  • What can I talk about with a girl?

    First of all, an important role is played by the as you say .Agree, the same anecdote performed by two different people will sound differently - and if in one case it provokes the necessary reaction( laughter), then in another it can provoke irritation or bewilderment. The volume of the voice, its tone and timbre, intonation - that's what plays an important role in the conversation with the girl. And because the girls are different, then in your arsenal should be different options.

    As a rule, the voice intonation depends on what words to say to the girl. If this is something funny, funny, then the voice should be loud, the story can be accompanied by active gesticulation and facial expressions. If it is something intimate( a compliment or words of love), then the voice should be quiet, with aspiration. In any case, it is necessary to speak clearly, without stammering or swallowing the endings. The fact that the speech should be at least moderately literate and not contain obscene phrases, and there is no need to speak.

    If you know that you have problems with speech, you can practice at home. There are special audio, video and offline courses that can help to correctly put a speech. Help will come tongue twisters and other exercises that train the articulatory apparatus.

    Topics of conversation with a girl

    What to talk with a girl? As a rule, many guys give leadership in a conversation to a girl, confining themselves to nodding their heads, poddakivaniem and brief replicas in the right places of her monologue. However, even the most talkative lady will sooner or later run out of words, and she will say this terrible phrase: "Well, tell and you something!"

    It is not worth dwelling - the ideas of what to say to a girl are more than enough. Among them:
    - stories about his childhood - where he studied, how he studied, what achievements he had in school / student years;
    - stories about your family - it will be very good if you have something to tell about family traditions, the history of the relationship between your father and mother, about brothers and sisters, about what friendly atmosphere reigns in your house - of course, if all this is reallyis true;
    - about their aspirations, plans, dreams. Here it is worth knowing the measure, because the girls do not like vapors, your dreams should be realistic;
    - about what you have already achieved - in all spheres of life. The girl evaluates each guy as a potential groom, a future husband, so this information is very important for her;
    - about your hobbies, hobbies - it may be that you are fond of something common, and maybe you will be able to attract her with your hobby. In any case, someone who is keen on something is always an interesting interlocutor. Talk about music, movies, books;
    - about common acquaintances - it is excellent, if you have them.

    The conversation with the girl must certainly include:
    - compliments - unexpected, sudden, non-standard, original and necessarily sincere( home preparations will be very useful if you are not able to produce fresh compliments on the go);
    - an interest in her opinion on the topic that you are talking about - be sure to ask: "What do you think about this?", "What do you think?";
    - various questions to the girl - in turn, show your interest in her, her life, hobbies, aspirations, achievements.

    What not to do in a conversation with a girl

    Talk for a long time on one topic
    .Even the most fascinating topic for conversation sooner or later will exhaust itself. If you see that the girl has become bored, or you have run out of stock of information on a particular issue - smoothly go to another topic.

    To go in cycles on banalities
    .Of course, you can "dilute" the conversation with an anecdote or a discussion of the weather - but there should not be many such departures. If you think that everything you need to tell a girl is anecdotes( usually "with a beard"), squandered in a myriad amount, then the girl will soon prefer to avoid contact with you.

    Too addicted to the story of .Remember that this is, first, a conversation, and secondly, most girls do not like too chatty guys. And even if she asks: "Tell something," it does not mean that she is ready to listen to a lecture about cacti breeding or the complete genealogy of your family. Do not overdo the details and do not try to tell her everything on the first evening.

    Complaining about the life of .Few girl like a whiner, loser and bore. Namely, you will appear in the eyes of a girl, if you complain about life's problems. So, what words to say to the girl? Definitely fun, cheerful and optimistic!

    Boast and exaggerate their achievements .Of course, there is a category of not particularly smart girls who do not feed bread - give noodles on their ears to hang. If your goal is to communicate with such a girl, and you found a suitable object for your lies, then we can only wish good luck. If you are determined to have a more serious relationship, we do not recommend starting with a lie.

    Discuss others .It is the prerogative of gossip girls to wash the bones of common friends. If you are not going to turn into a "just a friend" with whom it's interesting to discuss common acquaintances, be reserved in this matter.

    Argue .Of course, the truth is born in a dispute. If your relationship with the time comes to a new level, you will often argue with pleasure on different topics. However, during the first meetings, the dispute is not the best option in answering the question of what to talk about with a girl - it can offend her. And again - if you constantly catch yourself thinking that your views on different things are radically different, then perhaps it is worth thinking about the advisability of your future relationship.

    What you need to say to the girl: "gentleman's set"

    In your arsenal you should always have:
    - some original compliments;
    - a couple of the freshest and funniest anecdotes;
    - several interesting stories on different topics( not necessarily from your life);
    - a dozen non-standard questions to the girl( "What is the history of the ring on your hand?", "You have such a beautiful name - why did parents decide to call you that?").

    And most importantly - during the conversation with the girl forget all the instructions on what words to say to the girl( including this one) - remain yourself, smile, be sincere and behave at ease. You certainly will succeed!

    When meeting a girl, on a first date with her and in any other situation, when there is a situation of one-on-one communication with a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, many guys experience some kind of fear. What can I talk about with a girl? This question is no, no, and flashes in the minds of every guy who is just in this place feels a special vulnerability - because conversations have always been the prerogative of girls. However, to prove yourself to be silent or to hope that a chatty companion will not let the words in your monologue - not an option. So, what should the girl say, that she was fascinated by you and wished to continue communication?

    How to talk to a girl?