  • Elkar for weight loss

    Read in article:
    • Is it possible to lose weight with Elkar
    • How to take Elkar for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications
    • Elkar for weight loss: reviews of doctors and weight loss, results of

    Elkar for weight loss: how much can you reset, the results of

    One of thethe best drugs for weight loss is Elkar: it speeds up the metabolism, so with it you can get rid of excess weight very quickly.

    Is it possible to lose weight with Elkar ^

    Elkar is a drug that athletes use very often in the process of gaining muscle mass and burning fat. You can take it and people who have nothing to do with sports, because the spectrum of its action is wide.

    The main properties of Elkar for weight loss are manifested in the following:

    • It stimulates metabolism and promotes rapid fat burning by increasing the body's production of L-carnitine;
    • It oxidizes fatty acids, resulting in the removal of toxins and slags.

    In addition, losing weight on Elkar allows you to increase efficiency and endurance during physical exertion, as well as to adjust the work of the digestive tract.

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    The drug Elkar for weight loss is made in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution for oral administration;ampoule for intravenous administration;chewable tablets. For the purpose of correction, it is best to buy a powder: it contains levocarnitine, citric acid monohydrate and other auxiliary substances.

    Elkar for weight loss: the pros and cons

    Elkar's use in losing weight has a number of positive aspects:

    • It does not cause habituation, and side effects appear only in rare cases: for example, with an overdose;
    • Its effect becomes noticeable in a few weeks: in a week the weight is reduced by about 2-4 kg;
    • Thanks to him you manage to lose weight gradually, without harming your health, which is important for the whole organism;
    • After the termination of reception the appetite normalizes, owing to what it turns out to avoid overeating or on the contrary - full loss of desire to eat even a light salad.

    To eliminate obesity, many doctors recommend taking Elkar, and weight loss can be achieved very quickly, but there are side effects:

    • Dyspepsia;
    • Gastralgia;
    • Myasthenia gravis in people with uremia;
    • Allergy.

    In order to avoid all this, it is necessary to follow the dosage with accuracy. If nevertheless one of the symptoms made itself felt, you need to start taking activated charcoal and do a gastric lavage - this will quickly get rid of side reactions.

    How to take Elkar for weight loss: recommended doses, prescriptions, contraindications ^

    Elkar for weight loss: dosage, rules for use

    Elkar for weight loss: Instruction for use

    Before starting reception, you need to calculate the daily rate of Elkar for weight loss: it varies from 30 to50 mg. If the weight is 70 kg, then you must multiply this figure by 40 mg - you will get 2800 mg. In one teaspoon contains 1500 mg of powder, therefore, for a day you need to consume 1.5 tsp, dividing this dose into two portions.

    Rules for taking the drug Elkar:

    • 30 minutes before breakfast, we raise a portion of the powder with water, drink. We do the same before lunch;
    • The general course of treatment should not exceed 1 month, but on the recommendation of a qualified doctor it can be extended.

    Compliance with the safe dosage of Elkar for weight loss, along with diet, will give the best effect, so during the course you need to eat low-calorie foods: sour-milk drinks, vegetables, berries, fruits, cereals, legumes, nuts, lean meat, fish of low-fat varieties.

    Indications for use Elkara

    Following the instructions, the drug is recommended for complex therapy in the following cases:

    • With great psycho-emotional and physical exertion;
    • During the rehabilitation period after surgery or illness;
    • With gastritis or pancreatitis of chronic form;
    • With hyperthyroidism, anorexia nervosa, carnitine deficiency.

    Contraindications for the use of Elkar

    In this case, the drug is prohibited to be taken only when there is an individual intolerance to its components. Before the start of the course, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist beforehand.

    We also recommend that you read the article of Yohimbin for weight loss.

    Elkar for weight loss: reviews of doctors and those who lose weight, the results ^

    The opinion of doctors about the need to receive Elkar is that it is best to take it when there is no possibility to withstand the diet on its own,the use of any medication is an extreme measure. Of course, the results of losing weight with the help of Elkar are good - for a month you can throw off up to 15 kg, while without it, such a figure drops to 10 kg - but if you manage to withstand the diet on your own, it is better to abandon it.

    Reviews on the application of Elkar for weight loss:

    Anna, 28 years old:

    "It was Elkar that helped me to cope with excess weight: on it I threw off 12 kg for a month. Now I look just as good as 10 years ago, besides, he did not give any side effects - this is his important plus "

    Tatyana, 35 years old:

    " On Elkar I threw off 15 kg per month, but before that I could not lose weightit turned out. I was on a diet, but once the weight loss stopped, and he stayed on the same mark for almost 3 weeks, until he began to drink the drug. I did not notice any side effect, except for the first time I ached with the stomach, but this is insignificant for me. "

    Irina, 43 years old:

    " I could not take 10 kg for a long time, and I was sitting on different diets. She stopped on proper nutrition and began to drink Elkar, and after a week the weight decreased by 3 kg, and in total excess weight went for 1.5 months. I am very satisfied with the result. Although I drank without the advice of a doctor, but the state of health did not worsen, and even vice versa: it became easier to work, concentration increased, chronic fatigue disappeared ยป