
What is meditation and how to learn to meditate? Main techniques and features of the process

  • What is meditation and how to learn to meditate? Main techniques and features of the process

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  • Active meditation consists in the process of immersion in trance with the help of monotonous repetition of a variety of physical exercises or physical stress, thanks to which the thinking process is completely blocked and the person is thus immersed in a state of trance. Techniques of this kind are often practiced by masters of various martial arts and, in some cases, apply them directly in their training.

    You can use meditation for various purposes. You can search for answers to the questions that you are interested in, you can use it to directly improve your body and struggle with the disease that bothers you. Meditation helps to become more self-confident, strong and beautiful and much more.

    Following are some examples of meditation techniques with which you can determine the most appropriate actions and methods for you.

    Meditation process

    It is necessary to pre-set a timer or an alarm clock for a time that will be convenient for you. Basically it's 15-20 minutes, but less is not recommended. Further it is necessary to find for yourself such an action, which in turn would not burden you, was easy and required the application of some effort to accomplish it. Then start repeating this exercise and concentrate completely on what you are doing.

    At the same time, you need to monitor your breathing and try to keep it even. Correct breathing helps to accelerate the effect of meditation. At the moment when you feel tired, do not be distracted by it, just continue to follow the action and think only about the actions themselves, while trying not to pay attention to the fact that you began to feel tired.

    For some time you will cease to feel the fatigue, the sensations will become more pleasant, and the movements are smooth and light. If this effect does not happen, when the alarm goes off, then you just need to stop and rest, plunge into a healthy sleep. At this point your brain will still be concentrated on the action that you performed, therefore, thinking only of one thing, he rests.

    Passive Meditation

    This kind of technique exists quite a lot, then the easiest and simplest will be given.

    For this technique, you need to find the most comfortable position( lying down, sitting or standing), close your eyes. In this position it is necessary to try to clear your mind most of all of thoughts and calm down. After imagining that you are in the world familiar to you, but in an unfamiliar room.

    Imagine that in the middle of the room there is a staircase that leads down, and looking around you will imagine that you pass through several levels of your consciousness, and with each step you pass you will become more and more relaxed, calm and peaceful. Next, you should descend to the very bottom, and feel yourself immersed in a deep trance state.

    At the moment when the alarm will ring, you need to slowly get distracted by it, get out of this state and take with you all that you felt in it, and all those positive emotions that you could experience.

    You can also use the following method for meditation.

    The process of meditation is better to conduct under special music, it is also called meditation music. You can choose it for your taste, it is best to do it in specialized stores. An excellent option will be the sounds of nature: the sounds of the surf, the singing of birds, the noise of a forest stream, etc.

    As for the immediate process of preparation for meditation, it in turn is to completely relax, the eyes are mostly harder to relax. Therefore, during meditation, it is recommended to light a candle, this in turn is a rather effective method for the eyes to relax and concentrate completely on the fire.

    Choose a quiet and secluded place for meditation, where no one will disturb you. It is also worth taking care that no one disturbs you during the meditation. The place where meditation will be held should be comfortable, clothes that do not detract and distract your attention, it is best to wear something more spacious. The lighting should not be too bright, the curtains should be better retracted and only the table lamp should be left. Even more comfortable atmosphere will create aromatic sticks. For meditation, mainly smells of ylang-ylang, rose, jasmine, sandalwood. If you do everything right, then in a state of meditation you will enter quickly and simply.

    Mentally imagine something beautiful and pleasant. It can be a garden with your favorite flowers, and a gentle sea and some pleasant memory from childhood. At first it will be difficult to disconnect from extraneous thoughts, but the rhythm of quiet breathing, and music, will help here. Imagine that you are enveloped, a gentle golden rain coming from the sky. You inhale the after-air air, which is filled with the aroma of flowers, and with each breath you enter a golden stream of energy that slowly and evenly fills your whole body, every cell, carrying health and joy. All bad things go away, pain and fatigue disappear, dissolving in the golden rain. If you managed to get into this state, then the first stage of meditation was successful.

    Practicing further, try to try to include an inner smile. It is rather difficult to catch, because it is somewhat similar to the unexpected and instantly appeared ray of the sun from behind the clouds. But, if you are in a state of complete relaxation, then it is quite possible. It will be enough to experience at least once such a state of inner smile, in order to remember and call it again, when you want it.

