
What is a raw diet? Features, advantages and disadvantages

  • Features of
  • Types of
  • Pros and Cons of
  • Rules of

    Features of raw food

    Raw food is a food system from which the food that has been cooked is completely or partially eliminated from the diet.

    In other words, raw food do not eat boiled, fried, smoked, baked and other food. Dried products are allowed, but without adding seasonings and salts. Examples are sun-dried apples. You can use and sprouted cereals, germination, is achieved by immersing the seeds in the water for a day.

    What's new in this power system? If you dig into history, then there is nothing new. Before, people did not really bother with cooking. And before they got fire, there was no question of cooking food in general. But they did not die out, but laid the foundation for the human race. Accordingly, it can be concluded that raw foods are also edible.

    Types of

    Raw material is divided into several types, depending on the use of a particular type of food. The omnivorous raw food diet. This type of diet includes any raw products: meat, fish, seafood, milk, eggs - but only in raw or dried form. In some cases, milk is excluded and only vegetable food, raw meat and fish remain. Some raw-eaters use thermally processed products of animal origin. All because otherwise, there is a risk of getting into the body of pathogens.
  • Vegetarian raw food diet. Meat and fish are completely excluded from the diet, but raw eggs and milk are allowed. In some cases, even dairy products. Vegan raw food diet. This is the most common type of raw food. It is allowed to use exclusively raw plant foods. Completely excluded products of animal origin, in fact it is a kind of vegetarianism.
  • Carnivorous Raw Food Raw Food. This type is also called raw food or raw food of the Paleolithic era. The basis of nutrition includes raw meat and fish, eggs, animal fats. But the consumption of vegetables and fruits is reduced to a minimum. This type is not particularly popular with raw food producers.
  • Fructorianism. Raw fruit is the basis of this type. The basis of the diet - fruits and berries. Its feature is the absence of vegetables, which are not fruits: potatoes, carrots, radishes, beets. Also, the use of cereals is excluded.

  • There are varieties of raw food in the diet planning method. Mixed Raw Food. At one meal a different number of foods are used. Qualify them for the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements.
  • Monotrophic raw food. One meal is allowed only one type of food, without any heat treatment. For example, for breakfast we eat orange or nuts, for the next meal we use only one more food. In this case, the gap between meals can be half an hour.
  • It turns out that the term "raw food" was invented for people who prefer raw food that has not undergone heat treatment. At the same time they do not need to bother with the preparation, since boiled and fried foods are not included in the diet. Let's try to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of such food.

  • Pros and Cons of

    Advantages of

  • It is generally accepted that raw food contains far more vitamins than in boiled or fried foods, which we usually consume.
  • People who consume fresh fruits and vegetables in large quantities are less likely to have heart disease or cancer. Also, we recommend the treatment of raw food for gout, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, skin diseases and so on.
  • Raw foodists have an excellent opportunity to cleanse the body of harmful accumulations. This method is equivalent to starvation.
  • Raw food eaters, which contain a lot of dietary fiber, and this is the best remedy against digestive problems, bowel flutter, hemorrhoids and constipation.
  • Raw meat eaters do not eat sugar, so called "white poison", and are very limited in salt intake. This in turn affects the robot of the whole organism. In addition, from the diet, preservatives, colorants and carcinogens are excluded, which simply swarm into the finished products.
  • Scientists have proved that the body is much better at absorbing raw protein products than boiled ones.
  • The use of raw vegetables and fruits is of great benefit to the gums and teeth, rather than soft, mushy food. They perfectly strengthen the gums.
  • Raw food is a great way to unite with nature. You can abandon the "chemistry", which remains on the plate from day to day.
  • If the diet consists of raw foods, then the body is saturated much faster. And it can help to reduce weight.

  • Cons
    • Raw meat( especially classic) does not eat a lot of food in the diet. Accordingly, to balance the power it needs to make some effort. Otherwise, the body will not receive vital substances and instead of the abundance of vitamins will be awarded a bunch of diseases and malnutrition. In addition, it is worth considering that some vitamins are absorbed much better after heat treatment and in the presence of fats. The carotene, which is contained in carrots, can serve as a prom.
    • To become a raw food, you need to be an absolutely healthy person. Since it has a number of contraindications. With pancreatitis and various diseases of the pancreas or gallbladder, doctors categorically do not recommend raw diet, as well as ulcers, allergies and colitis.
    • Undoubtedly, the thermally unprocessed fiber of raw foods flushes out toxins and grains from a person that pass through the gastrointestinal tract like a "brush".And all would be well, if this very "brush" did not start to irritate the shell of the esophagus. And this is dangerous for health.
    • Strong fermentation and indigestion, as well as gas formation and diarrhea - is caused, oddly enough, by an abundance of raw foods.
    • Eating raw food, our body receives not less poisons. Quite dangerous poisons are found in raw cereals and legumes. And the abundance of raw greens, such as spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, lead to an excess of oxalic acid. And then the body ceases to perceive calcium and protein. Or it can contribute to the development of urolithiasis.
    • It is proved that when eating raw eggs, fish and meat, there is a danger of becoming infected with rabies, worms and other parasites or diseases.
    • Acids, which are found in fresh fruits, destroy tooth enamel much faster than porridge.
    • Nature is beautiful. But, alas, this is all real, only if you grow vegetables and fruits on your own. Because the store products, "spin" chemistry as they can. Most products are genetically modified, which is not useful for a person.
    • If raw food is not your vocation, but only a way to lose weight, then when you return to the usual diet, the weight will be restored. In addition to everything, from sudden changes in weight, the body will get extra stress.


    It's up to you to decide whether to become a raw food or not. And if you still decided to become one, then we advise adhering to some rules:
    1. When switching from a normal diet to a raw diet, be gradual. It is not necessary to abandon all the usual on the very first day and there is exceptionally raw food. Much better, if in the early days you will not deny yourself the opportunity to eat a dish from the old diet.
    2. First time, it should be, there is less. Moderation in food will facilitate the digestion and adjust the body to the perception of raw food.
    3. Remember that fruits and nuts are absorbed by the body better before lunch than after.
    4. You can not eat cold dishes that have just been extracted from the refrigerator. The temperature of the food should be at room temperature.
    5. For children, adolescents, pregnant and elderly people - it's best not to become raw food. Doctors recommend switching to this option for people after 30 years, but not earlier.
    6. The most useful is the application of raw food for a period of several days to 2-3 weeks. So, raw food is a great way to cleanse your body. Such a diet can serve as a basis for a diet after the holidays. If you are a raw food a couple of days a week, it will not only not hurt, but on the contrary will help improve well-being and contribute to the removal of various slags from the body.

      It is necessary to have a balanced diet, for proper functioning. If you think that the positive qualities of raw food are more than negative, try to find a compromise option. Nutritionists say that the ratio of raw thermally processed foods in the diet should be 1: 1.Famous weightlifter Vlasov said: "Diets exist innumerable, and very different, among them - raw food."

      Be Healthy!