
Is it possible to develop a psychic ability in yourself and how?

  • Is it possible to develop a psychic ability in yourself and how?

    Many of us would like to have extrasensory abilities. To predict the future, to have search abilities, to treat people, etc., but these abilities are not awarded to many. Someone has such abilities since childhood, someone wakes up already in adulthood, so how does a person have extrasensory abilities? Can they be developed independently?

    Plan of the article:
    • How to distinguish a psychic?
    • How to find this gift?
    • How does extrasensory work?
    • Tuning exercises

    How to distinguish a psychic?

    For a long time it has been assumed that extrasensory abilities are only a gift that is directly transmitted only by inheritance( in your family, there are no witches accidentally?) And begins to manifest itself in childhood. In fact, every person has psychic abilities, only some people are much more sensitive and have more developed intuition. First of all, before you start developing your psychic abilities, you need to look closely at your intuition of how well you have developed it. Can you foresee the events, how perceptive you are.

    Everyone, probably, noticed that small children have a fairly developed intuition. For example, children can identify a "good" uncle or "bad" just by looking at a person, in some cases even can predict who will come to visit today( especially, this is evident in indigo children).Growing up, in the kindergarten, then at school, at the institute, we get acquainted with the world in which logic rules, we learn to think logically, reasonably. At this time, the left hemisphere of the brain develops most directly, which is directly responsible for the logic, ahead of the right, which is directly responsible for originality, creativity, hypersensitivity, etc.

    But even though we have more control over the mind, the sixth sense still makes itself felt from time to time. Perhaps in your life there were similar situations when:

    • happens so that you are at the right time in the right place, for example, you need to pick up or take from your friend some thing, and you suddenly meet him on the street or in theminibus. ..
    • You are encompassed by a feeling of excitement, premonitions that something is about to happen, that the phone should ring and even before you pick up the phone, you already guess who it might be. ..
    • not so long ago You met a person who understands with a half-word, and it seems that you already know himfor a long time. ..

    How to find this gift?

    Every person has an intuitive gift, they can learn to control, as well as learn to play on any musical instrument or in any game. In order to make your inner voice manifest itself much more often, it is necessary for this to do a kind of charging for the right hemisphere of the brain.

    The following is an example of an exercise that will help you understand which of the feelings you have developed more, and you will also be able to compose your own psychic profile. It is necessary to read the text that will be written below. After reading it, you need to close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax, try to imagine everything that you read.

    "You are on the sandy beach of the river, on a cloudless summer day. You hear the seagull screaming. You sit on the beach, feeling your skin warm from the sun's rays. You take off your shoes and feel the feet with warm, crumbly sand. A child can be heard rattling in the water, he loudly calls his sister to play ball. You feel that the heat completely mimicked you and you want to drink. You get up and go lazily to a nearby stall with ice cream, from which it is chilling. You buy fruit ice and feel the pleasant smell of strawberries, you feel its taste in your mouth and the way the sticky streams of melted ice cream are flowing down your fingers. .. "

    Now close your eyes and imagine the picture described above.

    Open your eyes and honestly answer the following questions:

    1. Did you manage to see the river and the kiosk with ice cream?
    2. Have you heard a cry of seagulls and a child's voice?
    3. Did you manage to feel the sand, the coolness of the stall and the ice cream jets?
    4. Did you catch the smell of strawberries?
    5. Did you taste the ice cream?
    6. How did you feel when you were sitting on the beach?

    In your answers, try to understand which of the sensations was the most striking. Since henceforth you will be able to rely on this feeling, having learned to catch intuitive foresight.

    It should be noted that one of the main ways to develop extrasensory abilities is to master methods of auto-training, development of figurative imagination, self-hypnosis, development of the ability to accumulate in your body bioenergy and direct management, the ability to concentrate your attention.

