
The secrets of Atlantis are the disappeared continent, the ancient civilization of the Atlanteans. All secrets, secrets and riddles in the article + video film.

  • The secrets of Atlantis are the disappeared continent, the ancient civilization of the Atlanteans. All secrets, secrets and riddles in the article + video film.

    The dead mainland Atlantis has worried the minds of millions of people for almost 2500 years. The mystery, covered with a fog of millennia, hundreds of theories and hypotheses. Even despite modern technical means and scientific progress, until now it has not been possible to find not only the location of Atlantis, but also to prove its existence. It is worth noting that on the way to secrets of the Atlantean civilization, scientists and researchers have made many other discoveries. Which sometimes do not fit in the head because of its fantastic. Many have heard of Atlantis, but not many thought about the culture that supposedly distinguished this great civilization.

    The first mention of the disappeared continent

    The very first references to Atlantis are the "Dialogues" of the ancient Greek philosopher and historian Plato. In them he casually mentioned the location of the continent in the Gibraltar Straits area. But for the most part he concentrated on describing the life and culture of the Atlanteans. The accuracy with which Plato describes Atlantis is surprising. Its rich cities and civilization, which has risen to the highest level of development. According to him, the Atlanteans are the descendants of Poseidon. Which, in turn, was their supreme deity.

    The wealth and grandeur of the disappeared continent is striking. But you can judge him only with the words of Plato. In addition, more interesting is the other information. It is proved that Plato himself borrowed stories about the mainland from his uncle Solon. He heard them while in Egypt. A story about Atlantis was told by one of the priests of the goddess of the firmament and the mother of the Sun, Nate. At the same time he showed inscriptions in the temples, which testify to the reality of the existence of the deceased continent. It turns out that the Atlanteans knew in advance about the near death of their homeland. And they did everything possible to preserve the great secrets and gene pool of mankind.

    Heritage of the Atlanteans

    Before talking about the possible location of the sunken continent, it is worthwhile to focus on the achievements of the Atlanteans. The information is extremely interesting, although it is a little erased by the eternal search for the continent itself. Researchers are so carried away by searches that they completely forgot about what all this was for. In ancient sources there is evidence that the Atlanteans retained their knowledge for descendants. And they saved not only information, but also themselves. Shortly before the terrible catastrophe that plunged the country into the ocean, representatives of the great race traveled to Egypt, Greece and even Tibet.

    Interesting information is the famous British esoteric Labsanga Rampa. He claims that in Tibet, under the Potala Temple, there are secret caves. In them, the Tibetan monks guard the three Atlanteans, who are in a somatic state. The state itself is mentioned in all religions of the east, therefore its reality can be taken for granted. Interesting is another. Labsang argues that the inhabitants of Atlantis had unique abilities. With the help of the "third eye" they were able to move heavy objects, possessed advanced science and technology.

    His statements coincide with the words of the famous Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky. In her writings she wrote that the Atlanteans took part in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, which moved huge blocks of stone with the help of magic. In addition, Blavatsky said that the Great Pyramid of Cheops is a container of Atlantean knowledge. Her words are partially confirmed by modern research. Scientists have discovered hidden spaces under the base of the pyramid. Their age can be safely attributed to the tenth, and possibly the twelfth millennium BC.

    Where did Atlantis disappear?

    If for a while to leave esotericism without attention, and focus on things more tangible, it is interesting to find a place where Atlantis is today. With regard to this aspect of research, theories are plentiful and there is a sense of stopping at more real ones. In the search for a flooded continent, scientists explored the entire globe and received information that makes it necessary to take a fresh look at the history of mankind. For the sake of justice it is worth noting that not always these findings were at least somehow connected with Atlantis. Although they had no less important for science.

    Civilization of the Atlanteans in the Aegean Sea?

    The most realistic among modern versions is the location of the disappeared continent in the Aegean Sea. Researchers argue that Atlantis was associated with the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete and existed until the 16th century BC.Approximately at this time on the island of Santorini, an eruption of a volcano occurred, and the legendary Atlanteans were sunk into oblivion. Geological research confirms the theory. Scientists have discovered in this area underwater deposits of volcanic ash a few tens of meters thick. But if the remains of the great race survived under ashes, science can not answer. It remains to hope that "so far" is not able.

    Atlantis in Antarctica?

    Another interesting theory is the discovery of the missing continent under a two-kilometer layer of ice in Antarctica. On closer examination, the theory no longer seems fantastic. To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the ancient maps of our planet. In 1665, the light was seen by the work of the German Jesuit Atanasius Kircher. Among other things, it contained a reproduction of the Egyptian map. The map was depicted in detail Antarctica without ice. Such, according to the Egyptians, it was 12,000 years ago. Surprisingly, the island's configuration on the map is strikingly similar to the outlines of Antarctica, obtained with the help of modern equipment.

    In addition, the ice-free Antarctica is found on many later maps. The fact remains a fact. In the memory of their ancestors Antarctica was present without ice. Such it is never seen again. It is worth noting that many of the ancient maps depicting Atlantis, differ incredible detail and accuracy to minutes. How this credibility was achieved is also a mystery.

    How did Atlantis disappear?

    Any variations on the theme: "Where to search for Atlantis?" - must prove how this continent could disappear in an incredibly short time. According to Plato, Atlantis went under the water for a day. Obviously, no cataclysm can produce such destructive effects. One of the two:

    • or Atlantis retreated into the sea abyss longer than the declared time;
    • or the death of the Atlanteans came from outside.

    This hypothesis is very smoothly put down the statement of the same lama Labsanga Rampa. In his writings, he said that the disaster occurred because of a planetoid that collided with the Earth. Thus, having displaced it from an orbit and forcing to rotate in other party. On the possibility of such an event let the scientists judge, but this really explains the shift of the continents, and the disappearance of the first civilization.

    The Atlantean Empire has many secrets in it, the solutions of which are so desirable for enthusiasts. And we can say with confidence that the research will not abate until Atlantis is found. There is no smoke without fire. So, there is a hope that the disappeared continent will come out to meet its descendants.

    A film about Atlantis

    If you are interested, watch the online video "The Lost World - Atlantis: The Mystery of the Lost Civilization":
