  • Relaxing day on beet

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    Read in the article:
    • Beet fasting day for losing weight: benefit or harm
    • Beet fasting day: popular beet unloading recipes, menu
    • Beetroot day: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight

    Beetroot discharge day:1,5 kg

    Unloading day on the beet helps the body to clear and lose weight by a kilogram and more. The miraculous effect of such a one-day diet - discharge is explained by the rich composition of this miracle - the vegetable.

    Beet free weight loss day: benefit or harm ^

    • Beetroot copes well with harmful toxins, fights with the formation and development of malignant tumors, excellent hemoglobin.
    • This valuable vegetable contains a lot of folic acid, which makes the body more youthful and healthy.
    • Improves the functioning of the intestines and liver, removing salts of heavy metals and toxic substances.
    • Has an easy laxative effect, so discharge is recommended on a day off.
    • Quartz, which is rich in beets, makes bones strong, and vessels elastic.
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    • Fiber fills the stomach, so problems with the resulting hunger should not happen.

    Indications and contra-indications for beet day of unloading day

    Beet removal will be very useful for people with obesity and with fluid retention in the body.

    • This procedure should be abandoned to men and women who have problems with the stomach or intestines( ulcers, all forms of gastritis, inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, etc.).
    • It is also necessary to abstain from it for people with kidney, bladder and gallstone diseases.

    With what can be combined beet

    In addition to beet on the day of unloading it is necessary to drink water, tea without added sugar, broth of dogrose, fruit drinks, etc. Root is better to eat raw, so it will even more intensively purify the body.

    If the taste of a raw vegetable is too unpleasant, you can boil it without adding salt. You should choose not too sweet root, because the more intense the taste of beet, the higher its glycemic index. Such a product instantly gives a feeling of satiety, but literally after half an hour a person again wants to eat.

    It is allowed to combine this product with other dietary vegetables, sour-milk drinks, eggs, etc. on the day of unloading. This interaction will only double the effect of cleansing the body and will create a feeling of satiety.

    We also advise you to read the article Unloading days for weight loss: health benefits.

    Unloading day on beet: popular beet unloading recipes, menu ^

    Unloading day on beet: menu, recipes

    Unloading day on beet and kefir

    • This day, you should consume 1.5 liters of fermented milk product and 1.5 kg of boiled beet. Their reception can be alternated, it is also allowed to drink a serving of beetroot with kefir.
    • A perfect recipe will be a cocktail of these ingredients. To do this, grind blender 1 small boiled beet, add a tablespoon of sugar in it and pour the mixture with a glass of kefir. This drink is recommended for breakfast.
    • You can also grind 200 g of raw beet and mix it with a glass of fermented milk product. This portion is designed for one time. In total, it is necessary to eat at least five times.

    Unloading day on beets and carrots

    This is a very effective way to lose weight.

    • It is necessary to grind 400 g of raw beet and add to it the same amount of raw carrots. Also allowed to add a little lemon juice to the salad.
    • This quantity should be divided into five parts and consumed throughout the day of unloading.

    Unloading day on beet and apples

    • It is necessary to mix 400 g of raw beet with 300 g. Unsweetened apples. Also in the salad you can add a little raw carrots.
    • This mixture should be consumed throughout the day in small equal portions, with plenty of liquid.

    Unloading day on beet and cabbage

    You can vary the menu a little. Especially useful is this option for people who can not tolerate monotony in food.


    • On a large grater, you should grate fresh beets, cabbage and carrots in an equal quantity.
    • Next, you need to stretch them a little with your hands until the juice is released.
    • After that, the salad is allowed to add a little swollen and chopped prunes.


    • A small portion of lettuce from finely chopped beets, carrots, apples.
    • In the received weight it is necessary to add sea kale and to fill the received mix with two tablespoons of yogurt.


    • Baked beet, which is recommended to be used together with cottage cheese and chopped greens.
    • All this is necessary to drink a glass of green tea, which is allowed to add lemon.

    Unloading day on beet and eggs

    • This day you can eat carrots and beets( 300 grams) and 2 boiled eggs.
    • Salad and eggs need to be alternated.
    • Also, do not forget about the large volume of liquid drunk.

    Unloading day on beet and cucumber

    • This day, you need to alternate the reception of cucumbers( up to 1.5 kg) with beet consumption.
    • You can add a little greens to give a more intense taste.

    Unloading day with beets and tomatoes

    • Unloading involves the consumption of large amounts of tomatoes( 1 kg.) Throughout the day.
    • You can drink beet juice as snacks.
    We also recommend that you read the article Discharge day on cabbage.

    Unloading day with beetroot: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^

    To consolidate the results of fasting days on beets, nutritionists recommend the next day to consume protein foods( meat, dairy products, eggs, fish, etc.).In a day it should be alternated with carbohydrate food( porridge, vegetables, fruits) and so on. At the same time, it is not necessary to use beetroots these days, it can be replaced with less heavy vegetables.

    Reviews of the sugar beet unloading day for our regular readers:

    Irina, 33 years old:

    "I have long been practicing this one-day unloading. I like the amazing effect. For one procedure, you can easily part with 1.5 kilograms. "

    Tatiana, 41 year:

    "I love beetroot, so the diet is given to me very easily. The next day I just fly. "

    Marina, 28 years old:

    " I use similar procedures when I need to quickly get into my favorite old jeans. After beet unloading, centimeters simply melt. "

    Unloading with beets can be an effective means to cleanse your body. However, first it is necessary to undergo examination and talk with a doctor in order to minimize any possible harm to your own organism.