    What is characteristic of white magicians and psychics is that they, in turn, treat the human soul or its energy, and it already directly heals the biological structure of the human body. In the event that during a time not to remove from a person the evil eye, slander, fright or not to correct its bioenergetic frame, then in this case the transformation of energy disturbances into biological disturbances takes place.

    White magicians are engaged in restoring the disturbed harmony of man with nature, while eliminating all disturbances on an energetic level.

    When the psychic affects people through energy, it itself is discharged, therefore, it needs periodic replenishment of the spent bioenergy resources, since if they do not replenish, the organism of the psychic may experience an energy imbalance, which in turn will damage its own health. You should also be afraid of energy vampires!

    How does extrasensory work?

    Extrasensors can be charged in various ways: from space, from the sun, trees, water and directly from other energy systems, it all depends on what individual abilities and personal preferences are.

    If you do not have the ability to restore your bioenergy, treat other people you are categorically prohibited.

    As for the conjuration itself, and various prayers, they are necessary for the magician for self-adjustment, which directly allows him to concentrate on his thoughts. Only by concentrating one's own thought is the output of bioenergy, which in turn allows miracles to be performed.

    It should be remembered that a person accumulates energy well, in the event that his nervous system is balanced and absolutely calm. When a person is irritated, he loses quite a lot of energy. In the case when a person experiences quite strong emotions of fear or envy, this also weakens his energy. Whatever energy was in order, one should develop only kindness in oneself.

    It is necessary to take into account the fact that when energy is one of the most important components in any method of energy storage, the body is a figurative representation of the process of energy storage.

    When collecting energy, you need to feel how it will flow into the body, into every organ, to every cell of the body. Than this representation will be brighter and more imaginative, the more effective it will be.

    Tuning exercises

    As for the development of your intuition and the sixth sense, you can use some tuning exercises for this.

    For the development of the sixth sense, it is necessary to spend as often as possible physical exercises, they will not take much time, and it is necessary to do this. Each psychic is configured differently, but as for beginners, it is recommended that they concentrate on the point in the middle of the forehead, above the eyes, that is where, according to the Eastern wisdom, the third eye is located. It is also recommended, developing your intuition, it is very important to get pleasure from it.

    • When you are waiting for a bus or minibus at the bus stop, guess what number will arrive first.
    • Hearing a phone call, try to guess who it could be.
    • Before you look at the watch, try to determine the exact time yourself.
    • When you wake up, try to catch what the news will be like. To begin with, one should feel their mood: whether the news will be positive or negative.

    With such little training and the like, you will be able to develop your abilities.

    According to psychics, every week of training will bring more success, you can guess more and more daily trivia. In these exercises, the main thing is that you will learn to distinguish extrasensory information from the logic thinking.

    In order to feel the power of intuition and feel self-reliance it's important to keep a diary. To do this, you can have a notebook that does not give you much trouble if you carry it with you. In this diary should record all the results of their training, noted cases of coincidences, etc. Writing, therefore, it is not necessary to comprehend and edit the information received. It should be written automatically, you can draw pictures, etc. Most people learn from their mistakes, and only in time you will be able to understand how right you were. It may even happen that the information that will be recorded with you as delusions will intersect somehow with real life, since you can not decipher accurately and correctly the signals of the sixth sense. Including in the diary is to write down dreams, pictures that you just wanted to portray. And do not forget that every time a new record is put a date.

    Many people reveal their psychic abilities after such cases as clinical death, electric shock, lightning, etc. Most likely, this is due to the fact that after the stress experienced by the body, the right hemisphere begins to work much better, they listen to their sixth sense, and continue to develop it. The organism is easier to rebuild, it seems to be starting to work again, the process of rebooting takes place, and at this moment it is important to make a choice, rely on logic or intuition.

    Every person has hidden abilities, just someone is engaged in their direct development, and someone simply lives by the majority program, logically looking at various incidents, dulling his intuition and sixth sense. If you want to develop in yourself extrasensory abilities or just develop your intuition, then in this case do your self-development and you will succeed, the main thing is to believe in it and strive to achieve the goal.