  • Why do you need a girlfriend boyfriend?

    Today we have a very interesting topic, namely, in the article we will answer the question: "Why does a girl need a guy?".Of course, many such question may seem ridiculous and even stupid, but we hasten to assure you that many people are interested in this, most of which are schoolchildren in order to realize how important it is to meet a girl.

    Let's look at specific goals that the girl can not do without:

    • Experience a unique feeling of love. The girl the guy is necessary first of all in order to experience the state of love and love! The first love will always remain in the memory of a young man, so this feeling is better to experience in youth. Love will make it possible to commit insane acts, to achieve the unattainable, and most importantly this time will fly happily. It is possible to never repeat this in a man's life, so you should allow yourself to fall in love and not hold back your emotions.

    • Raise your status among classmates and classmates. If you are still in school and are trying to understand what meetings with a girl can give, then we can immediately answer that such relationships cause envy among friends, and girls have sympathy, because if you like another female representative, therefore, in youthere really is something. Thus, you will become a more interesting person in the school, change the attitude towards you, therefore, you can easily rise in status.
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    • Try the first kiss. One of the advantages of having a girlfriend from a guy is also an opportunity to kiss his girl in an adult way. Not every student achieves something like that. Naturally, the first kiss is just "starting a relationship", but for the beginning and this will be quite enough. To have access to kisses with a girl is dreamed by so many idle guys in school, that's why they start romances with girls to feel these sweet moments.

    • Feel yourself loved. Some guys get girls not only for their feelings, but also for the sake of feeling that he is someone necessary and loved. Guys, like girls, want care, affection and attention. Let not in such a large number, but still. Life becomes brighter and more pleasant, as a guy always has someone to go to, who loves him and always waits. Of course, it is difficult to deserve the love of a girl, but to try your luck is definitely worth it!

    • Satisfy your vital needs. This paragraph deals with intimate relationships. A lot of guys want to meet girls only because of the intimacy that can arise between them. By the way, we want to dissuade the girls that all the guys just think about it, starting to flirt with them. Yes, there are such a part of the guys, however they do not constitute the majority. Men do not have so much self-interest and selfishness, as it may seem at the first female look.

    • A girl can become a wife and have a baby. In a more mature age, men start girls no longer because of any emotions or games, they are already beginning to look for real wives to brighten up their old age. And most importantly, they want men from them - so that the girls give birth to them many children, who will continue to continue their generation. By the way, this father's instinct often begins to manifest itself only after 30 years, when a man soberly assesses the reality that surrounds him! Very rarely, young guys want children, and even more so they are looking for a girl who could do it.

    • A girl can brighten up a guy for a lifetime. And finally, the last point, the meaning of which is that most guys need a girl for everything and immediately. First for status in society, then for love and a sense of mutual feelings, after for kisses and intimate relationships and the culmination will be a wedding, and after the birth of long-awaited children. Thus, the girls in the life of the guys become real pearls that adorn the whole life.

    As you can see, girls really need guys, without them life on earth could not continue, and there would be no happiness. However, one should also take into account the fact that the need is mutual, because not only women are needed by men, but also by men to women, so girls do not need to put on themselves great goddesses if they really deserve the usual female happiness in life. Here, perhaps, and all the reasons why a girlfriend guy, who could find journalists from our online magazine Vse-Sekrety.en.

    By the way, what do you think about this? Why do you need a girlfriend for a guy according to your personal opinion? Answers should be published immediately under the article, and the best of them - we will add to the article indicating your name or perhaps the nickname, by which you sign the left message.