  • Unloading day for pregnant women

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    Read in article:
    • Unloading days during pregnancy: benefit or harm
    • Unloading days for pregnant women: the best recipes, menu
    • Unloading day for pregnancy: doctor's reviews, results

    Unloading days during pregnancy: menu for swelling

    Overweight duringpregnancy, as is known, repeatedly increases the load on the body, and can also cause pain in the legs and lower back, varicose veins and edema.

    Perhaps, those women who follow their menus and do not allow a significant excess of caloric intake of the diet are right. In this case, after the birth, all the kilograms gained will evaporate by themselves, and the figure will be the same as before pregnancy.

    Unloading days during pregnancy: benefit or harm ^

    Many gynecologists advise their patients to arrange once a week unloading, which will serve as a remarkable prevention of swelling and weight gain. To do this, it is better to choose one day of the week and eat the recommended foods. Do not expect a noticeable weight loss after a fasting day, but in this way you can lose 500 grams per month.

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    Rules for one-day unloading for pregnant women

    • One-day restraints can be imposed after 28 weeks, when the fetal organs are already formed and the lack of nutrients will not affect its development.
    • To eat should be small portions, and the whole daytime norm of products is better divided into 5-6 receptions.
    • Be sure to observe the drinking regime: during the day you need to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of clean water.
    • It is advisable to alternate the one-day menu so that the baby's body does not lack vitamins and trace elements.

    In any case, you should ask permission from your doctor, he will also advise the optimal foods of the diet.

    Indications and contraindications for unloading days during pregnancy

    There are situations when fasting days are appointed for medical purposes. These include:

    • edema;
    • is overweight;
    • too fast increase in kilograms;
    • gestosis of pregnant women;
    • hypertension.

    Contraindications are conditions where careful control over the caloric content of the diet is required, for example, in diabetes mellitus. It is better to give up a day of unloading if there are serious diseases of the digestive system, an allergy to any components, a chronic pathology of the internal organs or just a bad state of health.

    During pregnancy, it is better to choose light vegetable, sour-milk products, cereals for a one-day menu. Some women can not tolerate even a slight hunger, then we should stop on a combination of low-fat meat and vegetables, cottage cheese and berries, rice porridge and vegetables. This diet is limited to 1-1.5 thousand calories and does not allow you to feel hungry.

    We also recommend that you read the article Unloading days for weight loss: health benefits.

    Unloading days for pregnant women: the best recipes, the menu ^

    Unloading days for pregnant women: the best recipes, the menu

    During a light day, the body is perfectly cleansed of toxins, improves metabolism, resting digestive organs.

    Unloading day for pregnancy with edema

    The menu assumes the inclusion of products with a diuretic effect. To withdraw excess fluid from the body will help the following options:

    Cucumber unloading day. Prepare 1.2 kg of cucumbers and divide the number of cucumbers into 3 meals. From vegetables prepare salads with the addition of fresh herbs and a drop of vegetable oil. Also for a day it is allowed to drink 3 cups of kefir. The intake of vegetables and kefir should be alternated at regular intervals.
  • Watermelon Unloading Day. Watermelons are known for their diuretic effect and will be useful to women in the second half of pregnancy. For a day you can eat 1.5 kg of pulp of watermelon, without forgetting to use another liquid
  • Unloading day on rice with dried apricots. The rice does not let the hunger develop during the day, it takes out the liquid and cleans it of the slag. A glass of brown rice boil until ready and divided into several portions. In ready-made cereal, you can crumble a little dried apricots, apples, add grated carrots or sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon.
  • Well help to remove excess water cranberry and cowberry infusion, decoction of dogrose. Such unloading days for pregnant women in the third trimester, when there are swelling or dropsy, will be especially helpful.

    Unloading days for pregnant women to reduce weight

    Usually, with extra pounds, doctors are advised to give up sweets, flour and fatty, ready-made foods with preservatives, ketchup and mayonnaise.

    But some women complain that even proper nutrition does not lead to weight stabilization. For weight loss it is better to choose vegetable, curd, fruit "easy" days.

    Unloading day on apples during pregnancy

    Experts recommend choosing seasonal fruits that grow in the region, for example, apples. They are used fresh or baked, you can cook compote or sprinkle top with cinnamon.

    • For a day, eat 1.5 kilograms of fruit.

    Unloading day on buckwheat during pregnancy

    Buckwheat is one of the most useful for the body, because it contains many minerals and lysine - an amino acid that promotes better absorption of calcium. During the heat treatment of buckwheat, the majority of useful substances are retained.

    • For weight loss and body cleansing 250 grams of cereals are poured into a thermos bottle, 500 ml of boiling water are steamed. The thermos is wrapped in a towel and left until morning.
    • The buckwheat menu will help to diversify kefir of low fat content, the glass of which is consumed after eating porridge.
    • Another option - alternate buckwheat with apples.

    Unloading day on kefir during pregnancy

    With this product, you should be more careful of women who have chronic diseases of the digestive system.

    • If the stomach does not bother, then a day drink 1.5 liters of sour milk drink, and it is also allowed to eat 600 grams of cottage cheese.
    • Water for drinking is chosen without gas.

    Unloading day on curd during pregnancy

    • 600 - 700 grams of cottage cheese is filled with natural yogurt or kefir.
    • You can drink 2 cups of tea a day, the rest of the liquid is water.

    Unloading day on vegetables during pregnancy

    • Preference is given to courgettes, pumpkin, cabbage.
    • For a day eat a half kilogram of fresh or boiled vegetables without salt.
    • Season with vegetable oil or yoghurt.
    We also recommend that you read the article Unloading day on potatoes.

    Unloading day during pregnancy: doctors' reviews, results ^

    As doctors say, a one-day dietary restriction will not affect the child negatively, he will take the missing elements in the next days. To avoid malaise, you should take into account the reviews and recommendations of doctors on discharge days during pregnancy:

    • If there is gastritis, acidity, peptic ulcer, it is better to pick a cereal day for unloading.
    • Take care with the vegetable or fruit menu for intestinal disorders, bloating.
    • The results of unloading days for pregnant women should be fixed with the help of a well-organized menu on subsequent days. It is recommended to eat food as light food. Suitable for such a diet: porridge with an apple for breakfast, low-fat vegetable soup and chicken meat for lunch. So gradually you can switch to a healthy diet.

    Reviews of unloading days for pregnant women, sent to the editorial board by our regular readers:

    Lydia, 25 years old:

    "Here is my day of reloading - cottage cheese with milk. The effect is wonderful, but it is difficult to eat cottage cheese every 2 hours. But what can you do, it is necessary "

    Elena, 27 years old:

    " My doctor told me that you should not go hungry at all. It is better to eat right, but there is not much fruit. It's easy to gain weight from a lot of glucose. "

    Katerina, 30 years old:

    " I used kefir diet for discharge, I managed to lose 500 grams of weight per day "