying of all the systems and organs of the baby, and the influence of drugs is not particularly desirable.

    Vitamins and honey

    Naturally, vitamins are very necessary for the organism of a future mother. But this should also be discussed with your doctor. Perhaps he will consider it necessary to increase the dose of vitamin C in your diet for the period of treatment of the common cold. But it's not recommended to do it yourself.

    In such periods it is necessary to eat more vegetables and fruits. And as for honey itself, it is necessary to be cautious with it, since it has the properties of causing allergies, it can also happen in the baby even in the prenatal period, so that a reaction to honey and other beekeeping products may develop.

    As stated earlier, your immunity during this period is asleep, and there is really no one to protect you, and you can not take drugs that stimulate the body's protective functions. The main reason for this is that they are almost all tinctures based on alcohol. But you can prepare such an immunostimulant for yourself.

    To do this, grate the horseradish root and mix it with sugar in equal proportions. Then put it to infuse for twelve hours. After this, you should gently strain through gauze and take the resulting juice every hour on a tablespoon.

    First steps that should be taken at the first sign of the disease?

    At the time you felt signs of a runny nose, a sore throat, a heaviness in your head, then you need to prescribe a generous drink, in this capacity tea with raspberries or lemon, an infusion of leaves and raspberries, milk withhoney.

    When slicing in the throat, it's quite useful to suck on pieces of lemon without sugar.

    The body, in turn, needs to direct all its forces to recovery, and therefore, protect yourself from heavy and fatty foods. In this period, it is best to eat a low-calorie diet.

    Salt use should also be restricted, as it in turn contributes to the appearance of edema( pregnant women are especially inclined to them), and, consequently, this will lead to such unpleasant consequences as nasal congestion.

    Garlic or onions should be cut into small pieces and put on a saucer, and arranged throughout the room. This will help reduce the likelihood of the disease of other family members.

    When a cold caught you in the early stages of pregnancy, you should always consult a doctor. Only a doctor can make the right diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment. Independently to carry out any treatment is, means to put at risk health of your kid.

    The cold during pregnancy, which is carried on the legs, can in turn leave behind consequences in the form of chronic fatigue, various ailments, irritability, and this, to say nothing of the dangers and complications that it carries: fetal development retardation syndrome, fetal hypoxia(lack of oxygen) and many other troubles from which you can rid yourself if you just watch yourself and love yourself.

    If you work, you should definitely take a sick leave, if not, then you should organize your life during the illness in such a way that you do not have to run around in different cases, no matter how important they are. In such a period should lie down, so you will quickly recover.

    Agree, for every woman, pregnancy is a very important and important period in life. During pregnancy, the expectant mother must adhere to proper nutrition, maintain a healthy lifestyle, observe personal hygiene, and, of course, protect herself from contracting infectious diseases. But the period of pregnancy, whatever one may say, still lasts no less than two seasons, just when various viral infections manifest their activity quite often. What to do in order to minimize the possibility of getting sick, how to preserve your health and the health of an unborn baby.

    Below we will answer the following questions:
    • What threatens the common cold during the course of pregnancy?
    • How to treat?
    • Should I take antibiotics, vitamins or honey?
    • First steps to take when the first signs of the disease?

    What threatens the common cold during the course of pregnancy?

    It should be noted that the body of a pregnant woman in some ways is as if in a sleeping mode. It is necessary to ensure that no diseases that lurk in the mother's genes lead to the rejection of the fetus.

    It can be said that immunity at the moment "is silent" in order to keep the pregnancy. If you look at the other side, then this forced hibernation of immunity leads to the fact that the future mother can get infected almost from scratch.

    Therefore, it is necessary to limit communication with other people, especially when seasonal epidemics are frequent. Since even a simple cold can lead to many unpleasant, and sometimes even dangerous, consequences.

    It should be noted that the cold is quite dangerous in the first months of pregnancy( in the first three months).There may be a risk not only for the baby, but also for you, namely: inflammatory processes of internal genital organs, early discharge of amniotic fluid and bleeding, severe labor, lack of oxygen, and many different pathologies in the child.

    As for the viral infections of attackers for up to 16 weeks, they can cause diseases that affect the central nervous system of the baby. If the term is later, then in this case the common cold, not the virus, if rightly treated, will not present a particular danger, but it is still not desirable.

    In case you are still sick, do not panic. In this case, the main thing is to be on time and properly treated.