
Indigo children. Who are the Indigo Children?

  • Indigo children. Who are the Indigo Children?

    Indigo children are children with a high level of intelligence and great creativity, telepathic abilities and intuition, they are well aware of the danger. They have developed an increased sense of justice and a sense of responsibility.

    As indigo's distinctive features are their rapid development, and those incredible knowledge that they possess and that are inaccessible to their parents.

    These are smart, phenomenal abilities children, possessing leadership qualities, able to influence and control surrounding people.

    They independently study the alphabet and begin reading from two to three years, solve complex mathematical problems, quickly master high-tech equipment, from an early age can use a computer, a cell phone.

    Some of the indigo children can easily explain many unexplained phenomena and have incredible scientific information about the structure of the Earth and the cosmos, which scientists could only guess.

    Most children are able to read people's thoughts, heal from illnesses, move objects through the eyes. Many of them draw well, compose music and poetry, although nobody taught them this.
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    Why they are called "indigo children"

    In the late seventies of the 20th century, the psychic Nancy Tapp of America noticed that more children with an unusual aura - the colors of indigo - began to appear. It is believed that each of us has an aura, that is, a shell surrounding the human body, which glows with a certain color - yellow, golden, green, blue. Aura in unusual children - the colors of indigo - the average between dark blue and purple. It is these children that have come to be called indigo children.

    What doctors say about them, scientists.

    Since the end of the 70s of the last century, doctors all over the world have begun to notice that more often than not ordinary babies are born. It is believed that newborn babies up to a certain age can not focus their eyes on objects, and these children immediately look at the world with the eyes of adults from birth. Their eyes are more intimate, more meaningful than other babies.

    There is an opinion that many of the children of indigo possess the most powerful immunity to all diseases, even cases of self-healing from such deadly diseases as AIDS are known.

    But some of the scientists believe that children of a new generation with high intellectual, creative and paranormal abilities, on the contrary are more often sick, many have deviations in the psyche, they quickly become tired and suffer from sleep disorders, depressions. Some geniuses go to psychiatric hospitals, commit suicide or commit unlawful violations.

    DNA analysis of the monitored indigo children showed that the DNA molecule code does not look like the code of an ordinary person. The human DNA molecule contains 64 codons, of which only 20 codons are involved, and the rest do not work. Indigo has 24 to 35 or more codons.(Codons are units of genetic information that are encrypted in a DNA molecule.)

    It is also noted that many children have skull changes and their liver is capable of digesting any food, and the range of electromagnetic vibrations is three times greater than that of a normal person.

    The opinion of educators, psychologists about indigo children.

    Teachers and psychologists also began to note that there are more and more hyperactive children who do not learn the basics of elementary school, can not learn the multiplication table, the alphabet. In the lower grades the child can not master some subjects, is not able to memorize poems, text or foreign words, we just have to memorize every line. And here the verse is learned - but at school the child can not remember it, but at home again remembers. Some children can give out the correct answer of a problem, but how to explain its decision they do not know.

    Often these children are called, laugh at them. Not only classmates, but also teachers consider them obtuse, mentally retarded. Teachers advise parents to transfer difficultly trained children to special schools.

    It turned out that the brain of indigo children develops more slowly and unevenly: therefore they hardly learn the information that is taught in the primary classes. Since the brain develops more slowly than ordinary children, many indigo children do not talk for a very long time, and often parents lead a child to a speech therapist. But among indigo children there are also those who begin to speak very cleanly at a very young age.

    Most ordinary people have linear thinking, and indigo has a multidimensional one. Therefore, they easily master the computer and new computer programs, a mobile phone, and a variety of more complex information.
    In high school, studies are easy - any information is effectively absorbed, the child easily remembers various materials and easily solves complex problems. By the teenage period, indigo children develop and work on the full power of both hemispheres of the brain.

    Some psychologists say that many indigo children are aggressive, can not focus on one thing, they do not recognize the authority of adults, they stand out in school as bad behavior and are difficult to recognize the generally recognized method of upbringing.

    But it should not be all difficult and ill-bred children and adolescents who do not obey their parents, do not respect adults, do not want to learn and behave aggressively in the ranks of indigo children. Simply now, many modern families who are not engaged in raising their children at all, do not teach them basic skills of behavior in society and children grow on their own, like weeds in the garden.

    And some children just have mental disorders, because their parents lead an incorrect lifestyle, drink strong alcoholic beverages, drugs, smoke, and this negatively affects the child's psyche.

    Often after a medical examination, uncontrolled children are diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, hyperexcitability, autism, depression, and medications and medications that do not produce any results are prescribed and cause serious side effects.

    Further studies of these children have shown that many of them have a high level of intelligence, an IQ of 130 to 160, which speaks of genius. Subsequently, a terrible diagnosis, set by doctors, many children was withdrawn, and indigo children saw signs of being elected. Everywhere they began to note that indigo children came to this world with a special mission - to save our Earth, that they are a new generation, a new race of people.

    At all times unusual people were born with a high level of intelligence, they were not like everyone else, had another new thinking and their worldview, and often their talents and genius were attributed to connections with the Devil, they were pursued, burned at the stake.

    The epochs and talented children that differed in phenomenal memory changed, high intellectual and creative abilities began to be called child prodigies.

    And in the late 90s of the last century the whole world spoke of the children of the new generation - indigo children with telepathic abilities, the ability to move objects, read with closed eyes and guess at a distance, about the people of the new race who came to this worldto change it and save the planet from destruction.

    Indigo children began to look more carefully, to study and study this phenomenon. In the US and Canada, Israel and France, methods have been developed for the upbringing and education of children of a new generation, special schools and centers for gifted children are being created that help develop their abilities and talents.

    Each generation of children is different from the previous generation. Changes occur in the mindset and psyche of a person, as well as in his physiology. Children of the new generation have much more opportunities to receive information than children of the previous generation, so they are more developed, more literate, more intelligent than their parents.

    The world is changing not only around us, but also inside the person. On Earth, evolution is taking place, and people are becoming more intelligent and more adaptable to progress, faster learning new technologies.

    Not only children of indigo, but also ordinary children skillfully use cell phones and a computer - this is already a vital necessity, progress. And it is not worth every child sitting for hours at the computer to enroll in the ranks of indigo children. I do not deny the existence of such children, but, in my opinion, there are not so many of them on earth.

    The development of the child is more intensive, it receives a lot of new information not only from books and television, but also from the Internet. Most people are becoming more accessible travel around the world and the child, traveling with parents, draws new knowledge, skills and skills.

    I read a lot about indigo children, I watched movies, but in real life I never met them. Around me there live normal, ordinary, different children. Some of them are smarter and more talented than others, many are engaged in sports, music, draw well. Parents give their development and education a lot of time, and most importantly they love and respect their children.

    And some mothers and fathers do not care about their children, they do not participate in their upbringing and development. And the children grow on their own, they are brought up by the street, and they become embittered, aggressive, uncontrollable. For such children there are no generally accepted rules, they do not know even the most elementary norms of behavior and, of course, they have problems in school.

    Any child, whether indigo or not, must first of all be respected, loved and properly educated. He is the same person, only small and he has his own character, his thoughts and feelings, his own opinion, to which one should listen. And the task of adults to understand the child and properly educate, help reveal his talent, rather than impose his authority, his thoughts and opinions.

    We suggest you watch a video about children of indigo.