  • How to throw a guy without offending him( by SMS and other means)

    Almost every girl had such a case when she wanted to leave the guy, but at the same time, without offending him. It was much more difficult to do this in practice than in words. The difficulty in parting arises for many reasons:

    • Reluctance to make a guy hurt( by his refusal).

    • Fear of a guy and his actions. Some men are very nasty and quick-tempered, they can start chasing, and sometimes even beat girls.

    • Sometimes a guy about a girl knows more than he should, and after parting can tell everyone her secret.

    • Desire to remain friends. Sometimes guys turn out to be excellent friends( true, courageous, understanding), but completely disgusting lovers - in such cases it's better to part with good friends.

    In general, you realized that throwing a guy without offending him - it's in your best interest. Now let's look at the ways of parting.

    How to throw a guy without offending him:

    • Adjust the parting! The easiest way to not offend a guy is to make you think that he left you, not you. To do this, introduce him to your beautiful girlfriend, and ask her to play along - as if she is in love with him and wants to start meeting him. For your part, behave as disgustingly as possible. Do all that he does not like, so that he has a desire to break the old relationship by making new ones. However, here you need a reliable friend who will not surrender you.
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    • Throw the guy by SMS. An excellent option for those who do not know how to express their thoughts in words. Make a text message so that he understands the following: he is the best guy on Earth, however you have stopped feeling for him and thus do not want to drive him by the nose. Let it be better to part ways now, and not after 5 years, because survive the divorce is much more difficult. And wish him great love.

    • Throw it because of treason. If you are too proud to humble yourself before a guy, substitute it - ask your very beautiful girlfriend, openly flirt with him, and maybe even persuade to go to a movie or restaurant. You, in turn, catch it on the hot one and arrange a scandal that will lead to parting. If someone is offended by the guy, then only to yourself or to your girlfriend.

    • Stop seeing him. An excellent occasion for parting are short and rare meetings. Go on business from the city, spend a lot of time in class, mugs and courses, demonstrate your exceptional employment. That the guy is used to spending time without you. In time, he will understand that he is well and without your presence, and you without him.

    • Arrange a scandal from scratch. The scandals serve as an excellent occasion for parting: start hysterics more often, shout at him, resent his actions. Believe in men a little patience, and sooner or later, but he will throw you and not a bit offend at you.

    • Admit that you have a different orientation. This is a modern occasion to throw a guy without offending him. Believe me, today there are a lot of girls who dream to connect their lives with the female sex! You do not need to prove this, you did not change it and do not change it with the girls. Suffice it to say that you have realized the fact that men do not attract you at all morally or sexually. By the way, this method is ideal for those who want to break the resort romance.

    And how do you drop guys without offending them? !