  • How to deal with laziness?

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    Laziness - a feeling unpleasant, sticky, sucking. Many people know the feeling when you want to "relax" a bit more, lie on the couch, watch TV, play an online game or just sleep an extra hour. However, the main feature of laziness is that the longer the person lazy, the more it stretches "a little" for a fairly long period of time. How to deal with laziness and is it always necessary to do it?

    Do not be lazy - work on it!

    Perhaps, it's not a secret for anyone that the main way to combat laziness is work. Busy yourself with something, get carried away by business, for which you do not notice the flow of time - and now there is no trace of laziness! However, this is the whole problem - terrible laziness does not allow you to shake your finger, and from one thoughts of work it becomes bad. How to overcome laziness in this case?   

    First of all, you need to set targets. To begin with, the goals are not global, but small, not requiring much time and physical costs. Try to play with yourself in a kind of game, akin to a computer game, in which the main character( you) is given certain tasks - and the more tasks the hero performs, the more perfect his skills and abilities.

    An important step in deciding how to deal with laziness is planning its activities. Not knowing clearly what and when you should do, you will be wasting day after day and lamenting that you do not have time. Write an action plan for the day, for the week, for the month. Try to evaluate your abilities soberly and optimally allocate time.

    To make the goals seem more attractive and have forced you to immediately get off the couch and start active, you need to motivate yourself .A good motivator for those who decided to struggle with laziness is visualization - the presentation of the final result of your actions. Think not about how tiresome it is - to cook food and then wash the dishes - and what a delicious dinner is finally waiting for your family. Not about how tiresome to learn the next exam ticket - but about how you will impress your teacher with your knowledge. Not about how hard it is to prepare a report on work, but about the fact that you will not be "sanded" for debts by your superiors.   

    You can come up with yourself and other motivators as ways to deal with laziness: moral and material incentives. If this is so difficult, if you have a low level of motivation, ask family members to help you overcome laziness and motivate you with something - although practice shows that there is nothing more effective than self-motivation.

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    There is a way to combat laziness method from the opposite - many who tried it on themselves, say that there is nothing more effective. In order to overcome laziness, it is enough to start. .. to be lazy to the full! Just really do nothing: do not eat, do not sleep, do not watch TV.Sit or become, frozen in one pose. Painfully stretched in this condition, the minutes will seem like an eternity, and after a quarter of an hour you will start doing something.

    Is it too lazy?

    Some people tend to confuse laziness with the elementary fatigue .This is especially true for workaholics - they have been plowing for several days in a row from dawn to dusk, they are laying down on the sofa without power, and, lying so day, are lamenting: "What am I lazy!" It's time to think not about how to overcome laziness,how to properly organize their work, so that there is always time for rest. You need to rest, but laziness begins with a person after he has completely rested, gained strength and is ready for new achievements - but for some reason he continues to do nothing.

    Also the reason for reluctance to do anything is depression .In this case, it is necessary first of all to understand the causes of the spleen and start fighting this state as soon as possible. The standard ways of dealing with laziness in this case are finding new hobbies and hobbies, light therapy( relevant in the autumn-winter season), changing the environment, normalizing sleep and eating habits.

    Imagine how much you will manage to do, if you will not be lazy, take care of your own time management, learn to value your time and motivate yourself for useful activities - and too laziness will be afraid even to cross the threshold of your house.