  • How to become popular in school, VKontakte, instagram and other places?

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    The phenomenon of popularity is used by many mass media companies, forming attractive images and earning millions of dollars on them. On the way to popularity, we will be helped by knowledge of the general principles of human psychology and the main Internet resources, which provide free access to our "creations" for millions of viewers.

    Content of the article:

    General principles and recommendations of

    There are many forms of holding public events, the main purpose of which is to make new acquaintances and establish useful contacts. These include conferences, parties, presentations, club "parties".However, even after meeting a useful and interesting person, we can easily not interest him and miss the good chances for a career and decent earnings.

    How to become the center of attention and "persona grata" at any party? Here are practical tips and tricks:
    instagram viewer

    1. Create an interesting image. It does not have to be bright and flashy. Such an image will soon cause a negative in others( which, incidentally, is used by some public people who are eager to make money on their scandalous fame).It should attract exactly its inner depth, grace and simplicity. It does not necessarily take a dowry costume from a famous fashion designer and insanely expensive jewelry. This now no one is surprised. Maximum simplicity combined with taste and extreme accuracy - that's what people are reacting to. Light unobtrusive perfume and almost imperceptible make-up. Simple but elegant clothes, neat and discreet hairstyle.

    Marvelous charm will be given to your glasses in a properly selected frame. If you can see perfectly without glasses, glasses can be ordered without diopters.

    Special charm in the eyes of the public you will add an original accessory. Not an insanely expensive iPhone or a glamorous doggie under your arm. Interest will be caused by a theatrical binoculars or an elegant brooch, left in the inheritance from the great-grandmother, the original fan, a cigarette in a long cigarette holder - everything that your imagination is capable of. The main thing is that the accessory harmoniously blends into your image.

    2. Develop your own style in behavior and communication. You do not need to play someone else's role, badly "sitting" on your personality. Do not try to seem more successful better, more beautiful, and smarter than you are of ordinary life. The surrounding will immediately notice any note of falsehood, finesse and mannerisms. This will repel them faster than you will have time to establish a more or less close contact.

    Interlocutors are attracted by the simplicity and naturalness of communication. Speak only those topics that are interesting to you personally, in which you know a little, and you can enrich the interlocutor with new knowledge.

    Find your own unique character trait, personality, zest, which will attract others to you, and will not make you tense, trying to portray who you are, in principle, not.

    Having done this, you will be pleasantly surprised how much people will be attracted to you.

    3. Smile. Do not pull a rubber smile in a "Hollywood" style. Moreover, you should not smile constantly. This will cause confusion among others, and, perhaps, some may think that you are kidding them.

    Smile only when establishing eye contact with someone from others. Try to make the smile look natural, easy and benevolent.

    React with a smile at the jokes of interlocutors. When communicating with a person, show an easy half-smile, indicating your friendship.

    Be careful with laughter. Loud and sharp laughter is perceived by people as a manifestation of rudeness and disrespect. As a result, you start annoying others, which will add to your popularity, but with a minus sign. To laugh should be polite, quietly and on business. For example, in response to the joke of the interlocutor or accompanying your own funny story.

    4. Speak quietly. Some people try to laugh loudly, emotionally talk to attract the attention of others, they say, see how I am a cheerful, sociable and sociable person. Often, the reaction of others is directly opposite. Your "loud" behavior will be perceived as a sign of extreme ill-will, and the list of potential interlocutors and failed( and could) fans quickly diminish.

    The quieter and quieter your voice sounds, the more attention will be paid to you by the interlocutor.

    If you need to talk with someone who is at a considerable distance, you should not shout at him from afar. It is better to approach and quietly communicate at a comfortable distance.

    5. Respect the compliments with restraint. Often both women and men begin to react violently to compliments, all the while trying to make it clear that they always look like this, and this is their natural state. Do not belittle your merits, but do not attribute false flaws to yourself. Smoothly smile and thank the person for the compliment. This will be a worthy and appealing response to courtesy, as it is an element of courtesy when communicating.

    6. Try to be an interesting interlocutor. Here you will be helped by the breadth of the natural horizon and the degree of your erudition. The ability to support an easy and casual conversation on any topic will show you an intelligent and valuable conversationalist. Do not try to prove at all costs your rightness, whether the interlocutor even a hundred times wrong. A person has the right to be mistaken, and showing off his wrongfulness can cause him a dull annoyance and the subsequent refusal to continue communicating with you.

    Do not also talk about things that you have only vague ideas. In a conversation with a knowledgeable person, your incompetence will quickly become apparent to him, and you will lose value in his eyes as an adequate interlocutor. Nobody wants to communicate with talkers.

    7. Maintain conversation with questions. The interlocutor will be pleased if you express an interest in the conversation and to him personally. Refer to him by name, a person likes how it sounds, and he subconsciously becomes more disposed towards you.

