  • How to become a mermaid?

    After watching the popular series for teenagers "H2O", many girls began to dream of becoming mermaids. No wonder - the charming characters of the series are attracted by the gift of magic, gracefulness and dexterity of movements in the water. Fans of the series rushed to seek an answer to the question of how to become a mermaid for real. We will try to help them in this, however, we do not give any guarantees!

    The surest way to become a real mermaid

    Light the candles, dial a full bath of salt water( best of all - with sea salt), immerse in it and read this spell: "Oh, great gods, pray, just do one of my requests! I want to be half human, half fish. But my tail will appear when I'm in the water, and when I'm on land I'll be a man with legs again. "
    It is advisable to perform this ritual on a full moon and after taking a bath look at the full moon, and after going to bed.

    Another way to become a real mermaid is to take a bucket full of water with a full moon and go out with him to the balcony. Wait for the reflection of the moon to enter the water, and pour yourself from head to toe, wash, drink some of this water.

    They say that you can get by with just a glass of water, just by washing and drinking the water, which reflects the moon. Or throw a shell into a glass of salted water, put it in front of a full moon for the whole night, and in the morning drink and wash with this water.

    But the most reliable option with pouring water is swimming in a pond( lake or river) during a full moon. If the full moon is reflected on the water of a lake or pond - this is the best chance to turn into a real mermaid!

    Simple ways how to become a mermaid without a full moon

    If you wait for a full moon for a long time, and turn into a mermaid can not wait, you can use another way.

    Take a bowl of water, a wooden comb and go out onto the balcony. Put the comb in a bowl. Close your eyes and say this phrase: "Mermaids, take me to your place, give me your strength: I want to control the air, boiling water and ice."Do not open your eyes, touch the water. Open your eyes and comb the wet wooden comb, continuing to ask the mermaids for magical powers.

    Another way to become a mermaid with power without a full moon. At midnight, go out on the balcony or just open the window and say in the night: "I want to turn into a mermaid with the power of controlling air, ice and boiling water."To thrust three times with your left foot. Then, on a piece of paper, write this phrase: "I whisper three times, I knock three times, I want three strengths," put the sheet under my pillow and fall asleep.

    Tips on how to become a mermaid in the summer

    Summer is the most favorable time for turning into a mermaid. About bathing in the lake at full moon we already wrote. There are also a few "summer" recommendations for girls who decided at all costs to turn to mermaids:
    - try to swim in the river, the lake, the sea as often as possible - let your skin get used to the impact of water on it;
    - learn to dive and hold your breath for a long time under water - but know the measure!
    - try to swim like a little mermaid, while crossing your legs - for a long time you will not be enough, but it's worth trying.

    How to become a mermaid with the power of magic in other ways

    Less common, but also effective ways to turn into a mermaid.

    Method one. You need to spread a small sheet of paper with toothpaste, put it on the edge of the sink, turn on the water in the sink, turn off the light, close the door and call the mermaid three times. When it comes( it will not necessarily be visible, you can just hear the rustle of scales or the smell of fish), you need to ask her for her tail.

    Method two. On the full moon, you must eat the tail of herring and drink it with a glass of milk. Then take a bath.

    The third way. Take scales of fish, your hair, a candle and two mirrors. Hair wrap in paper and burn. Place the mirrors opposite each other, light the candle. In a glass with spring water, pour in ashes from the hair burned in paper and drink it. Look in turn at both mirrors and say: "I want to become a mermaid with the power of controlling air, ice and water!" After that, take a bath.

    We hope that each of you understands that all these ways, how to become a real mermaid, is nothing more than a myth and an ordinary game. However, the power of faith in the mermaids of many really makes you hear the smell of fish or the pain in your legs after performing such rituals. In any case, we want to remain satisfied with the result of at least one of the listed ways of turning into mermaids.