Sour-milk diet
Sour-milk diet: reviews and results of losing weight
Dieton sour-milk products has long been popular with many of the slimming: they are made to arrange unloading days, or eat them for a longer time.
Sour-milk diet for weight loss: essence, benefits and features ^
The essence of the sour-milk diet is the use of food, which improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract: in this way the body cleanses from harmful substances, and weight decreases and metabolism improves.
The use of a sour-milk diet is that all products allowed for consumption( kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, sour milk and yogurt) contain a large amount of protein and calcium - essential for health elements. In addition to excess weight, they successfully fight and with cosmetic problems of hair and skin, which is one of the advantages of this diet.
Advantages of a sour-milk diet:
- Nourishing menu: foods quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger;
- Rapid weight loss;
- There is no need to prepare meals from expensive ingredients;
- Doctors advise it to be used for thrush, pregnancy and infectious diseases of respiratory organs, tk.proteins contribute to an early cure.
The lack of a diet on sour milk doctors have not revealed, because it is often recommended even for those who suffer from gastritis or ulcer. Diabetics still need to consult a doctor before switching their food to protein products, becauseit often causes an increase in the level of sugar in the blood.
If we talk about caloric content, then, for example, the amount of calories in low-fat curd( 100 g) does not exceed 115 kcal, so you can eat a total of not more than 400 grams per day.
Diet on sour-milk products: eating rules, menu ^
Sour-milk diet: best recipes, slimming menu
Diet rules for sour-milk products:
- They should contain a minimum percentage of fat, but it is best to choose low-fat products;
- It is recommended to take food 3 times a day, trying to avoid even snacks;
- Also in the diet you can use fruits, vegetables, bread and a little honey;
- During the whole period it is necessary to drink plenty of water - up to 2 liters per day.
Sour-milk diet for 3 days
One of the most difficult ways to reduce weight is to consume only kefir and apples. Over a three-day period, you can lose up to 5 kilograms, but it is very difficult to sustain such a diet.
Menu for all 3 days:
- Breakfast yogurt( 200 g);
- We have a snack with a couple of unsweetened apples;
- For lunch - the same portion of yogurt;
- Lunch with apples( 2-3 pcs.);
- We have dinner with apples and yogurt( 200 g).
If there is a feeling of hunger - drink kefir.
Sour-milk diet for 2 weeks
This mode allows you to lose weight by 7-10 kilograms and is less rigid than the previous one. The diet includes fruits, vegetables and almost all types of sour-milk products.
Sample menu for 2 weeks
Breakfast is always the same: 70 grams of hard cheese, crackers( 2 pcs.), Tea or coffee without sugar.
First day:
- We have lunch with two apples and a serum( 100 g);
- We have dinner with cucumbers( 2 pcs.), Egg and cottage cheese( 100 g).
The second day:
- Lunch boiled chicken breast( 100 g) and cucumber( 2 pcs.);
- Supper with curd and yogurt without sugar( 100 grams).
The third day:
- For dinner we eat apple, orange and cheese 9100 g);
- We dine with two boiled eggs and a vegetable salad( 100 g).
Fourth day:
- We have lunch with vegetables and baked fish and two cucumbers;
- For dinner - boiled beef( 70 g), vinaigrette without potatoes and egg.
Fifth day:
- For lunch we eat cottage cheese( 150 g) and apple;
- Supper with tomato, lean ham( 100 g) and egg.
Sixth day:
- For lunch we eat 2 oranges, we drink serum 9100 g);
- For dinner - cottage cheese and yogurt( 100 grams each).
Seventh day:
- Lunch cucumber and boiled chicken fillet( 100 g);
- In the evening we eat cheese( 100 g) and 5 radish.
Diet on sour-milk products and fruits
Thanks to this diet regime for 3 days, you can reduce weight by 4 kilograms. All that is required for this is to eat fruit, drink fruit and kefir cocktails, and for lunch eat a plate of vegetable soup without meat.
Sample menu:
- For breakfast we drink a cocktail of yogurt mixed with grated apple and 1 tsp.honey( 200 g);
- We have lunch with vegetable soup, we drink a glass of whey;
- We snack any fruit mixed with sour cream;
- For dinner - low-fat cottage cheese( 100 g) and tea.
Diet on sour-milk products and vegetables
This diet is designed for a week, becausehere meat is allowed. For such a period of time, the weight decreases by 3-5 kilograms, and the diet itself is easily transferred.
Approximate menu for every day:
- We have breakfast with two toasts of black bread and half a cup of kefir;
- For dinner cook meat( 250 g), eat it with two tomatoes, drink with ryazhenka;
- We snack with sour cream, cucumber and two toasts;
- In the evening we eat green salad, cottage cheese( 100 g), we drink green tea.