    Learn about the type of his activities, hobbies, praise for any merit or achievement.

    If the interlocutor sees that he is indifferent to you as a person, he will quickly lose interest in the conversation and switch to other present.

    8. Keep a small intrigue. Do not lay out "on-mountain" all information about yourself. In man, always draws an understatement, a mystery. However, if the interlocutor asks a question about you, answer as sincerely and honestly as possible.

    Do not overload your interlocutor with unnecessary information that does not interest him. Do not also start complaining about life and throwing out your domestic and family problems on a person you do not know. No one is interested in other people's difficulties.

    Popularity in social networks


    1. Earn the authority of in any area of ​​expertise. Choose the topic you are interested in and find like-minded people on the network. In the process of communicating with them, you will gain a lot of unique and useful information that will give you the opportunity to become a recognized expert in your chosen information field. Sharing the accumulated experience and helping people in solving their problems, you will earn many points of popularity. Also you will get a lot of useful acquaintances, which in the future will be useful to you.

    2. Visualize your posts. The original photo or video will not only add the representativeness of your information, but also cause positive emotions among the users of the network, provoking numerous "likes" and reposts.

    3. Be in the information trend of .People are mostly concerned with information, which concerns socially significant events, exciting the expanses of the Internet. However, it should be borne in mind that there are not really many long-term trends, and it is necessary to change the topic of the posts on a new trend in time. Keep your nose in the wind and your ear is open.

    4. Work with the exclusive. As the primary source of original content, you will earn yourself the authority and desire of the "inhabitants" of the network to visit your page again and again in search of fresh and "hot" content.

    5. Promote your content .Even the most exclusive content can be so specific that it will not find the proper response from most visitors. To update the subject matter, you can entice users with provocative questions.

    You can also apply keywords in spreading by placing them in a special place. This will allow the "searchers" to quickly find your material.

    Well, of course, you can use the likes and recommendations of your friends to promote your content.

    6. Please be as brief as possible .A huge amount of content on the network necessitates short, catchy headlines and small compact texts. This will give a guarantee of full reading of your content and evaluation of its usefulness.

    If this social network does not work, then read the article "Why VKontakte does not work".


    1. "catchy" photos. Each of your photos should have a "zest", a special charm that will not leave the viewer indifferent. Dosage really interesting photos. Do not expose them all at once. Otherwise, they can remain invaluable.

    2. Actively use hashtags. This is a really effective way to attract a specific target audience to your photos. And if your photos justify the expectations of the guests, they will be yours forever.

    3. Specify the geographical coordinates of the place in the photo. Users are curious to observe the places where they have already visited, and compare their feelings from these places with the impressions caused by your photos.

    4. Establish friendly contacts with users with similar interests. Help in promoting their pages will not go unnoticed. As a token of appreciation, they will assist in the promotion of your content.

    5. Ensure the openness of your profile. This is the basic condition for accessing your content and the future recognition of you as a photography guru.

    6. Link your account to the accounts of other social networks. This will greatly increase the likelihood of entering your page from third-party sources.

    7. Learn from the Guru Instagram. They give you the opportunity to take advantage of bits of their success and promote your content in original ways.

    8. Make an original photo of for the profile. This will become an "anchor" for casual passers-by.

    9. Use the most popular filters to process photos.


    In order to gain fame on this portal, it is enough to upload original and unique video. In this case, randomness plays an important role. A well-designed and elegantly delivered long video can only be watched by your subscribers. A ridiculous three-second farce can beat records on views.

    The main condition here is the choice of video themes and the regularity of posting the original content. Your fans will find you.


    The main conditions for gaining popularity in this microblog are:

    1. Provoke people, ask topical questions, make comments and enter into a discussion.

    2. More interactivity and interaction with other users. The blog should be alive and active. Then he will attract followers.

    3. Add more relevant and valuable information. People are interested in receiving new information on issues of interest to them, learning new facts, sharing their impressions of them. You must give more than you receive.

    4. High level of literacy and language culture will attract more users than using jargon, mat and highly specialized slang. Respect your readers, they will respond to you with growing attendance.


    Here everything is extremely simple and understandable. Ask original questions, be active, interact with other users and your rating will grow steadily, to the joy of you and your friends over the network.

    How to become famous in school( or classroom)?

    For this, try to adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Dress neatly and unobtrusively.

    2. Try to find in your school affairs your niche, where you can become a leader and confidently hold the championship.

    3. Hold on independently, do not succumb to the herd instinct and do not hesitate to express your opinion directly on any issue. You will definitely be respected for being straightforward and honest.

    4. Try not to discuss others behind their backs.

    5. Never refuse help if you see that a person really needs it.

    6. Strive to succeed in learning by the maximum number of subjects. Smart people are respected everywhere.

    7. Do not curry favor with the teachers and the school administration.

    Following the suggested advice, you will undoubtedly achieve success and recognition!