    The third stage of meditation is in flight. You can feel on yourself such enlightenment of mind and lightness of the whole body that you can "soar" and quite freely "fly" over it, rise above the earth and even higher and higher into space. This is the enchanting state of freedom and the attainment of one's inner and real "I".

    Seven pluses of meditation

    Now let's consider the 7 benefits of meditation:
  • More and more people in the modern world are striving to learn and study ancient knowledge and traditions, thus resorting to energy practice. Many people are looking for answers to such questions as: the meaning of meditation, why is it for man and how to meditate?

    Next we will consider:

  • What is meditation?
  • How to meditate and what are the techniques for this?
  • Meditation process
  • Passive meditation
  • Seven pluses of meditation

    What is meditation?

    Meditation is, in turn, a process by which a person passes into a state of trance, using certain techniques for this.

    The process of meditation is the transition from the outside world and extraneous stimuli, allows us to purify our minds of unnecessary and unnecessary thoughts and gain true tranquility. At the time in which we now live it is simply necessary, since a person does not get a full rest at all.

    Being in the process of meditation, the mind is pure and you are not distracted anymore. In this state, you can get many answers to the questions you are interested in, because if you are asking a certain question, then the answer to it already lies somewhere in the depth of your subconscious, you simply can not hear it because of the background noise of modern times. Including such a state you can use simply to restore strength and rest, removing fatigue. In the state of meditation for 15 minutes a person can rest on so much, if he slept for several hours.

    That state when the body seems completely different, feeling another breath, another speed of time, another speed of life. This process and the accompanying sensations is meditation, in which a chakra like the Kundalini is quite active. In a way, this is a state where you seem to be asleep and awake at the same time. .. and all this rhythm is marked at the level of sound, plunging your consciousness into something secret.

    How to meditate and what are the techniques for this?

    Today, there are a large number of masters who teach meditation and even more different techniques for meditation. We will consider the essence of the process of meditation, and after that everyone will be able to personally choose what is suitable for him personally.

    The essence of meditation is that there is a process of entering into a trance or near trance state. Therefore, the essence of what you will do is to bring you to a state of rest and complete disconnection from any thoughts. Unfortunately, complete disconnection from thoughts is very rare, sometimes it takes years of training, but, even so, even a very small decrease in the intensity of the thought process can already bring you astonishing results.

    Meditating means thinking at the level of your immediate "time," while using "energy."The more we think about meditation, the more it reveals "time" to us, plunging consciousness into the "experience" of life. To look into meditation, this means having the opportunity to feel the "energy" followed by the reflection. Meditation, in turn, is the practice in which the "sound" of the body is directly involved.

    You can say that any dialogue with your subconscious is, in fact, and is meditation. Opening the meditation, at the same time, we discover the world of another life. Meditation is exactly what it says inside of us. .. Meditation is also a balance between all energies at the information level.

    As for meditation techniques, there are many. Basically, they are divided into Active and Passive meditation practices:

  • Passive meditation is the process of immersion in trance through static positions( the Lotus pose, the position of Yoga, simply lying or standing) and, undoubtedly, a technique of self-hypnosis or distraction. Most often in such cases, diverting objects are used, for example, a candle, a pendulum, a mirror, and much more. Mantras or internal dialogue are also used for this.
  • The first plus: meditation helps to find happiness. Finding your higher self, we thereby open our heart to the world and feel ourselves with it as one.
  • The second plus: meditation allows you to interrupt an endless and at the same time senseless stream of vanity and open your inner world, to know your soul and to feel your connection with the divine.
  • The third plus: meditation brings great benefits to our health, neutralizes stress and supports the body and mind in the necessary tone, has a beneficial effect on the heart and helps reduce pressure.
  • Fourth plus: meditation allows us to see the true values, get rid of cravings for things and simplify life.
  • Fifth plus: meditation helps us get out of the captivity of the past and teaches us to value life here and now.
  • Sixth plus: meditation also teaches us, to accept people as they are, with all their shortcomings, to feel one with all people and in time to feel love for them.
  • Seventh plus: through meditation we find answers to the most important questions of life, which directly come as insight, and fill the new life with joy.

    Practicing meditation, you will rest not only in body, but in soul. You will thus know another world, the spiritual world of your subconscious. The ability to meditate never hurts, on the contrary, will allow you to monitor your health, to seek answers, to the questions you are interested in within yourself, in your mind. Therefore, do not be lazy to allocate yourself a day half an hour to learn how to relax, improve yourself, because in the first place it is useful for you personally, and not for someone else.