Diet on sour-milk cocktails
For carrying out unloading days this mode fits best, becausecocktails practically do not contain calories, but, nevertheless, are nourishing. In a day you need to drink 1.5 liters of a drink.
Cocktail recipe with celery:
- Pour a little clean water into the container, throw 4 celery stalks;
- Fill all with a glass of kefir;
- Grind in a blender;
- The drink is ready, but it will have to be cooked every time;only fresh cocktail is allowed.
Diet on a sour-milk mushroom
For weight loss of 5 kg per month, it is recommended after eating to drink a glass of special kefir, prepared on the basis of a sour-milk mushroom, which is contained directly in it.
How to grow a sour-milk mushroom:
- In a clean jar we pour kefir at a level of 3-4 cm;
- Add milk on top;
- Leave the lid in the room for a day;
- The drink is ready!
Sour-and-vegetable diet
For 2 weeks, such a diet has all the chances to lose weight by 5-7 kilograms if you eat strictly sour cream, milk, fish and low-fat beef, as well as vegetables, cereals, pasta and fruits( except currants, gooseberries and cranberries).
Sample menu:
- Lunch a glass of milk and any fruit;
- We snack with vegetables;
- For lunch - pasta and a piece of fish;
- We snack with yogurt apple;Dinner with light vegetable salad.
Sour-milk diet for pregnant women
For those who, during the gestation period, gained a lot of weight, doctors often advise a protein diet on sour-milk food, the diet of which includes cereals, soups and meat, and lasts no more than two weeks.
Approximate daily menu:
- In the morning we are eating oatmeal, steak, steaming broth of wild rose( 200 g);
- We have a snack with apple and cottage cheese( 200 g);
- We have lunch with chicken soup, stewed vegetables and a piece of fish;
- We drink kefir for a mid-morning snack and eat a pear;
- Supper with an omelette;
- We drink ryazhenka before going to bed.
Sour-milk dairy with thrush
Doctors are advised to sit for a couple of weeks on a diet that includes sour-milk products, meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, buckwheat, brown rice and oatmeal to prevent the occurrence of thrush again or to alleviate its symptoms.
Approximate menu for every day:
- In the morning we eat 100 g of oatmeal and orange;
- Having a snack with an apple;
- We cook vegetable soup with chicken for lunch, we drink a glass of ryazhenka;
- We snack at any vegetables;
- We have dinner with rice porridge and kefir.
Sour-milk diet with antibiotic treatment
It is extremely important to adhere to proper nutrition during antibiotic intake, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. In this diet, you can include foods such as kefir, bifid, ryazhenka, cottage cheese and sour cream, as well as vegetables and fruits in any form, soups and lean meat.
Approximate menu for 2 weeks:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal or buckwheat porridge and a couple of apples;For a snack - tomato and cucumber;
- Lunch chicken soup and a piece of fish;We dine with salad and yogurt.
Sour-milk diet with rotavirus
To improve immunity in ARVI and the FLU should also observe a healthy diet, which includes eggs, cereals, broth of wild rose, fish cutlets, fruit and boiled vegetables.
Sample menu for 14 days:
- We have breakfast oatmeal or semolina porridge, eat a couple of oranges, drink kefir or fermented baked milk;
- We have a snack with fruit and a glass of kefir;
- We have dinner with a fish chop, soup, we drink broth of a dogrose;
- We are having supper with boiled vegetables( 100 g) and a slice of lean fish
Sour-milk diet for weight loss: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^
A large number of doctors consider a diet on sour-milk products a very effective way to reduce weight, which, moreover, is absolutely harmless to the body, if not adhere to it for more than 14 days. After losing weight, you can go to the normal diet, but you should avoid eating flour, sweet and fried products, so as not to gain lost pounds again.
The results of a sour-milk diet for weight loss are remarkable:
- Harmless weight loss;
- Strengthening of immunity.
Reviews about the sour-milk diet for losing weight of our regular readers are also very positive:
Alina, 27 years old:
"I periodically spend unloading days on one kefir, and I transfer them very easily. For one such day, the body weight is reduced by 1.5 kilograms - the result is completely satisfactory to me. "
Natalia, 30:
" When a child was sick with ARI, the doctor recommended a diet for him on sour-milk products for him. What can I say: if he used to lie with the temperature for more than two weeks, then thanks to such nutrition he recovered in just 10 days, although we always take the same medicines all the time. By the way, all the days the son did not starve, but he liked the menu very much. "
Irina, 37 years old:
" After I started using this diet with thrush, she began to disturb me much less often. This diet is not different from my usual, so I lived all 14 days without hunger and discomfort ยป